A Time to Sparkle
Miss Gay America 2013 Sally Sparkles
November 2012
On the afternoon of Oct 14th, 2012 I sent out a mass text to my friends and family asking them to start the prayers, and from all the emotional and elated messages I got that night after I was crowned I believe those prayers worked! I am now a steadfast believer in the power of prayer. I read somewhere that prayer works best when it’s done for someone else. I cannot believe that I am sitting here writing my first entry for the EXCELLENCE! I hope that it doesn’t go on too long because anyone who knows me and has seen some past male interview scores knows I often have a lot to say. Before seeing the video of my crowning I could barely remember any of it except for one thing…the big boom of applause and happiness that I heard from behind me from all of the contestants that I had been competing against all week. THAT MADE THAT EXPERIENCE ALL THAT I HAD EVER HOPED FOR AND MORE! Thank you to all 47 contestants that made my last year competing at Miss Gay America the best one ever! The smiling faces, camaraderie, and relationships we built in Ohio definitely made it one for the books, or at least my book!
I want to make a promise to all of America who is reading right now. I promise to take my time this year as Miss Gay America to do EVERYTHING IN MY POWER to make it an amazing year, not only for myself but for the Miss Gay America Pageant System. I promise to make every decision and choice with consideration of those involved. I promise to always hit the stage, or appearance in a way that exceeds your thoughts of what a Miss Gay America should be. I promise to all of you to be a Miss Gay America that everyone is proud of. I know from the start there will be hard times and rough roads, but I have pushed through those before and with the support of all of you around me I have faith that I can do it again and a million times over!
I am still in shock and amazement and wake up every morning to that wonderful headpiece shining at me and can’t believe someone hasn’t knocked on the door demanding it back! I’ve been smiling on the inside and outside all day, every day. No matter how much a person prepares themselves to be Miss Gay America, nothing can have you ready for the first week of being Miss Gay America! With all the well wishes and congratulatory messages I’ve gotten from everyone around the nation I have tried to take the time to personally thank each and every one of you. If I haven’t gotten to you yet please know you’re on my list.
I know that usually the first Excellence article after being crowned is used to thank everyone that helped you reach this point of success but I have decided to take another approach. I really feel that this victory is a victory for so many people besides just me. For every month that I write the Excellence I am going to single out one person, or group of people who have helped me over the past years to get to where I am right now. This way no one has to go reading down the list to see if their name appears. As many people say, ”it takes a village.” I want everyone in that village to get their time to sparkle! There is always enough sparkle to go around!
My very first thank you was a no brainer for me. I have to thank the person who stood by me all week long, and many weeks before, who held my hand before evening gown, who helped feed my dancers, who transferred money over to his checking account in case I didn’t have enough money to cover my dancers’ hotel rooms, who snored loudly , who bought me a ring as a back-up for gown, who understands me and my goals as I’ve competed in this pageant and who has given of himself selflessly to be my dresser…George Tagle!
George, this road has been so bumpy and you’ve always been a huge Sally Supporter. You’ve always sat on the other end of the phone and given me advice and tried to push me into being a better entertainer. You’ve always defended me to those who didn’t see my vision of who I was trying to be. You have been a rock, a friend, a confidante and so many things. Being crowned Miss Gay America would not have been the same without you there. I hope that you know that you are a wonderful person with a great heart and soul. Without you I don’t know if this would have been possible! I admire you so much for the person you are and how great a person that is! I love you so much and hope that you know you played a huge part in getting Miss Gay America 2013 to where she is now. You are one of those people that I wanted to win this crown for!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
I want to make a promise to all of America who is reading right now. I promise to take my time this year as Miss Gay America to do EVERYTHING IN MY POWER to make it an amazing year, not only for myself but for the Miss Gay America Pageant System. I promise to make every decision and choice with consideration of those involved. I promise to always hit the stage, or appearance in a way that exceeds your thoughts of what a Miss Gay America should be. I promise to all of you to be a Miss Gay America that everyone is proud of. I know from the start there will be hard times and rough roads, but I have pushed through those before and with the support of all of you around me I have faith that I can do it again and a million times over!
I am still in shock and amazement and wake up every morning to that wonderful headpiece shining at me and can’t believe someone hasn’t knocked on the door demanding it back! I’ve been smiling on the inside and outside all day, every day. No matter how much a person prepares themselves to be Miss Gay America, nothing can have you ready for the first week of being Miss Gay America! With all the well wishes and congratulatory messages I’ve gotten from everyone around the nation I have tried to take the time to personally thank each and every one of you. If I haven’t gotten to you yet please know you’re on my list.
I know that usually the first Excellence article after being crowned is used to thank everyone that helped you reach this point of success but I have decided to take another approach. I really feel that this victory is a victory for so many people besides just me. For every month that I write the Excellence I am going to single out one person, or group of people who have helped me over the past years to get to where I am right now. This way no one has to go reading down the list to see if their name appears. As many people say, ”it takes a village.” I want everyone in that village to get their time to sparkle! There is always enough sparkle to go around!
My very first thank you was a no brainer for me. I have to thank the person who stood by me all week long, and many weeks before, who held my hand before evening gown, who helped feed my dancers, who transferred money over to his checking account in case I didn’t have enough money to cover my dancers’ hotel rooms, who snored loudly , who bought me a ring as a back-up for gown, who understands me and my goals as I’ve competed in this pageant and who has given of himself selflessly to be my dresser…George Tagle!
George, this road has been so bumpy and you’ve always been a huge Sally Supporter. You’ve always sat on the other end of the phone and given me advice and tried to push me into being a better entertainer. You’ve always defended me to those who didn’t see my vision of who I was trying to be. You have been a rock, a friend, a confidante and so many things. Being crowned Miss Gay America would not have been the same without you there. I hope that you know that you are a wonderful person with a great heart and soul. Without you I don’t know if this would have been possible! I admire you so much for the person you are and how great a person that is! I love you so much and hope that you know you played a huge part in getting Miss Gay America 2013 to where she is now. You are one of those people that I wanted to win this crown for!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
December 2012
I was sitting outside with my best friend Jen on her porch one night. We work together and were picking out costumes for our dance teams and I spotted a shooting star. Quickly I said, “A shooting star, hurry make a wish!” Then without thinking about it I wished to be Miss Gay America and realized…HOLY SMOKES I AM MISS GAY AMERICA SO NOW, I NEED A NEW WISH! Slowly but surely I am realizing that I won Miss Gay America. While regular life has started again, I have had to implement a lot more Facebook time and email returning! I’ve dedicated many evenings to finding songs to learn the words to, gowns to have made, and costume pieces to use for performances. Winter has turned into my season of preparation! Gotten quite busy gathering all the things that I need in order to have a successful reign!
I have gotten quite a few inquiries for my new promotional headshots. I got them done a week after I got home. I was fortunate enough to have the amazing celebrity photographer Ashley Kelly take the time out to do my pictures. My friend Gizelle Bevon Ashton volunteered his time and skills and then drove with me and offered amazing assistance. He was a great help and let me borrow some fabulous hair that I think everyone will enjoy seeing on my head. I almost burst into tears about 3 or 4 times realizing I was at my photo shoot for my OFFICIAL HEADSHOTS! 5 hours later, 3 hairstyles, and 6 dress changes we had 150 proofs to choose from. L&T and I narrowed them down to a top 12 and hopefully the first one will be published by the time this article is posted. If they aren’t please know they are on their way. I am sure they would have been ready sooner but I was a little overzealous with the colored hair spray and so my forehead got a bit too dark. Poor Ashley has been busy with her amazing Photoshop skills and I am just as anxious as everyone else to see them!
This month I was fortunate to have the pleasure of traveling to Monroe, Louisiana and being hosted by Club Pink in my first official booking as Miss Gay America 2013. Club Pink had reached out to me after I won and invited me to come perform whenever I was available. I figured the weekend after Thanksgiving would be great because I would be off of work already for the holiday. So I shot them a message and they agreed to bring me in! I was super excited for this because my dear friend Miss Gay Louisiana 2012 Dextaci lives in Monroe and I knew we would have a good time. So after Thanksgiving dinner with the parents and my family in my hometown I trucked back to Dallas, packed my bags and Saturday afternoon started my drive to Monroe. It’s about four and a half hours by car and I forget that and always think it’s about three hours. As you can imagine the last hour and a half I get rather anxious. When I finally pulled up in front of Dextaci’s house I was welcomed by all a whole group of her family members and friends, including her nephew Milton who is 5 years old, her nephew Jordan who is 7, and her niece Alyssa who is 9. They were all holding my old headshots and yelled,”Sally Sparkles!” as I walked up! I could not stop smiling because I thought this was adorable! A great fanfare for little ole me driving up in my CR-V! Wonderful Dextaci and his great love for the America system and Miss Gay America made my welcoming a heart-warming one.
That night Dex and his best friend Trent, who I refer to as Trently because I like the way it sounds, treated me to a huge thing of shrimp fajitas at Chili Verde. I had commented on the amount of camouflage clothing in the restaurant and they started to tell me about the TV show Duck Dynasty. I have never seen the show but after having heard about it and driving past the building and taking a picture, I am definitely going to have to check it out. After dinner we checked into the hotel and proceeded to get ready to enjoy the nightlife Monroe has to offer. My friend TJ Maple drove in from Nacogdoches (about a three hour car ride) to join us and have a grand ole time as well. I met A LOT OF PEOPLE and had a LOT OF FUN that finished with us going to Wal-Mart and purchasing late night snacks! I love Wal-Mart at night. I am a night owl and always do my grocery shopping at Wal-Mart around 2am. We also received a show in the parking lot because I guess the trend is to dance in front of your headlights of your car with the music blaring! I’m all for people dancing at any time so I quite enjoyed the self- expression, albeit odd in the Wal-Mart parking lot late on a Saturday night, but to each their own!
The next night came and we had gotten all prettied up for our show. After having a slight reality check in the car on the way there that this was my debut’ as Miss Gay America we were sitting backstage at Club Pink with our music turned in and the line-up posted. A quick thank you to Trently for bringing all my bags into the dressing room. He refused to let me carry anything. He’s been such a big Sally supporter and I adore him! Dominique Delorean had graciously driven up from New Orleans and I was blessed to have such a great friend and America sister be there for this moment. Gown zipped, corset cinched and it was time for me to get my crown on. I squatted down and Dextaci and Trently took out the bobby pins and as I placed it on my head I stopped and took a deep breath because tears were about to start streaming down my face. I took another deep breath and almost had it on my head again and had to stop. The magnitude of this moment was hitting me and the emotions were overflowing. So with a 3rd deep breath I lined up the Symbol of Excellence of the crown with my nose and let the pinning begin! 1 minute later I stood up and there I was…Miss Gay America. Even as I write this my eyes get misty. As I took the stage for my first number I took a shallow breath, because a deep one wouldn’t happen with my corset so tight, and I enjoyed every word of my song and enjoyed the smiling faces beaming back at me! I stood there with tears about to spill out of my eyes and a huge smile on my face because I was so happy to be there right in that moment singing the words, “dreams do come true” and being so happy to show those people that those words are true.
We finished the night with Dex and I performing the duet When You Believe by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey . Another great moment! Standing on that stage next to such a good friend while he was wearing his state crown knowing that he had worked for and wanted it so badly and then feeling the Miss Gay America crown on my head that I had worked for and wanted so badly, I felt so blessed to be living my dream and having someone stand there who was living his! Having Dex’s mother, Momma Deb, sitting in the front with a huge proud smile on her face for both me and her son made it all that much better! I LOVE LOVE LOVE MOMMA DEB!
The night was quite an emotional night for me and it was that much better having met so many amazingly great people who greeted me so warmly in Monroe. Dextaci, Trent, Momma Deb, David Green, Tommy and all the staff at Club Pink, I am forever in your debt for giving me such an amazing time and wonderful memory. Words can’t express how grateful I am to you.
I am now home, unpacking to pack up again because coming up is my Daddy-Daughter Retreat in Nashville, TN with L&T. I’m actually looking forward to getting the in’s and outs of being Miss Gay America. Learning all the tricks of the trade and really being prepared to carry out this year as flawlessly as I can. It’s the start of quite a few airplane rides I will be taking this year and with only a month and half having gone by since I was crowned I am ready and roaring to go! I’m thankful that I have such a full life and that every night I lay down to sleep I do so with a full heart and a smile.
This month I want to take the time to give thanks to the Team Sparkles dancers . Not only the ones who came and performed with me this year but for all those that traveled the years before. My dancers have always been friends of mine, and if they weren’t at first, they sure as heck were when we left for the Miss Gay America pageant hoping to strut our stuff. My dancers have never gotten rehearsal pay, they were never paid for their performances, and all I ever offered and could afford was a round trip plane ticket and a bed to sleep in while at MGA! I promised them to only use about ten minutes of their time performing on stage and it would be like a vacation for them! I know that all of you gave tirelessly to help me with this cause. From rehearsals every week (sometimes twice a week), to giving up a weekend or two, to traveling across the country in matching jackets and t-shirts, to keeping injuries and issues away from me so as to not deter my focus, all just to help share the stage with me for a goal I had put my whole heart into! You guys believed in me and helped me see this dream come true and because of that I can’t thank you enough! I am truly blessed to have such amazing friends as you all have been to me. I couldn’t be happier then to have shared that stage on this journey with each and every one of you!
Sunni, Andrea, J.D, Robert (Shut up and Drive Talent MGA 2009)
Robert, Conner, Rebecca, and Holly (Work/Business Talent MGA 2010)
Robert, J.D., Rebecca, and Holly (Star Talent, MGA 2011)
J.D. Che, Meghan, and Ashley (This Woman’s Work MGA 2012)
J.D. , Robert, Ashley, and Latane ( WINNING MAGIC TALENT MGA 2013)
I may have only been able to afford an economy class ticket for each of you to come help me in this endeavor, but you guys are first class in every sense of the word! Thank you for sharing your gifts with me, thank you for being my friends, and thank you for all you have done for me. Not in a millions years can I begin to pay you back! You all are at the top of the list of people that I wanted to win this crown for!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
I have gotten quite a few inquiries for my new promotional headshots. I got them done a week after I got home. I was fortunate enough to have the amazing celebrity photographer Ashley Kelly take the time out to do my pictures. My friend Gizelle Bevon Ashton volunteered his time and skills and then drove with me and offered amazing assistance. He was a great help and let me borrow some fabulous hair that I think everyone will enjoy seeing on my head. I almost burst into tears about 3 or 4 times realizing I was at my photo shoot for my OFFICIAL HEADSHOTS! 5 hours later, 3 hairstyles, and 6 dress changes we had 150 proofs to choose from. L&T and I narrowed them down to a top 12 and hopefully the first one will be published by the time this article is posted. If they aren’t please know they are on their way. I am sure they would have been ready sooner but I was a little overzealous with the colored hair spray and so my forehead got a bit too dark. Poor Ashley has been busy with her amazing Photoshop skills and I am just as anxious as everyone else to see them!
This month I was fortunate to have the pleasure of traveling to Monroe, Louisiana and being hosted by Club Pink in my first official booking as Miss Gay America 2013. Club Pink had reached out to me after I won and invited me to come perform whenever I was available. I figured the weekend after Thanksgiving would be great because I would be off of work already for the holiday. So I shot them a message and they agreed to bring me in! I was super excited for this because my dear friend Miss Gay Louisiana 2012 Dextaci lives in Monroe and I knew we would have a good time. So after Thanksgiving dinner with the parents and my family in my hometown I trucked back to Dallas, packed my bags and Saturday afternoon started my drive to Monroe. It’s about four and a half hours by car and I forget that and always think it’s about three hours. As you can imagine the last hour and a half I get rather anxious. When I finally pulled up in front of Dextaci’s house I was welcomed by all a whole group of her family members and friends, including her nephew Milton who is 5 years old, her nephew Jordan who is 7, and her niece Alyssa who is 9. They were all holding my old headshots and yelled,”Sally Sparkles!” as I walked up! I could not stop smiling because I thought this was adorable! A great fanfare for little ole me driving up in my CR-V! Wonderful Dextaci and his great love for the America system and Miss Gay America made my welcoming a heart-warming one.
That night Dex and his best friend Trent, who I refer to as Trently because I like the way it sounds, treated me to a huge thing of shrimp fajitas at Chili Verde. I had commented on the amount of camouflage clothing in the restaurant and they started to tell me about the TV show Duck Dynasty. I have never seen the show but after having heard about it and driving past the building and taking a picture, I am definitely going to have to check it out. After dinner we checked into the hotel and proceeded to get ready to enjoy the nightlife Monroe has to offer. My friend TJ Maple drove in from Nacogdoches (about a three hour car ride) to join us and have a grand ole time as well. I met A LOT OF PEOPLE and had a LOT OF FUN that finished with us going to Wal-Mart and purchasing late night snacks! I love Wal-Mart at night. I am a night owl and always do my grocery shopping at Wal-Mart around 2am. We also received a show in the parking lot because I guess the trend is to dance in front of your headlights of your car with the music blaring! I’m all for people dancing at any time so I quite enjoyed the self- expression, albeit odd in the Wal-Mart parking lot late on a Saturday night, but to each their own!
The next night came and we had gotten all prettied up for our show. After having a slight reality check in the car on the way there that this was my debut’ as Miss Gay America we were sitting backstage at Club Pink with our music turned in and the line-up posted. A quick thank you to Trently for bringing all my bags into the dressing room. He refused to let me carry anything. He’s been such a big Sally supporter and I adore him! Dominique Delorean had graciously driven up from New Orleans and I was blessed to have such a great friend and America sister be there for this moment. Gown zipped, corset cinched and it was time for me to get my crown on. I squatted down and Dextaci and Trently took out the bobby pins and as I placed it on my head I stopped and took a deep breath because tears were about to start streaming down my face. I took another deep breath and almost had it on my head again and had to stop. The magnitude of this moment was hitting me and the emotions were overflowing. So with a 3rd deep breath I lined up the Symbol of Excellence of the crown with my nose and let the pinning begin! 1 minute later I stood up and there I was…Miss Gay America. Even as I write this my eyes get misty. As I took the stage for my first number I took a shallow breath, because a deep one wouldn’t happen with my corset so tight, and I enjoyed every word of my song and enjoyed the smiling faces beaming back at me! I stood there with tears about to spill out of my eyes and a huge smile on my face because I was so happy to be there right in that moment singing the words, “dreams do come true” and being so happy to show those people that those words are true.
We finished the night with Dex and I performing the duet When You Believe by Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey . Another great moment! Standing on that stage next to such a good friend while he was wearing his state crown knowing that he had worked for and wanted it so badly and then feeling the Miss Gay America crown on my head that I had worked for and wanted so badly, I felt so blessed to be living my dream and having someone stand there who was living his! Having Dex’s mother, Momma Deb, sitting in the front with a huge proud smile on her face for both me and her son made it all that much better! I LOVE LOVE LOVE MOMMA DEB!
The night was quite an emotional night for me and it was that much better having met so many amazingly great people who greeted me so warmly in Monroe. Dextaci, Trent, Momma Deb, David Green, Tommy and all the staff at Club Pink, I am forever in your debt for giving me such an amazing time and wonderful memory. Words can’t express how grateful I am to you.
I am now home, unpacking to pack up again because coming up is my Daddy-Daughter Retreat in Nashville, TN with L&T. I’m actually looking forward to getting the in’s and outs of being Miss Gay America. Learning all the tricks of the trade and really being prepared to carry out this year as flawlessly as I can. It’s the start of quite a few airplane rides I will be taking this year and with only a month and half having gone by since I was crowned I am ready and roaring to go! I’m thankful that I have such a full life and that every night I lay down to sleep I do so with a full heart and a smile.
This month I want to take the time to give thanks to the Team Sparkles dancers . Not only the ones who came and performed with me this year but for all those that traveled the years before. My dancers have always been friends of mine, and if they weren’t at first, they sure as heck were when we left for the Miss Gay America pageant hoping to strut our stuff. My dancers have never gotten rehearsal pay, they were never paid for their performances, and all I ever offered and could afford was a round trip plane ticket and a bed to sleep in while at MGA! I promised them to only use about ten minutes of their time performing on stage and it would be like a vacation for them! I know that all of you gave tirelessly to help me with this cause. From rehearsals every week (sometimes twice a week), to giving up a weekend or two, to traveling across the country in matching jackets and t-shirts, to keeping injuries and issues away from me so as to not deter my focus, all just to help share the stage with me for a goal I had put my whole heart into! You guys believed in me and helped me see this dream come true and because of that I can’t thank you enough! I am truly blessed to have such amazing friends as you all have been to me. I couldn’t be happier then to have shared that stage on this journey with each and every one of you!
Sunni, Andrea, J.D, Robert (Shut up and Drive Talent MGA 2009)
Robert, Conner, Rebecca, and Holly (Work/Business Talent MGA 2010)
Robert, J.D., Rebecca, and Holly (Star Talent, MGA 2011)
J.D. Che, Meghan, and Ashley (This Woman’s Work MGA 2012)
J.D. , Robert, Ashley, and Latane ( WINNING MAGIC TALENT MGA 2013)
I may have only been able to afford an economy class ticket for each of you to come help me in this endeavor, but you guys are first class in every sense of the word! Thank you for sharing your gifts with me, thank you for being my friends, and thank you for all you have done for me. Not in a millions years can I begin to pay you back! You all are at the top of the list of people that I wanted to win this crown for!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
January 2013
The month of December started with the infamous Daddy Daughter retreat, with myself and L&T. I will admit that beforehand I sat down and started to get nervous and anxious and started to work myself in a tizzy! What if L&T didn’t like me, what if I didn’t like L&T, what if I got bored while I was there, what if I say something inappropriate?! It felt to me like I was going to stay with my friend’s parents and my friend wasn’t going to be there. So while I was starting to freak out I realized I had someone I could call on, my big sis, Kirby Kolby! I adore Kirby and she has been great to me. I love that I can call on someone for help that I admire and love so much. She has definitely proved to be a valuable friend and MGA sister. I called her and she talked me off the ledge. She told me more what to expect when I got there and told me not to worry. She knew that I would be fine and it would be a great weekend, which in fact it was!
So then I took on the daunting task of packing as Miss Gay America! I would be performing four numbers at PLAY in Nashville which is also the sight of my give-up for Miss Mid America on March 17, 2013! Two suitcases full of Sally’s body, hair, costumes, shoes, and appropriate male attire for a weekend with L&T. I didn’t pack a suit and tie but I wanted to look appropriate. I had prepared for this weekend by reading through the promoter’s handbook and making notes of things I was unclear on. I also read through the information for people who want to become promoters and what it all entails. I felt ready administratively but was still stepping into the unknown, so I was a little apprehensive and nervous.
As I left the airport for Nashville I realized that carrying a large bag as a carry on, even if it is Betsey Johnson and was a gift from a good friend, it is not that fun! Juggling a bag on my arm and my crown case and searching for my boarding pass was not a fun time. I needed a rolling suitcase and so I now have one on order. Once in Nashville Larry picked me up and we drove to his house. I got a tour of his gorgeous home. I was sure to comment about 50 times on the rotating Christmas tree in the living room. He also has a big backyard and even has a creek! I got to choose my room first because Terry and his partner Chris had not arrived into town yet. Larry and I sat on the couch and talked and talked and talked. This was very surreal experience for me. I had always pictured what it would be like to hang out with L&T outside of a pageant. It was quite nice just sitting there as two people getting to know more and more about each other. Larry, his partner Chuck, and I headed out to an amazing restaurant called Ellendale’s where we met Terry and Chris who had just gotten into town. While there I was introduced to the owner who is a lovely lady and a wonderful chef! She actually came out the next night to PLAY and watched me perform. I can see why Chuck and Larry enjoy her company so much. We also were privileged enough to hear Chuck’s amazing musical talents on the piano and had a great meal.
The next day we started in on the schooling, and testing, and scenario “what-ifs” and hearing stories from past MGA experiences at preliminary pageants. I felt prepared and able to tackle anything they threw at me. This was the good stuff! That lasted for most of the afternoon and then it was time for me to start getting ready for my performance at PLAY.
I was standing there in the bathroom putting on eyeliner and realized I was standing in Larry’s bathroom getting ready for a performance over my daddy daughter weekend. It was a bit overwhelming but that wasn’t the best part. As we left and we walked into the bar I had L&T (and mostly Chris) carrying in my things! We were standing there talking before the show and I realized I had a mini entourage and that entourage was compiled of the owners of MISS GAY AMERICA! Talk about a humbling moment. PLAY was such an enjoyable experience. I got to meet former EOY Dee Ranged, who I absolutely fell in love with, and the other girls in the show were so nice to me and I had a blast back stage. FYI the Nashville girls LOVE THEIR COTI COLLINS! The show felt amazing and Jerry Peek surprised us and came out to watch! Jerry reminds me a lot of my father. I think it’s because of the moustache. But seeing him always makes me smile, and I find it so unbelievable that he was the original owner of Miss Gay America and here I am rubbing elbows with him. The night went fabulously and I had an amazing time standing on that stage and realizing I was an L&T girl!
The next day we woke up and attacked the handbook again and talked about my performances the night before. Larry and Terry have a great vision of what they think Miss Gay America should be and I so appreciate all that they do to make this pageant system an amazing one. They helped me see a lot of stuff about myself, and while this may sound silly to some of you, they made it okay for me to be proud to be Miss Gay America. They are two gentlemen that I have a feeling are going to make it hard for me to give up this title in October. I also feel like after the weekend, not only are they my bosses but they are people that I am happy to have as two new friends. I think the three of us united for the greater cause of the Miss Gay America pageant and it is going to make for a great year.
FYI, for those of you who do not know, Larry and Terry are regular people. I am sure many of you thought the same things as me. Larry and Terry appear so prim and proper and professional. I wonder if they ever burp, or trip over their feet, or get paper cuts. Let me tell you, YES THEY DO! One of the great things about this weekend was finding out that Terry is quite musical and loves to sing. I also have dubbed Terry and Chris as Bert and Ernie. There was a picture in the room they were staying in and I decided that they kind of look like them, although Terry has separate eyebrows, not just one. As for Larry, he never had a pen on him. There were about three different occasions that warranted his need of a pen. Each of those times I reached into my bag to hand him one. They are normal people outside of pageant stuff and I felt honored to be around them the whole weekend in a more relaxed manner.
I was in a private lesson with one of my favorite students, Emily. She is a Junior in high school and since I have been working with her she has pushed hard and has definitely worked to get better. I asked her what she asked Santa Claus for, and she said something electronic. Then she asked me. “What did you ask Santa Claus for?” and I had to think about it and I said, “ I’m Miss Gay America, I don’t need anything else!”
BRING ON THE HOLIDAYS! Christmas totally snuck up on me this year with my time being taken up by my regular job and MGA stuff. I looked at the calendar and realized Christmas was a week away. Some of my Christmas cards turned into New Year’s cards, but I did get all my Christmas shopping done. I was fortunate enough to have had my nine year old niece Darby and friend of the family Ali, come spend the weekend with me in Dallas. I got to take them all around the big city and we got to do lots of great Christmas activities and had a blast. It was a great weekend full of amazing memories and that turned into a great Christmas!
I hope that these holidays brought all of you great memories that you can cherish for years to come. I know I definitely did and while my family can on occasion get on my nerves there’s nothing like looking around and seeing all of them smiling and in good spirits, all because we are together and it is Christmas. It hasn’t been the easiest year for my family, so to come together and be happy was heart- warming. It’s a tradition that we watch the movie White Christmas before opening presents. We usually don’t get half way through the video but for some reason this year we got all the way from START TO FINISH! A Sharp family first!
Riding in on the wind of cold weather is the New Year. A new year full of expectations, hopes, dreams, and for me smiles. 2013 is the year of my reign and it is one I hope to make AMAZING. With the help of all of you it will definitely be possible. Hopefully it will be an amazing year not only for me but for you as well. I am excited to see what adventures and memories 2013 brings with it!
This month I would like to thank some special woman who have definitely influenced Sally’s persona, and mannerisms and have proven to be great role models, not only to me but to many people all over the state of Texas!
Real girl Miss Texas 1983 Dana Rogers Martin (she competed against Vanessa Williams at Miss America)
Real girl Miss Texas 2003 Sunni Cranfill (Also one of my back up dancers my first year at MGA)
Real girl Miss Texas 2008 Rebecca Robinson (who was Miss Texas the year I was Miss Gay Texas America)
Dana- Meeting the Miss Texas who had competed against Vanessa Williams made my jaw drop. Then imagine how I felt when we wound up meshing so well together. Now I cannot believe how much I love and adore you. You told me once,” Michael, you are so inspiring to me and an inspiration to everyone.” I was so impressed that I did something that inspired you. It got me thinking that if I could inspire someone as amazing as you then I could definitely help inspire others. Thank you for making me feel special and for all your support and friendship.
Sunni- You were there at Miss Gay America when I was Miss Gay Texas, we sat in my hotel room while I coped with not being part of the top 10 that year. I said, “Great, now I’m one of those Miss Gay Texas’ that didn’t make the top 10.” You said, “You can’t think of it like that.” I looked at you and realized YOU HAD BEEN IN MY SHOES BEFORE BUT ON A GREATER SCALE! You only got one chance to try to be Miss America. Having you there for that moment made me so happy because I truly had someone by my side who knew what I was feeling. That comfort was just what I needed. Thank you for realizing as we were walking out of the room that night that I had no wig on! You have been on this journey every year with me. You never missed a dress rehearsal, or event and your love and support means more to me than you will ever know! Thank You.
Rebecca- I love that we are friends. I love even more the fact that we were Miss Texas the same year! That makes up for anything bad that happened during my reign. The first year you came with me to Miss Gay America you had won Miss Congeniality at Miss America and you thanked me for letting you come be part of my talent. You said,” I had a lot of unresolved stuff from competing at Miss America and by coming to Miss Gay America I was able to let a lot of that go.” That made me so happy that I could do something for you because you have done so much for me! Thank you for being you and for loving me. Don’t forget, “REBECCA MESSED UP!”
You all have shown me the utmost support and have always rooted for me. It takes a true pageant girl to really understand that want, and desire, for someone who wants that’s crown for the right reasons. That support and love that you have constantly shown me means the world to me. It’s like having your favorite celebrity become your newest friend. Then that same celebrity wishing you only the best and supporting you in a huge endeavor. All three of you ladies have shown me poise, grace, eloquent speaking, and most importantly, being a beautiful person while still being funny, silly and real. You are a big contributing factor to how, Sally Sparkles - Miss Gay America 2013 conducts herself today. I know all of you would have made an amazing Miss America had you been given the chance. Because you weren’t given that chance I vow to you that every time I go out as Miss Gay America I am doing so with you in my heart. You three are three special people that I wanted to win this crown for and I know when you watch that video of me being crowned it will be just like you’re being crowned Miss America!
Hope you brought the new year in with a BIG BANG and that all your wishes come true in 2013. With that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
So then I took on the daunting task of packing as Miss Gay America! I would be performing four numbers at PLAY in Nashville which is also the sight of my give-up for Miss Mid America on March 17, 2013! Two suitcases full of Sally’s body, hair, costumes, shoes, and appropriate male attire for a weekend with L&T. I didn’t pack a suit and tie but I wanted to look appropriate. I had prepared for this weekend by reading through the promoter’s handbook and making notes of things I was unclear on. I also read through the information for people who want to become promoters and what it all entails. I felt ready administratively but was still stepping into the unknown, so I was a little apprehensive and nervous.
As I left the airport for Nashville I realized that carrying a large bag as a carry on, even if it is Betsey Johnson and was a gift from a good friend, it is not that fun! Juggling a bag on my arm and my crown case and searching for my boarding pass was not a fun time. I needed a rolling suitcase and so I now have one on order. Once in Nashville Larry picked me up and we drove to his house. I got a tour of his gorgeous home. I was sure to comment about 50 times on the rotating Christmas tree in the living room. He also has a big backyard and even has a creek! I got to choose my room first because Terry and his partner Chris had not arrived into town yet. Larry and I sat on the couch and talked and talked and talked. This was very surreal experience for me. I had always pictured what it would be like to hang out with L&T outside of a pageant. It was quite nice just sitting there as two people getting to know more and more about each other. Larry, his partner Chuck, and I headed out to an amazing restaurant called Ellendale’s where we met Terry and Chris who had just gotten into town. While there I was introduced to the owner who is a lovely lady and a wonderful chef! She actually came out the next night to PLAY and watched me perform. I can see why Chuck and Larry enjoy her company so much. We also were privileged enough to hear Chuck’s amazing musical talents on the piano and had a great meal.
The next day we started in on the schooling, and testing, and scenario “what-ifs” and hearing stories from past MGA experiences at preliminary pageants. I felt prepared and able to tackle anything they threw at me. This was the good stuff! That lasted for most of the afternoon and then it was time for me to start getting ready for my performance at PLAY.
I was standing there in the bathroom putting on eyeliner and realized I was standing in Larry’s bathroom getting ready for a performance over my daddy daughter weekend. It was a bit overwhelming but that wasn’t the best part. As we left and we walked into the bar I had L&T (and mostly Chris) carrying in my things! We were standing there talking before the show and I realized I had a mini entourage and that entourage was compiled of the owners of MISS GAY AMERICA! Talk about a humbling moment. PLAY was such an enjoyable experience. I got to meet former EOY Dee Ranged, who I absolutely fell in love with, and the other girls in the show were so nice to me and I had a blast back stage. FYI the Nashville girls LOVE THEIR COTI COLLINS! The show felt amazing and Jerry Peek surprised us and came out to watch! Jerry reminds me a lot of my father. I think it’s because of the moustache. But seeing him always makes me smile, and I find it so unbelievable that he was the original owner of Miss Gay America and here I am rubbing elbows with him. The night went fabulously and I had an amazing time standing on that stage and realizing I was an L&T girl!
The next day we woke up and attacked the handbook again and talked about my performances the night before. Larry and Terry have a great vision of what they think Miss Gay America should be and I so appreciate all that they do to make this pageant system an amazing one. They helped me see a lot of stuff about myself, and while this may sound silly to some of you, they made it okay for me to be proud to be Miss Gay America. They are two gentlemen that I have a feeling are going to make it hard for me to give up this title in October. I also feel like after the weekend, not only are they my bosses but they are people that I am happy to have as two new friends. I think the three of us united for the greater cause of the Miss Gay America pageant and it is going to make for a great year.
FYI, for those of you who do not know, Larry and Terry are regular people. I am sure many of you thought the same things as me. Larry and Terry appear so prim and proper and professional. I wonder if they ever burp, or trip over their feet, or get paper cuts. Let me tell you, YES THEY DO! One of the great things about this weekend was finding out that Terry is quite musical and loves to sing. I also have dubbed Terry and Chris as Bert and Ernie. There was a picture in the room they were staying in and I decided that they kind of look like them, although Terry has separate eyebrows, not just one. As for Larry, he never had a pen on him. There were about three different occasions that warranted his need of a pen. Each of those times I reached into my bag to hand him one. They are normal people outside of pageant stuff and I felt honored to be around them the whole weekend in a more relaxed manner.
I was in a private lesson with one of my favorite students, Emily. She is a Junior in high school and since I have been working with her she has pushed hard and has definitely worked to get better. I asked her what she asked Santa Claus for, and she said something electronic. Then she asked me. “What did you ask Santa Claus for?” and I had to think about it and I said, “ I’m Miss Gay America, I don’t need anything else!”
BRING ON THE HOLIDAYS! Christmas totally snuck up on me this year with my time being taken up by my regular job and MGA stuff. I looked at the calendar and realized Christmas was a week away. Some of my Christmas cards turned into New Year’s cards, but I did get all my Christmas shopping done. I was fortunate enough to have had my nine year old niece Darby and friend of the family Ali, come spend the weekend with me in Dallas. I got to take them all around the big city and we got to do lots of great Christmas activities and had a blast. It was a great weekend full of amazing memories and that turned into a great Christmas!
I hope that these holidays brought all of you great memories that you can cherish for years to come. I know I definitely did and while my family can on occasion get on my nerves there’s nothing like looking around and seeing all of them smiling and in good spirits, all because we are together and it is Christmas. It hasn’t been the easiest year for my family, so to come together and be happy was heart- warming. It’s a tradition that we watch the movie White Christmas before opening presents. We usually don’t get half way through the video but for some reason this year we got all the way from START TO FINISH! A Sharp family first!
Riding in on the wind of cold weather is the New Year. A new year full of expectations, hopes, dreams, and for me smiles. 2013 is the year of my reign and it is one I hope to make AMAZING. With the help of all of you it will definitely be possible. Hopefully it will be an amazing year not only for me but for you as well. I am excited to see what adventures and memories 2013 brings with it!
This month I would like to thank some special woman who have definitely influenced Sally’s persona, and mannerisms and have proven to be great role models, not only to me but to many people all over the state of Texas!
Real girl Miss Texas 1983 Dana Rogers Martin (she competed against Vanessa Williams at Miss America)
Real girl Miss Texas 2003 Sunni Cranfill (Also one of my back up dancers my first year at MGA)
Real girl Miss Texas 2008 Rebecca Robinson (who was Miss Texas the year I was Miss Gay Texas America)
Dana- Meeting the Miss Texas who had competed against Vanessa Williams made my jaw drop. Then imagine how I felt when we wound up meshing so well together. Now I cannot believe how much I love and adore you. You told me once,” Michael, you are so inspiring to me and an inspiration to everyone.” I was so impressed that I did something that inspired you. It got me thinking that if I could inspire someone as amazing as you then I could definitely help inspire others. Thank you for making me feel special and for all your support and friendship.
Sunni- You were there at Miss Gay America when I was Miss Gay Texas, we sat in my hotel room while I coped with not being part of the top 10 that year. I said, “Great, now I’m one of those Miss Gay Texas’ that didn’t make the top 10.” You said, “You can’t think of it like that.” I looked at you and realized YOU HAD BEEN IN MY SHOES BEFORE BUT ON A GREATER SCALE! You only got one chance to try to be Miss America. Having you there for that moment made me so happy because I truly had someone by my side who knew what I was feeling. That comfort was just what I needed. Thank you for realizing as we were walking out of the room that night that I had no wig on! You have been on this journey every year with me. You never missed a dress rehearsal, or event and your love and support means more to me than you will ever know! Thank You.
Rebecca- I love that we are friends. I love even more the fact that we were Miss Texas the same year! That makes up for anything bad that happened during my reign. The first year you came with me to Miss Gay America you had won Miss Congeniality at Miss America and you thanked me for letting you come be part of my talent. You said,” I had a lot of unresolved stuff from competing at Miss America and by coming to Miss Gay America I was able to let a lot of that go.” That made me so happy that I could do something for you because you have done so much for me! Thank you for being you and for loving me. Don’t forget, “REBECCA MESSED UP!”
You all have shown me the utmost support and have always rooted for me. It takes a true pageant girl to really understand that want, and desire, for someone who wants that’s crown for the right reasons. That support and love that you have constantly shown me means the world to me. It’s like having your favorite celebrity become your newest friend. Then that same celebrity wishing you only the best and supporting you in a huge endeavor. All three of you ladies have shown me poise, grace, eloquent speaking, and most importantly, being a beautiful person while still being funny, silly and real. You are a big contributing factor to how, Sally Sparkles - Miss Gay America 2013 conducts herself today. I know all of you would have made an amazing Miss America had you been given the chance. Because you weren’t given that chance I vow to you that every time I go out as Miss Gay America I am doing so with you in my heart. You three are three special people that I wanted to win this crown for and I know when you watch that video of me being crowned it will be just like you’re being crowned Miss America!
Hope you brought the new year in with a BIG BANG and that all your wishes come true in 2013. With that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
February 2013
January has been a jam packed month and I have barely been able to catch my breath. I don’t mean because of Miss Gay America business but because of my regular job. I am a dance teacher at Next Step Dance in Frisco,TX and I am assistant director for the Next Step Drill Company, which consists of 4 competitive dance teams, separated by grade level that compete at drill team competitions. For those of you around the country who are not familiar with what a drill team is (most likely those people not from the south) we are not a color guard who twirls flags and rifles, we are not a military team, and we are not a step team, we are a precision style dance team. If you google or youtube the Kilgore College Rangerettes you can see what a drill team does because they were the originators of it all. Our competition season starts at the end of January and finishes at the beginning of March, meaning that almost every Saturday in the month of February I am with my teams at competition. We have been preparing for these competitions since August and just like with a pageant when it is almost time to compete there is still a list of things to get taken care of.
I realized that if competition season for drill teams is upon us then in no time flat we are going to be heading into the 2014 pageant season! I was sitting here thinking about how exciting it is going to be at Miss Mid America where I am not only going to be giving up the title of Miss Mid America 2012 but also where I will be debuting at my first regional pageant as Miss Gay America 2013. I was on the phone with Terry of L&T and I told him, ”I can’t help it but I’m nervous! I know I can do the performing part, and I know I can do the administrative part, it’s doing them both at the same time that makes me kind of anxious!”
Over the past few months I have been answering hypothetical questions that L&T have sent me. These questions have consisted of possible scenarios of incidents that could happen at a preliminary pageant, and how would I handle them as Miss Gay America. While I feel like I have prepared myself and have spent plenty of money and effort on trying to increase my wardrobe for my preliminary pageant season I can’t help but wonder If I will be good at it or just mediocre. Will I excel at my first pageant as MGA or will I get a whole slew of e-mails and texts about how horrible I did. The only thing I can do is breath, keep myself calm and continue preparing myself. I am human just like everyone else. I get scared, I second guess myself, I worry about the opinions of others, I worry about the opinion of myself. Miss Gay America is a public figure, one subject to ridicule and harsh judgement. While I am confident and comfortable in myself I still can’t help being a tiny bit worried.
Probably one of the biggest things that has helped me prepare myself to be Miss Gay America is trying to act like Miss Gay America before actually being crowned. I remember L&T saying,” Before winning Miss Gay America you have to BE Miss Gay America.” So for the past 5 years I’ve tried to look the part, act the part, and BE the part of Miss Gay America. I know that so many people understand the concept but not as many people put that into practicum. I know this because as I check my facebook every day I see so many negative posts of people ranting and raving about particular people or groups of people and I think to myself, if I did that as Miss Gay America, I would definitely lose the respect of other’s out there and L&T’s phone would be blowing up. Recently I bought a poster with a quote that I think sums it up perfectly and I believe this quote will be my mantra throughout the year. It says, “Always wear your invisible crown.”
L&T have told me many times that it is all about an image and with the Miss Gay America pageant system I believe we all strive to make a positive impact and show a positive image. Future contestants and contenders of the America system, please know that what you do now as a person and entertainer can affect you later on down the line, not only as far as your reputation as a competitor but also as someone who wants to one day be a Miss Gay America. I realized after I was crowned and was walking back up to my room in the hotel that while I had that crown on I had an image to uphold. All the sarcastic remarks I kept making as Sally needed to be tapered down because in that crown I was held to a higher standard. As any city, state, and regional titleholder I believe the same to be true for you. Please know that you could be making an impact on someone’s life. Even on the smallest scale you are a role model, and the world is never full enough of positive role models.
So I have had one AMAZING thing happen this month. I was checking my facebook messages, as I always do, and received a message from MGA 1996 Kerri Nichols. She asked if I had heard a certain song that had just come out. She told me she had heard it and thought of me. I thought this was so sweet of her and then the realization hit me that a former Miss Gay America had thought of ME when hearing a song! She thought of me so much that she messaged me to let me know about it! It was very humbling to have that happen to me, little old Michael Sharp from Copperas Cove, TX. So of course I looked it up on itunes and bought it and got teary eyed listening to the words. I messaged Kerri back and told her I loved the song and would be sure to perform it and every time I did I would think of her.
And so with the first month of this new year coming to a close I have 2 special people to thank for helping me get to be Miss Gay America 2013. These 2 gentlemen reside in St. Louis, Missouri . They saw me for the first time while I was competing at Miss Gay America as Miss Gay Texas. I like to call them my UN-Lucky charms - Monty and John. These 2 gentleman have been huge Sally supporters and have given of themselves monetarily and emotionally plenty of times. They came and saw my give up as Miss Gay Texas. They also came and watched me compete at Miss Mid America my first time when I placed 2nd alternate. They watched me place 1st alternate at Miss Gay Heart of America and place 2nd alternate at Miss Gay Mid-East. They also saw me place 3rd alternate TWICE at Miss Gay America. They have NEVER SEEN ME CROWNED ANYTHING! Seems like every time they were around in the audience my placements were not that hot! So that is why they are my UN-lucky charms but a GOD SEND either way! They have helped me out with hotel rooms, travel expenses, and they have always offered way more help than I was willing to let them give! I always felt bad that their girl never turned out to be a winner! WELL FELLAS! I DID IT!! From the bottom of my heart I thank you both for believing in me so much over these years! You both played a big part in helping me finally see my dream come true of becoming Miss Gay America! Also, thank you for not being able to make it to Miss Gay America this past year, if you had been there who knows what I would have placed! (partially kidding) Even though neither of you got to see that crown placed on my head, I hope you know that without your help, love and support it NEVER would have happened. You guys are two people that I wanted to win this crown for! THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER!
With only about a month and half until the search for Miss Gay America 2014 starts I hope everyone is loving those around them and with Valentine’s day just around the corner please know I am open and willing to receive as many giant sized Teddy Bears from Wal-Mart as you are willing to send! With that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
I realized that if competition season for drill teams is upon us then in no time flat we are going to be heading into the 2014 pageant season! I was sitting here thinking about how exciting it is going to be at Miss Mid America where I am not only going to be giving up the title of Miss Mid America 2012 but also where I will be debuting at my first regional pageant as Miss Gay America 2013. I was on the phone with Terry of L&T and I told him, ”I can’t help it but I’m nervous! I know I can do the performing part, and I know I can do the administrative part, it’s doing them both at the same time that makes me kind of anxious!”
Over the past few months I have been answering hypothetical questions that L&T have sent me. These questions have consisted of possible scenarios of incidents that could happen at a preliminary pageant, and how would I handle them as Miss Gay America. While I feel like I have prepared myself and have spent plenty of money and effort on trying to increase my wardrobe for my preliminary pageant season I can’t help but wonder If I will be good at it or just mediocre. Will I excel at my first pageant as MGA or will I get a whole slew of e-mails and texts about how horrible I did. The only thing I can do is breath, keep myself calm and continue preparing myself. I am human just like everyone else. I get scared, I second guess myself, I worry about the opinions of others, I worry about the opinion of myself. Miss Gay America is a public figure, one subject to ridicule and harsh judgement. While I am confident and comfortable in myself I still can’t help being a tiny bit worried.
Probably one of the biggest things that has helped me prepare myself to be Miss Gay America is trying to act like Miss Gay America before actually being crowned. I remember L&T saying,” Before winning Miss Gay America you have to BE Miss Gay America.” So for the past 5 years I’ve tried to look the part, act the part, and BE the part of Miss Gay America. I know that so many people understand the concept but not as many people put that into practicum. I know this because as I check my facebook every day I see so many negative posts of people ranting and raving about particular people or groups of people and I think to myself, if I did that as Miss Gay America, I would definitely lose the respect of other’s out there and L&T’s phone would be blowing up. Recently I bought a poster with a quote that I think sums it up perfectly and I believe this quote will be my mantra throughout the year. It says, “Always wear your invisible crown.”
L&T have told me many times that it is all about an image and with the Miss Gay America pageant system I believe we all strive to make a positive impact and show a positive image. Future contestants and contenders of the America system, please know that what you do now as a person and entertainer can affect you later on down the line, not only as far as your reputation as a competitor but also as someone who wants to one day be a Miss Gay America. I realized after I was crowned and was walking back up to my room in the hotel that while I had that crown on I had an image to uphold. All the sarcastic remarks I kept making as Sally needed to be tapered down because in that crown I was held to a higher standard. As any city, state, and regional titleholder I believe the same to be true for you. Please know that you could be making an impact on someone’s life. Even on the smallest scale you are a role model, and the world is never full enough of positive role models.
So I have had one AMAZING thing happen this month. I was checking my facebook messages, as I always do, and received a message from MGA 1996 Kerri Nichols. She asked if I had heard a certain song that had just come out. She told me she had heard it and thought of me. I thought this was so sweet of her and then the realization hit me that a former Miss Gay America had thought of ME when hearing a song! She thought of me so much that she messaged me to let me know about it! It was very humbling to have that happen to me, little old Michael Sharp from Copperas Cove, TX. So of course I looked it up on itunes and bought it and got teary eyed listening to the words. I messaged Kerri back and told her I loved the song and would be sure to perform it and every time I did I would think of her.
And so with the first month of this new year coming to a close I have 2 special people to thank for helping me get to be Miss Gay America 2013. These 2 gentlemen reside in St. Louis, Missouri . They saw me for the first time while I was competing at Miss Gay America as Miss Gay Texas. I like to call them my UN-Lucky charms - Monty and John. These 2 gentleman have been huge Sally supporters and have given of themselves monetarily and emotionally plenty of times. They came and saw my give up as Miss Gay Texas. They also came and watched me compete at Miss Mid America my first time when I placed 2nd alternate. They watched me place 1st alternate at Miss Gay Heart of America and place 2nd alternate at Miss Gay Mid-East. They also saw me place 3rd alternate TWICE at Miss Gay America. They have NEVER SEEN ME CROWNED ANYTHING! Seems like every time they were around in the audience my placements were not that hot! So that is why they are my UN-lucky charms but a GOD SEND either way! They have helped me out with hotel rooms, travel expenses, and they have always offered way more help than I was willing to let them give! I always felt bad that their girl never turned out to be a winner! WELL FELLAS! I DID IT!! From the bottom of my heart I thank you both for believing in me so much over these years! You both played a big part in helping me finally see my dream come true of becoming Miss Gay America! Also, thank you for not being able to make it to Miss Gay America this past year, if you had been there who knows what I would have placed! (partially kidding) Even though neither of you got to see that crown placed on my head, I hope you know that without your help, love and support it NEVER would have happened. You guys are two people that I wanted to win this crown for! THANK YOU A MILLION TIMES OVER!
With only about a month and half until the search for Miss Gay America 2014 starts I hope everyone is loving those around them and with Valentine’s day just around the corner please know I am open and willing to receive as many giant sized Teddy Bears from Wal-Mart as you are willing to send! With that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
March 2013
Back in 2006, I walked into Illusions Night Club, in Dallas, TX , all dressed up and ready to compete at the Miss Gay Dallas America pageant. This was my first official preliminary pageant ever. I was wide eyed and nervous. At the end of the night after competing against 2 other people I walked away victorious and that was the start of Sally Sparkles and the America system. This year I walked into the Miss Gay Dallas America pageant, a short 7 years later as Miss Gay America and while I was a little less wide eyed and a lot less nervous I looked back on my journey to get this point. I thought of all the people who supported me through the years, the friends I have made, the clothes and shoes I have collected, the critiques I have been given, the judges whose voices still ring in my ears, the audiences who have applauded, the performances I have done, the self doubt that has run through my head, the disappointments I have had to endure, and the victories I have been so blessed to receive. All of those memories ran through my head. It was almost like graduation, that moment when you realize how far you have come.
It was amazing to take the stage at the Round Up Saloon where I have competed so many times before and realize that I have reached the highest point in the America system possible. Here I was performing for a crowd in my great state of Texas, as the nation’s Symbol of Excellence. Kind of weird because I still feel like I am the same person even though so many things have changed. I held my head high and was proud to be Miss Gay America 2013. I could see in all of my friends’ and fans’ eyes that they were proud of me as well. It was an emotional moment for sure, as has been every moment I have had wearing the MGA crown. I really felt as if I had made a complete circle and had finally come into my own. I felt something a little different inside of me which I cannot quite explain just yet, but I definitely felt like I was Miss Gay America!
I was lucky enough to have Tasha Kohl and Charity Case there to share these moments with. Everyone knows Tasha Kohl and Charity Case. Those 2 names are very well known and respected in not only the Miss Gay America system but also in the art of female impersonation in general. They are 2 of the 4 girls who have been, what we call in Texas, triple crowned. The other one being Valeria Lohr. They, like myself, have been crowned Miss Dallas, Miss Texas, and Miss Gay America. To have my name uttered in the same breath as those amazing and loved entertainers is very humbling to me. It makes me really appreciate all that has happened to me and all that I have accomplished. Thank you Trisha Davis Productions for letting me be a part of this pageant that started me on this amazing journey. Thank you to everyone who came out to support myself and the America system, and thank you to all my America sister’s and performers who showed me nothing but respect and support while I was at Miss Gay Dallas. It was an AMAZING night that I will never forget.
I know the people I work with have to be tired of me coming into the studio and telling them I have amazing news. I can’t help it! I have started to communicate with promoters so as to set up my travels for my state and regional preliminary pageants and I seem to be getting cool news both left and right.
Larry has told me for Miss Mid America they have a surprise back drop for me for my “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” theme.
Friday, March 15th is Pat McCooter’s birthday. It also happens to be the day I will be staying the night in Memphis on my way to Mid America. So I get to celebrate a dear friend’s birthday with him.
I found out that while I’m in D.C. for the Miss Gay D.C. pageant the CHERRY BLOSSOMS WILL BE IN BLOOM!
I found out I might get to ride in a Gay Pride parade this summer, which I have always wanted to do.
I was put in touch with Nick Ray who has set up an amazing appearance for me with the One N Ten organization while I am in Arizona for Western States in April. I am getting to talk to a group of middle school, high school, and college kids about my journey to Miss Gay America, and hopefully let them all know that by being yourself and striving for greatness you can make your dreams come true!
I have so many blessings and cannot help but feel happy and grateful to be alive. Being Miss Gay America in itself has made me smile every day, but all of these perks are definitely making my reign a great one so far.
The most amazing news of all has nothing to do with Miss Gay America but it does have to do with pageants. Now I know for many of y’all this is not big news, but I am a real girl pageant fan and the real girl Miss America pageant ranks at the top of my list of favorites. I always vowed I would go to the real girl Miss America pageant when I was Miss Gay America. Unfortunately, it was in January and I was coming off of our Christmas break and my wallet and schedule kept me from attending. I had come to terms with the fact that it could not and did not happen. So imagine my surprise when I saw an article about the Miss America organization moving the pageant back to its’ origins of Atlantic city and moving the date to sometime in September. I was floored and read and reread the article about 3 times to make sure it was real. This is really a mini miracle because how lucky am I that WHILE I AM MISS GAY AMERICA they are giving me a second chance to go to this pageant?! I am firm believer that everything happens for a reason and once again that philosophy proves its point.
As I gather costumes, gowns, wigs and shoes that are starting to make my drag den bulge, I think it is crazy how many airplanes I am going to be on this year. It is even crazier thinking how I am going to be able to pack for them. Whenever I start to pack for a show, or trip, I always wish I was 5’2 and weighed 120 lbs with a women’s size 5 shoe. I would totally be able to pack at least another 2 gowns and 3 pairs of shoes, but due to my father’s wonderful DNA I am 6ft and weigh a bit more than 120, with a women’s size 11 shoe. Maybe if I just travel wearing 3 gowns on the plane one over the other then I will save the promoters some money on baggage fees and I will have more room in my suitcase. On the other hand I cannot see it being very easy to navigate an airport with 3 sweeping gown trains gliding behind me, one on top of the other. It sure is a funny mental picture though.
With all of these great things happening to and around me, I realized how blessed I am not only to be Miss Gay America but also to have a job at a place that not only respects my artistic views, but also respects and loves me for the person I am. Next Step Performing Arts Center and all the staff, kids, and fellow teachers have been so supportive of me in my endeavor to become Miss Gay America. Before leaving for Miss Gay America I had a dress rehearsal at the studio and invited everyone to come preview my talent, see my new gown, and let me and my dancers have a test run before the big pageant. While I was getting all dolled up in the bathroom one of the owners, Michelle Stafford, was there and she helped set up tables and chairs, and organized the food on platters and cups for drinks. She is a friend, but she is also my boss, so it was amazing to know that I had the support of my workplace behind me. Rita, who is also an owner and Miss Barb who works in the office, have both been nothing but supportive of me and my quest to be Miss Gay America. I walk into work every day feeling like I am in the right place. I feel so bad for those people out there who are not fond of their workplace. I was in that situation just a few years ago and the decision to leave that place and change over to Next Step has been one of the best decisions of my life. The drive is a little bit farther but the feeling of content that I feel when walking into the Next Step dance studio is worth the price of gas. Thank you Next Step and all the people there. You allowed me to rehearse in the studio, you have allowed me to be an influence in kids’ lives, you allowed me to make a job out of a passion, and you have been supportive of Sally and Michael. You have never asked me to be anything but myself and by allowing me to do that I am eternally grateful. Next Step, this month I thank you, and not just because in the upcoming months I will be taking a lot of time off from the teaching, but because without you and your paychecks, and studio space, understanding and support I would not be where I am right now, as Miss Gay America 2013. I humbly stand before you and thank you with all of my heart. With that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
It was amazing to take the stage at the Round Up Saloon where I have competed so many times before and realize that I have reached the highest point in the America system possible. Here I was performing for a crowd in my great state of Texas, as the nation’s Symbol of Excellence. Kind of weird because I still feel like I am the same person even though so many things have changed. I held my head high and was proud to be Miss Gay America 2013. I could see in all of my friends’ and fans’ eyes that they were proud of me as well. It was an emotional moment for sure, as has been every moment I have had wearing the MGA crown. I really felt as if I had made a complete circle and had finally come into my own. I felt something a little different inside of me which I cannot quite explain just yet, but I definitely felt like I was Miss Gay America!
I was lucky enough to have Tasha Kohl and Charity Case there to share these moments with. Everyone knows Tasha Kohl and Charity Case. Those 2 names are very well known and respected in not only the Miss Gay America system but also in the art of female impersonation in general. They are 2 of the 4 girls who have been, what we call in Texas, triple crowned. The other one being Valeria Lohr. They, like myself, have been crowned Miss Dallas, Miss Texas, and Miss Gay America. To have my name uttered in the same breath as those amazing and loved entertainers is very humbling to me. It makes me really appreciate all that has happened to me and all that I have accomplished. Thank you Trisha Davis Productions for letting me be a part of this pageant that started me on this amazing journey. Thank you to everyone who came out to support myself and the America system, and thank you to all my America sister’s and performers who showed me nothing but respect and support while I was at Miss Gay Dallas. It was an AMAZING night that I will never forget.
I know the people I work with have to be tired of me coming into the studio and telling them I have amazing news. I can’t help it! I have started to communicate with promoters so as to set up my travels for my state and regional preliminary pageants and I seem to be getting cool news both left and right.
Larry has told me for Miss Mid America they have a surprise back drop for me for my “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” theme.
Friday, March 15th is Pat McCooter’s birthday. It also happens to be the day I will be staying the night in Memphis on my way to Mid America. So I get to celebrate a dear friend’s birthday with him.
I found out that while I’m in D.C. for the Miss Gay D.C. pageant the CHERRY BLOSSOMS WILL BE IN BLOOM!
I found out I might get to ride in a Gay Pride parade this summer, which I have always wanted to do.
I was put in touch with Nick Ray who has set up an amazing appearance for me with the One N Ten organization while I am in Arizona for Western States in April. I am getting to talk to a group of middle school, high school, and college kids about my journey to Miss Gay America, and hopefully let them all know that by being yourself and striving for greatness you can make your dreams come true!
I have so many blessings and cannot help but feel happy and grateful to be alive. Being Miss Gay America in itself has made me smile every day, but all of these perks are definitely making my reign a great one so far.
The most amazing news of all has nothing to do with Miss Gay America but it does have to do with pageants. Now I know for many of y’all this is not big news, but I am a real girl pageant fan and the real girl Miss America pageant ranks at the top of my list of favorites. I always vowed I would go to the real girl Miss America pageant when I was Miss Gay America. Unfortunately, it was in January and I was coming off of our Christmas break and my wallet and schedule kept me from attending. I had come to terms with the fact that it could not and did not happen. So imagine my surprise when I saw an article about the Miss America organization moving the pageant back to its’ origins of Atlantic city and moving the date to sometime in September. I was floored and read and reread the article about 3 times to make sure it was real. This is really a mini miracle because how lucky am I that WHILE I AM MISS GAY AMERICA they are giving me a second chance to go to this pageant?! I am firm believer that everything happens for a reason and once again that philosophy proves its point.
As I gather costumes, gowns, wigs and shoes that are starting to make my drag den bulge, I think it is crazy how many airplanes I am going to be on this year. It is even crazier thinking how I am going to be able to pack for them. Whenever I start to pack for a show, or trip, I always wish I was 5’2 and weighed 120 lbs with a women’s size 5 shoe. I would totally be able to pack at least another 2 gowns and 3 pairs of shoes, but due to my father’s wonderful DNA I am 6ft and weigh a bit more than 120, with a women’s size 11 shoe. Maybe if I just travel wearing 3 gowns on the plane one over the other then I will save the promoters some money on baggage fees and I will have more room in my suitcase. On the other hand I cannot see it being very easy to navigate an airport with 3 sweeping gown trains gliding behind me, one on top of the other. It sure is a funny mental picture though.
With all of these great things happening to and around me, I realized how blessed I am not only to be Miss Gay America but also to have a job at a place that not only respects my artistic views, but also respects and loves me for the person I am. Next Step Performing Arts Center and all the staff, kids, and fellow teachers have been so supportive of me in my endeavor to become Miss Gay America. Before leaving for Miss Gay America I had a dress rehearsal at the studio and invited everyone to come preview my talent, see my new gown, and let me and my dancers have a test run before the big pageant. While I was getting all dolled up in the bathroom one of the owners, Michelle Stafford, was there and she helped set up tables and chairs, and organized the food on platters and cups for drinks. She is a friend, but she is also my boss, so it was amazing to know that I had the support of my workplace behind me. Rita, who is also an owner and Miss Barb who works in the office, have both been nothing but supportive of me and my quest to be Miss Gay America. I walk into work every day feeling like I am in the right place. I feel so bad for those people out there who are not fond of their workplace. I was in that situation just a few years ago and the decision to leave that place and change over to Next Step has been one of the best decisions of my life. The drive is a little bit farther but the feeling of content that I feel when walking into the Next Step dance studio is worth the price of gas. Thank you Next Step and all the people there. You allowed me to rehearse in the studio, you have allowed me to be an influence in kids’ lives, you allowed me to make a job out of a passion, and you have been supportive of Sally and Michael. You have never asked me to be anything but myself and by allowing me to do that I am eternally grateful. Next Step, this month I thank you, and not just because in the upcoming months I will be taking a lot of time off from the teaching, but because without you and your paychecks, and studio space, understanding and support I would not be where I am right now, as Miss Gay America 2013. I humbly stand before you and thank you with all of my heart. With that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
April 2013
The search for Miss Gay America 2014 has started and with that I now have two regional preliminary pageants under my belt and with each day that passes I feel more and more like Miss Gay America.
Miss Mid America was held in Nashville, TN on March 17th at the club PLAY! I left on Thursday from Dallas in order to make a whole weekend of it. Well that and I did not want to stress about luggage weight. By driving the whole way I was able to throw everything I could possibly need into the back of my car. Along the way I stayed a night or 2 in Memphis, TN at Terry’s house and got to sleep in the Miss Gay America bed that is in his guest room. Well I did get to sleep in it after removing the 13 throw pillows that adorned it. Also while in Memphis I was able to meet up with Mike and Rodney, former owners of Miss Gay Heart of America, and I got to join the birthday celebration of Pat McCooter. We ate at a fabulous restaurant and were all treated to some amazing singing talents at a community theater production of “A Chorus Line.” Notice how I emphasized the singing and didn’t mention the dancing? There’s a reason.
I got to spend some good quality time with Terry of L&T Entertainment and I also got to wear out his DVD player by watching past videos of the Miss Gay America pageant. Each time it came to crowning it was weird to think that I now have in common this amazing accomplishment with so many people that I admire. Now as Miss Gay America 2013 I can call them sisters of mine, which is just unfathomable to me. So after some slumber party like activities with Terry in Memphis, which translates to lots of laughter and lots of talking, not braiding each other’s hair and painting each others toes, I was on my way to Miss Mid America in Nashville, TN. Well I guess I was so excited I forgot to notice the poor car in the driveway and I totally made a HUGE scratch on Chris Jarvis’s driver side passenger door. I felt horrible having to go back into the house to tell him I had left a pretty big mark on his door. Thank you for being understanding Chris and once again I AM SO EMBARRASSED AND APOLOGETIC! Luckily on the drive to Nashville I got in touch with my insurance and as of today the car should be fixed and pretty as ever.
On my way to Nashville, TN I realized I was having my first preliminary pageant in the very city where the Miss Gay America pageant had originated. It got me thinking of what that pageant must have been like and I thought of Norma Kristie (Norman Jones) who I had just seen on every pageant video that I had stayed up way too late watching at Terry’s. So I decided to reach out to Norman, introduce myself and kind of pay homage to the original MGA. I have never met Norman and had never spoken to him so when I called and he answered I actually got a little nervous. I went straight into Male Interview mode and had a very nice conversation and am glad that I called. I cannot wait to swing by club Discovery while I am in Arkansas for the Miss Gay Arkansas pageant and actually meet this man I have only seen in videos.
I finally arrived in Nashville a few hours later. While in Nashville we had a whole crew of us who stayed over at Larry and Chuck’s house. Larry and Chuck, Christina Davis-my super good friend, who made her way down from Ohio, Catia Lee Love- former Miss Gay America and Miss Mid America, George-my dresser and confidante, my mother who flew all the way in from Texas to be at my preliminary, and little ole me. Kirby Kolby was to join us the next day which put the MGA hotel (aka Larry and Chuck’s house) to a total of 8 people. We went to eat dinner at Ellendale’s the amazing restaurant that I had been to before when I was in Nashville. It was still just as lovely as it was when I was had visited in December and I can see why Chuck and Larry go there almost every week. The next day we got all business casual and proceeded to PLAY! to get the pageant activities started. Now I used to sit through contestant orientations and think about what it would be like when I was sitting on the other of the table and speaking to everyone. Well let me share with all of you…it was AMAZING and nerve wracking at the same time. It was weird to have some authority and to lead orientation as Miss Gay America but it was something I had prepared for, had wanted and finally felt ready for.
There were five great contestants that showed up to start the year off right. Jessica Jade, Suzy Wong, Venus Knight Adams, Sasha Leigh Chambers, and Mattie Madison all showed up prepared and ready to go. Thank you ladies for competing in the America system. Especially Mattie, it made me proud that a Texas girl was throwing her hat in the ring. After sitting and watching male interview and hanging out with all of you in the dressing room I feel closer to all of you and am so appreciative to you all for making Miss Mid America such a success. With Chad Johnson, Kirby Kolby, Julie Buhler, and Joe Heatherly judging the pageant, I did not envy them one bit. They did an amazing job of helping this pageant run smoothly and their scores surely made it an exciting pageant. At the end of night Suzy Wong walked away as Miss Mid America by only ONE POINT with Sasha Leigh Chambers as 1st alternate. Thank you contestants and judges for doing a great job!
My former Mid-America sisters were there and provided great entertainment, Thank you Tanisha Foxx, Victoria Parker, and Catia Lee Love . Also a big thank you to Kirby Kolby who took time between judging to entertain the masses as well! Christina Davis, you got those contestants right where they needed to be and made my night a lot less stressful, YOU’RE THE BEST! Special thanks also go out to the tabulators-Chris Jarvis and Sherry Funge. You guys were spot on it and your professionalism was great! Chuck-thank you for being there, your enthusiasm, and helping out. Rachel Wells MGA ‘79- I was ecstatic to see you in the audience, thank you for coming out and showing your love and support. Monty and Chris- Thank you for coming all the way from St. Louis just to support me and my reign. Jerry Peek-Thank you for letting us steal your husband and having him judge for us. It is always a pleasure to see you in the audience. Chloe Jacobs-So happy that your gorgeous mug was in the audience, you are a true friend and I loved catching up on my way back to Texas at the lovely and ever exclusive North Little Rock Burger King. George Tagle, your help in getting me together and being there meant a lot to me…THANK YOU! My mother, Linda Sharp, you are a true sport and after a weekend of MGA stuff and drag queens I know you were exhausted, but I appreciate you trying to learn everyone’s name and keeping them straight in your head. Thank you for coming to Nashville, not stressing me out and for loving me! LOVE YOU RIGHT BACK! L&T Entertainment- As this road continues I am so thankful that I have gotten closer and closer to both of you. Thank you for making my give up as Miss Mid America a great one. It was also nice to see out in the audience other promoters and former competitors at MGA. Over and over again the support shown throughout this system warms my heart. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the night a success.
So everyone has asked,” How was your first prelim?” So many things were going through my head the whole night. While it was also my Mid America farewell and having my mother in the audience, it was a bit emotional and Catia Lee Love was nice enough to point out how easy tears sprung to my eyes. I tell everyone I was as prepared as I could be, but I wasn’t ready. Now having gone through it and having the first one finished I look back on my shortcomings and am looking into myself to see what can make it easier. Self –assessment can be an amazing tool and I am ready for more pageants. BRING IT ON AMERICA!
Highlights of Miss Mid America 2013-
The AMAZING backdrop that fit the theme so well and set the mood amazingly. I have never had a backdrop made for me, and I get to KEEP IT! It will be Breakfast At Tiffany’s all year round in my apartment!
Doing my crowning song and having Catia Lee Love and Kirby Kolby standing there as my MGA sisters’ tipping me, along with having my mother getting to see it all.
Kirby Kolby standing by my dressing station and Christina asked her, ”When is judge’s roll call?” Kirby answered with, ”I don’t know I’m not in charge.” Then I realized, “ OMG THAT’S ME! I’M IN CHARGE!” Thanks for the subtly Kirby!
So I got home on Monday, taught some dance classes Tuesday, Wednesday I had a few private lessons for girls trying out for their drill teams the next day and then swung by the Miss Gay Highland Park America pageant here in Dallas, which is a city preliminary to Texas America. Wanted to say hello to my Texas sisters, check on Miss Texas Kara Dion and show my support a little, even though I was in sneakers and a hoodie cause I just came from work. So after unpacking to pack I was at the airport on my way to the Miss Gay DC pageant.
Anyone affiliated with the America system knows Cocker Productions (Robert York and Brian Alexander) and the Miss Gay DC pageant so I was excited to be a part of it for the first time. The thing that Miss Gay DC has that helps to set this pageant apart is community support. They have so many sponsors and people who help them out that when it comes pageant time it runs so smoothly. Mr. Roberto Yorkshire Yorkie Poo, which I have lovingly nicknamed him, also has an eye for detail and follows the real girl pageants so we had lots to talk about while I was there.
Come the morning of registration we had 3 contestants for Miss Gay DC. Blair Williams, Tatiyanna Voche’, and Lindsay Starr, 3 people I was already familiar with who had competed at MGA years prior. We also had an amazing judging panel, Tim Barnes (Felicia Powers), Daniel Eckstrom (Arizona and Western States Promoter), Antonio Edwards (former male national titleholder of quite a few systems) Allyn Rose (real girl Miss DC and former Miss Maryland USA! Got a little starstruck I will admit but I kept it together) and Kirby Kolby …AGAIN! Is she gonna be head judge at ALL of my preliminary pageants?! Totally Kidding, I love having my big sis there! She inspires me every time I see her and I love her sense of humor. Orientations went smoothly and male interviews were great. The best thing about male interview for me is I get to see people that I have formerly competed with and am able to hear their stories and get to know a little more about them. I feel differently towards them now that I am not running against them. In the first 2 preliminaries I have realized we have some good people with a lot of heart competing and it makes me proud.
I was a little apprehensive about the venue considering we did not get to get in it until 3:00. With the pageant starting at 6:00 I was worried for the contestants being prepared and having enough time myself. So after male interview I took a minute to find a Starbucks and then started getting ready. While waiting out in the front of the hotel at 4:30 in the afternoon all prettied up in my crown and sash, there was a lovely lady who walked out with her friends and they asked for pictures and complimented me and before they left she gave me 20 dollars and said that I deserved a drink! I told her I was liking the people in DC and she corrected me and told me she was from HOTLANTA! I wish we had a Miss Gay Georgia pageant, because if that is how those Georgia Peaches tip without me twirling around on stage I would love to see what they would tip if they were at a show. The venue was AMAZING and it was surreal being at a pageant that I have only seen in pictures. After seeing the interview scores I was ready to see these contestants fight for the crown! Fight they certainly did and the crown went home with Blair Williams and Tatiyanna Voche’ as 1stAlternate. Congrats ladies on earning your ticket to Miss Gay America this year and I am so happy that I was able to get to know each of the contestants better.
I also got to see SO many girls from MGA 2013 pageant! Selena West-Miss Gay Ohio, Stephanie Michaels-Miss Gay Maryland, Suzy Wong-Miss Mid America and Miss Gay Tennessee, Jazmen Diamond-Miss Gay Virginia, Araya Sparxx-Miss Gay Atlantic States. It was like a mini reunion. Since I never make it to the east coast it was nice to see all of them again. Wish I had more time to chit chat and play. Now with all of those America titleholders the audience definitely got a good show but then we add in the formers who were present and I think it took it over the top. Champagne Douglas- DC 90/91, Gigi Couture- DC 2001, Kristina Kelly-DC 2004, Ashley Banks-DC 2006, my MGA sisters Coti Collin-DC 2010, MGA 2011, Kirby Kolby-DC 2011, MGA 2012, and of course Chantel Reshae-DC 2012 who was passing along the title. You would think with all of these entertainers the pageant was 8 hours long, but surprisingly it went quickly and we even got done a little earlier than scheduled! I also got to banter with Chi Chi Ray Colby who was running backstage. She did an amazing job and I loved being able to hug her and talk for a hot minute! Jen Corey and Scott Swenson were there as tabulators and also helped to keep the pageant running along smoothly. Present and accounted for was Las Vegas Costuming Supplies the official jeweler of the Miss Gay America pageant. He had many great sparkly things to sell and a few gifts for me! Thank you Mark Martin! To all of the judges-Your critiques were so good for all of the contestants and you did a great job feeding off what they were feeling and adjusting your delivery in a way that would help them. You were a spot on judging panel and I know those contestants went away with some great points to ponder. Special thank you to Robert York for making sure I had an amazing time in DC. Your hospitality was great and I am so glad you did not cry from all the short jokes I made. I am happy to have had the time to strengthen a friendship with you. Be sure to tell Madison thank you for all the doggie kisses and for being my cuddle buddy for the weekend! Chantel Reshae, It was nice joking around and laughing and I hope you enjoyed sitting in the front seat of Robert York’s car for the weekend because my knees are paying for it now. I truly hope you had a great give up weekend! You looked great and performed amazingly and I am a little bit jealous because you got to be a DC girl and I didn’t.
Highlights of the Miss Gay DC 2013:
Getting to meet Allyn Rose, real girl Miss DC
Getting to see the sights of DC and stand in the spot where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous speech.
Bowling the night before the pageant, I may have come in dead last but it was a fun time.
Truly Fabu took me back to the hotel after the pageant and I got to sit in the front seat and we had a nice little chat. Thank you for that Truly!
Before I left for D.C. Andrew Blair Michaels wrote on the MGA facebook page: Sally my dear...DC will treat you like a QUEEN!
Andrew Blair Michaels, you were certainly correct!
For this month I have chosen a dear friend and Texas America sister to thank. She has dressed me at pageants, has supported me, helped me with my make-up, and has taught me a phrase that makes a lot of sense, ”It is in giving that we receive.” Before I won Miss Gay America she would always refer to me in her texts to me as MGA2B. I liked it, it was like an insider nickname from her and so after I won and she text me and called me MGA with the 2B missing I was a little sad until I realized I WAS MGA, the 2B was no longer needed! Richard Martin/Gizelle Bevon Ashton, Thank you so much for all of the support you’ve given me over the years. That year at MGA when I was Southern Elegance and we really got to know each other you helped me take my make up to another level by just telling me one word-INTENSIFY. Now every time I start to paint my face that word flashes in my head and I think of you. I also think about the chair thing which you still can’t remember. You’ve supported me and given your time and energy and never lost faith in me. While we have a little blemish in our history together I want you to know that all is forgiven. You being in my life has helped me grow, has given me a sense of sisterhood over the past few years and has made me try to be a better person. Your warm heart and generosity and silly sense of humor has made me thankful to have someone like you standing right beside me when I needed a friend, right behind me when I needed a push and right in front of me if I needed someone to lean on. You were someone who helped get Miss Gay America 2013 to the point she is now and because of that I thank you!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
Miss Mid America was held in Nashville, TN on March 17th at the club PLAY! I left on Thursday from Dallas in order to make a whole weekend of it. Well that and I did not want to stress about luggage weight. By driving the whole way I was able to throw everything I could possibly need into the back of my car. Along the way I stayed a night or 2 in Memphis, TN at Terry’s house and got to sleep in the Miss Gay America bed that is in his guest room. Well I did get to sleep in it after removing the 13 throw pillows that adorned it. Also while in Memphis I was able to meet up with Mike and Rodney, former owners of Miss Gay Heart of America, and I got to join the birthday celebration of Pat McCooter. We ate at a fabulous restaurant and were all treated to some amazing singing talents at a community theater production of “A Chorus Line.” Notice how I emphasized the singing and didn’t mention the dancing? There’s a reason.
I got to spend some good quality time with Terry of L&T Entertainment and I also got to wear out his DVD player by watching past videos of the Miss Gay America pageant. Each time it came to crowning it was weird to think that I now have in common this amazing accomplishment with so many people that I admire. Now as Miss Gay America 2013 I can call them sisters of mine, which is just unfathomable to me. So after some slumber party like activities with Terry in Memphis, which translates to lots of laughter and lots of talking, not braiding each other’s hair and painting each others toes, I was on my way to Miss Mid America in Nashville, TN. Well I guess I was so excited I forgot to notice the poor car in the driveway and I totally made a HUGE scratch on Chris Jarvis’s driver side passenger door. I felt horrible having to go back into the house to tell him I had left a pretty big mark on his door. Thank you for being understanding Chris and once again I AM SO EMBARRASSED AND APOLOGETIC! Luckily on the drive to Nashville I got in touch with my insurance and as of today the car should be fixed and pretty as ever.
On my way to Nashville, TN I realized I was having my first preliminary pageant in the very city where the Miss Gay America pageant had originated. It got me thinking of what that pageant must have been like and I thought of Norma Kristie (Norman Jones) who I had just seen on every pageant video that I had stayed up way too late watching at Terry’s. So I decided to reach out to Norman, introduce myself and kind of pay homage to the original MGA. I have never met Norman and had never spoken to him so when I called and he answered I actually got a little nervous. I went straight into Male Interview mode and had a very nice conversation and am glad that I called. I cannot wait to swing by club Discovery while I am in Arkansas for the Miss Gay Arkansas pageant and actually meet this man I have only seen in videos.
I finally arrived in Nashville a few hours later. While in Nashville we had a whole crew of us who stayed over at Larry and Chuck’s house. Larry and Chuck, Christina Davis-my super good friend, who made her way down from Ohio, Catia Lee Love- former Miss Gay America and Miss Mid America, George-my dresser and confidante, my mother who flew all the way in from Texas to be at my preliminary, and little ole me. Kirby Kolby was to join us the next day which put the MGA hotel (aka Larry and Chuck’s house) to a total of 8 people. We went to eat dinner at Ellendale’s the amazing restaurant that I had been to before when I was in Nashville. It was still just as lovely as it was when I was had visited in December and I can see why Chuck and Larry go there almost every week. The next day we got all business casual and proceeded to PLAY! to get the pageant activities started. Now I used to sit through contestant orientations and think about what it would be like when I was sitting on the other of the table and speaking to everyone. Well let me share with all of you…it was AMAZING and nerve wracking at the same time. It was weird to have some authority and to lead orientation as Miss Gay America but it was something I had prepared for, had wanted and finally felt ready for.
There were five great contestants that showed up to start the year off right. Jessica Jade, Suzy Wong, Venus Knight Adams, Sasha Leigh Chambers, and Mattie Madison all showed up prepared and ready to go. Thank you ladies for competing in the America system. Especially Mattie, it made me proud that a Texas girl was throwing her hat in the ring. After sitting and watching male interview and hanging out with all of you in the dressing room I feel closer to all of you and am so appreciative to you all for making Miss Mid America such a success. With Chad Johnson, Kirby Kolby, Julie Buhler, and Joe Heatherly judging the pageant, I did not envy them one bit. They did an amazing job of helping this pageant run smoothly and their scores surely made it an exciting pageant. At the end of night Suzy Wong walked away as Miss Mid America by only ONE POINT with Sasha Leigh Chambers as 1st alternate. Thank you contestants and judges for doing a great job!
My former Mid-America sisters were there and provided great entertainment, Thank you Tanisha Foxx, Victoria Parker, and Catia Lee Love . Also a big thank you to Kirby Kolby who took time between judging to entertain the masses as well! Christina Davis, you got those contestants right where they needed to be and made my night a lot less stressful, YOU’RE THE BEST! Special thanks also go out to the tabulators-Chris Jarvis and Sherry Funge. You guys were spot on it and your professionalism was great! Chuck-thank you for being there, your enthusiasm, and helping out. Rachel Wells MGA ‘79- I was ecstatic to see you in the audience, thank you for coming out and showing your love and support. Monty and Chris- Thank you for coming all the way from St. Louis just to support me and my reign. Jerry Peek-Thank you for letting us steal your husband and having him judge for us. It is always a pleasure to see you in the audience. Chloe Jacobs-So happy that your gorgeous mug was in the audience, you are a true friend and I loved catching up on my way back to Texas at the lovely and ever exclusive North Little Rock Burger King. George Tagle, your help in getting me together and being there meant a lot to me…THANK YOU! My mother, Linda Sharp, you are a true sport and after a weekend of MGA stuff and drag queens I know you were exhausted, but I appreciate you trying to learn everyone’s name and keeping them straight in your head. Thank you for coming to Nashville, not stressing me out and for loving me! LOVE YOU RIGHT BACK! L&T Entertainment- As this road continues I am so thankful that I have gotten closer and closer to both of you. Thank you for making my give up as Miss Mid America a great one. It was also nice to see out in the audience other promoters and former competitors at MGA. Over and over again the support shown throughout this system warms my heart. Thank you to everyone who helped to make the night a success.
So everyone has asked,” How was your first prelim?” So many things were going through my head the whole night. While it was also my Mid America farewell and having my mother in the audience, it was a bit emotional and Catia Lee Love was nice enough to point out how easy tears sprung to my eyes. I tell everyone I was as prepared as I could be, but I wasn’t ready. Now having gone through it and having the first one finished I look back on my shortcomings and am looking into myself to see what can make it easier. Self –assessment can be an amazing tool and I am ready for more pageants. BRING IT ON AMERICA!
Highlights of Miss Mid America 2013-
The AMAZING backdrop that fit the theme so well and set the mood amazingly. I have never had a backdrop made for me, and I get to KEEP IT! It will be Breakfast At Tiffany’s all year round in my apartment!
Doing my crowning song and having Catia Lee Love and Kirby Kolby standing there as my MGA sisters’ tipping me, along with having my mother getting to see it all.
Kirby Kolby standing by my dressing station and Christina asked her, ”When is judge’s roll call?” Kirby answered with, ”I don’t know I’m not in charge.” Then I realized, “ OMG THAT’S ME! I’M IN CHARGE!” Thanks for the subtly Kirby!
So I got home on Monday, taught some dance classes Tuesday, Wednesday I had a few private lessons for girls trying out for their drill teams the next day and then swung by the Miss Gay Highland Park America pageant here in Dallas, which is a city preliminary to Texas America. Wanted to say hello to my Texas sisters, check on Miss Texas Kara Dion and show my support a little, even though I was in sneakers and a hoodie cause I just came from work. So after unpacking to pack I was at the airport on my way to the Miss Gay DC pageant.
Anyone affiliated with the America system knows Cocker Productions (Robert York and Brian Alexander) and the Miss Gay DC pageant so I was excited to be a part of it for the first time. The thing that Miss Gay DC has that helps to set this pageant apart is community support. They have so many sponsors and people who help them out that when it comes pageant time it runs so smoothly. Mr. Roberto Yorkshire Yorkie Poo, which I have lovingly nicknamed him, also has an eye for detail and follows the real girl pageants so we had lots to talk about while I was there.
Come the morning of registration we had 3 contestants for Miss Gay DC. Blair Williams, Tatiyanna Voche’, and Lindsay Starr, 3 people I was already familiar with who had competed at MGA years prior. We also had an amazing judging panel, Tim Barnes (Felicia Powers), Daniel Eckstrom (Arizona and Western States Promoter), Antonio Edwards (former male national titleholder of quite a few systems) Allyn Rose (real girl Miss DC and former Miss Maryland USA! Got a little starstruck I will admit but I kept it together) and Kirby Kolby …AGAIN! Is she gonna be head judge at ALL of my preliminary pageants?! Totally Kidding, I love having my big sis there! She inspires me every time I see her and I love her sense of humor. Orientations went smoothly and male interviews were great. The best thing about male interview for me is I get to see people that I have formerly competed with and am able to hear their stories and get to know a little more about them. I feel differently towards them now that I am not running against them. In the first 2 preliminaries I have realized we have some good people with a lot of heart competing and it makes me proud.
I was a little apprehensive about the venue considering we did not get to get in it until 3:00. With the pageant starting at 6:00 I was worried for the contestants being prepared and having enough time myself. So after male interview I took a minute to find a Starbucks and then started getting ready. While waiting out in the front of the hotel at 4:30 in the afternoon all prettied up in my crown and sash, there was a lovely lady who walked out with her friends and they asked for pictures and complimented me and before they left she gave me 20 dollars and said that I deserved a drink! I told her I was liking the people in DC and she corrected me and told me she was from HOTLANTA! I wish we had a Miss Gay Georgia pageant, because if that is how those Georgia Peaches tip without me twirling around on stage I would love to see what they would tip if they were at a show. The venue was AMAZING and it was surreal being at a pageant that I have only seen in pictures. After seeing the interview scores I was ready to see these contestants fight for the crown! Fight they certainly did and the crown went home with Blair Williams and Tatiyanna Voche’ as 1stAlternate. Congrats ladies on earning your ticket to Miss Gay America this year and I am so happy that I was able to get to know each of the contestants better.
I also got to see SO many girls from MGA 2013 pageant! Selena West-Miss Gay Ohio, Stephanie Michaels-Miss Gay Maryland, Suzy Wong-Miss Mid America and Miss Gay Tennessee, Jazmen Diamond-Miss Gay Virginia, Araya Sparxx-Miss Gay Atlantic States. It was like a mini reunion. Since I never make it to the east coast it was nice to see all of them again. Wish I had more time to chit chat and play. Now with all of those America titleholders the audience definitely got a good show but then we add in the formers who were present and I think it took it over the top. Champagne Douglas- DC 90/91, Gigi Couture- DC 2001, Kristina Kelly-DC 2004, Ashley Banks-DC 2006, my MGA sisters Coti Collin-DC 2010, MGA 2011, Kirby Kolby-DC 2011, MGA 2012, and of course Chantel Reshae-DC 2012 who was passing along the title. You would think with all of these entertainers the pageant was 8 hours long, but surprisingly it went quickly and we even got done a little earlier than scheduled! I also got to banter with Chi Chi Ray Colby who was running backstage. She did an amazing job and I loved being able to hug her and talk for a hot minute! Jen Corey and Scott Swenson were there as tabulators and also helped to keep the pageant running along smoothly. Present and accounted for was Las Vegas Costuming Supplies the official jeweler of the Miss Gay America pageant. He had many great sparkly things to sell and a few gifts for me! Thank you Mark Martin! To all of the judges-Your critiques were so good for all of the contestants and you did a great job feeding off what they were feeling and adjusting your delivery in a way that would help them. You were a spot on judging panel and I know those contestants went away with some great points to ponder. Special thank you to Robert York for making sure I had an amazing time in DC. Your hospitality was great and I am so glad you did not cry from all the short jokes I made. I am happy to have had the time to strengthen a friendship with you. Be sure to tell Madison thank you for all the doggie kisses and for being my cuddle buddy for the weekend! Chantel Reshae, It was nice joking around and laughing and I hope you enjoyed sitting in the front seat of Robert York’s car for the weekend because my knees are paying for it now. I truly hope you had a great give up weekend! You looked great and performed amazingly and I am a little bit jealous because you got to be a DC girl and I didn’t.
Highlights of the Miss Gay DC 2013:
Getting to meet Allyn Rose, real girl Miss DC
Getting to see the sights of DC and stand in the spot where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous speech.
Bowling the night before the pageant, I may have come in dead last but it was a fun time.
Truly Fabu took me back to the hotel after the pageant and I got to sit in the front seat and we had a nice little chat. Thank you for that Truly!
Before I left for D.C. Andrew Blair Michaels wrote on the MGA facebook page: Sally my dear...DC will treat you like a QUEEN!
Andrew Blair Michaels, you were certainly correct!
For this month I have chosen a dear friend and Texas America sister to thank. She has dressed me at pageants, has supported me, helped me with my make-up, and has taught me a phrase that makes a lot of sense, ”It is in giving that we receive.” Before I won Miss Gay America she would always refer to me in her texts to me as MGA2B. I liked it, it was like an insider nickname from her and so after I won and she text me and called me MGA with the 2B missing I was a little sad until I realized I WAS MGA, the 2B was no longer needed! Richard Martin/Gizelle Bevon Ashton, Thank you so much for all of the support you’ve given me over the years. That year at MGA when I was Southern Elegance and we really got to know each other you helped me take my make up to another level by just telling me one word-INTENSIFY. Now every time I start to paint my face that word flashes in my head and I think of you. I also think about the chair thing which you still can’t remember. You’ve supported me and given your time and energy and never lost faith in me. While we have a little blemish in our history together I want you to know that all is forgiven. You being in my life has helped me grow, has given me a sense of sisterhood over the past few years and has made me try to be a better person. Your warm heart and generosity and silly sense of humor has made me thankful to have someone like you standing right beside me when I needed a friend, right behind me when I needed a push and right in front of me if I needed someone to lean on. You were someone who helped get Miss Gay America 2013 to the point she is now and because of that I thank you!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
May 2013
Well after an ease into pageant season with the month of March, April has been a whirlwind month of pageantry.
I started out with my first multi-day state pageant. The 40th anniversary of Miss Gay Missouri America in St. Louis. I was met at the airport by Jade Sinclair, and after a slight scare with my bags we left the airport, luggage in hand and headed straight to the venue. The venue was a church of sorts. They hold services there on Sundays but it is treated more as a community center. The stage was great and there was a spacious amount for the dressing rooms. With it being their 40thanniversary the Miss Gay Missouri Alumni Association had gone to great lengths to put on a great pageant and I believe that their efforts were fruitful! The contestants and staff were even greeted with a visit by Josh Wiese from the Mayor’s Office welcoming the MGMA pageant to St. Louis.
Having Charity Case, Steve Hurley, Loretta Martin, Steve Hurley and Krista Versace as our judges was AMAZING! They were the quickest and most “on it” panel I have had the pleasure to work with. I keep waiting at each pageant to see if any panel will be as fast as them. Our tabulators were the Chad Johnson, new Miss Gay Illinois promoter ,and Donna Crain, the wonderful unofficial MGA historian. It was greatness getting to know them both.
Jennicka Funn Fierz, Dakota Riviera, L’oreal, LaDreama Funn, Christa Collins, Heidi Banks, Trixie Larue, Ginger Nicole, Kitty Litter, Diva Coppafeel, Janessa Highland, Musica Malone, Adria Andrews, Nadia Louis and Victoria Kennedy all did a great job and they left me knowing that Missouri has a great deal of talent in it! Personally I would like to thank all of you contestants who helped to make my time in St Louis amazing, and a SUPER DUPER BIG THANK YOU for keeping that invisible crown on your head after awards! I appreciate that more than you know. The Missouri girls really pulled out all the stops, there was dancing, flag and rifle twirling, live singing, comedy and piano playing. There was not one talent that was like the other and these contestants were and are truly talented. I keep forgetting who was a veteran and who was a rookie because they were all so polished on stage and I was so highly impressed.
Another amazing thing about this pageant was not only the great venue but they had over 20 of their formers in attendance to include Dusty Michaels MGM 1977 and she was done up in drag. It really was a breath taking sight during the opening to see all of these ladies standing their together! Definitely a moment I will not forget. It was also a delight to get to know and talk to most of them as well. They were all very welcoming and hospitable and that really helped put me at ease. One of the things I will take away with me is the new found friendship that I made with Miss Gay Missouri 2012 Michelle McCausland. We hung out quite a bit and got ready in the same dressing room and I fell in love with her. Her wit, her heart, her passion all made me so happy to be there to see her in all her glory! She did a great job as Miss Gay Missouri America and also at keeping me smiling! You’re AMAZING, LADY!
As the pageant wrapped up and awards were being handed out there was a little bit of a mix up with announcements but it was all cleared up afterward and standing there on the stage with a crown on her head was Christa Collins. She had also gotten the Debut award since it was her first time at Miss Gay Missouri. That’s right folks, she repeated in Loretta Martin’s footsteps and won on her first try and while her main talent was dancing, her solo talent was live vocals, same as Loretta Martin. I got to know Christa a little bit during the week and we share a little bit of a bond because we are both dance teachers. She has a great presence and I just know she will do Missouri proud. First alternate was Adria Andrews who I have competed with before and I know she is a solid competitor that will surely shine at MGA 2014. I promised them both that it will be a great time at MGA 2014 and to come prepared.
Highlights of Miss Gay Missouri:
-Sitting backstage with Michelle McCausland and having Donna Crain tell stories of Noami Sims and Tasha Kohl and any other former you could think of.
-I got to stay in the PRESIDENTIAL SUITE AT THE HOTEL! IT WAS HUGE! I had 4 different bathrooms so I used a different one each night. I also unpacked my suitcases and laid everything out in the middle of the floor because there was so much room! THANK YOU MGM Alumni Association, the room was awesome! As was your pageant!
-I had an extra day in St Louis so I got to go to the Millenium Hotel with L&T and get an idea for my opening and all the festivities for MGA 2014. That night I got to stay with Monty and John who opened up their adorable studio apartment to me in downtown St Louis, and let me stay the night! It was great getting to actually sit down and chat and have dinner! THANK YOU GUYS!
-For my crowning song on Finals night I walked out and everyone was standing up. At first I wondered where they were all going and then I realized they were standing up for me because I was Miss Gay America, and then the tears started rolling! It’s moments like that that make me realize I really am Miss Gay America!
So after flying into Dallas, I taught one day at work and came straight home to pack to leave to Maryland the next day! I am feeling like a bit of a jet setter and I have become very familiar with the Dallas Lovefield Airport!
I arrived in Baltimore, Maryland to Roger Dimick and Marc Warren waiting for me. Thank you Marc for the ride. I had arrived early for the Miss Gay Maryland pageant so I could enjoy being in Baltimore for a day or so before all the craziness began. We started our day off by meeting Chuck Bowers, the owner of the infamous Hippo for lunch. He is a nice guy and had many pageant stories to share of past Miss Gay Americas. It was a nice start to the day. Afterwards Christina Davis took me to the Harbor and while I was really running on fumes from traveling I pushed through and we had a good time and went to the aquarium and had lunch and bought WAY too much fudge but had a good time. A highlight of the trip was we were able to visit and get a tour of the Hippodrome! Now for all of you real-girl pageant fans, you should know that the Hippodrome was where the real girl Miss USA pageant was held in 2005 and 2006. I got to actually sit in the top ten dressing room and stand on the actual stage where Chelsea Cooley and Tara Conner were crowned! I was in HOG HEAVEN! Thank you Jada Bee for giving us that tour, for lunch afterwards, and for the AMAZING SWAG BAGS! After that Christina took me for some adventures in Lexington Market. We also had a wayward adventure due to my MGA sister Sabrina White giving us directions to a tanning salon…FYI I think Sabrina made up this tanning salon because after a 10 minute bus ride and Christina and I walking around for another 20 minutes we still found no tanning salon! Thanks, Sabrina!
I stayed at Roger’s apartment which was literally about a 3 minute walk from the Hippo and I was really welcomed by everyone I came into contact with. It must be the Miss Gay America 2013 hoodie jacket that I wear when I travel. I keep hoping that the people at the airport ticket counter will ask me about it and upgrade me when they realize I am Gay Royalty! Still hasn’t happened yet though. Before coming to Maryland, Tatiyanna Voche’, who is the Miss Gay Maryland Pageant co-promoter and pageant director, had sent me each of the 9 contestants applications so I could get to know them a little bit better before actually meeting them in person. I took some notes on each of them and actually tried a little facebook stalking.
On Friday Sally came out to perform because Miss Josie had invited me to perform as a special guest for the Hippo’s New Faces contest. I had a blast and it was great to meet all of these up and coming queens and to actually be performing at the Hippo which I had only ever read about. Thank you Josie for welcoming me and allowing me to perform! I had a great time.
Roger had forewarned me that Maryland people can get emotional about the Miss Gay Maryland America pageant, which was totally fine with me. As many know I can get teary eyed easily when pageants are concerned and all of my newfound pageant sisters in Maryland are cut from that same mold. So much so that we deemed Sunday a NO-CRY day! Everyone who was affiliated with the pageant was amazing. The city promoters, the staff at the Hippo, contestants, and fans all were so wonderful that it made me proud to be part of such a supportive group of people.
Nine contestants were there to throw their hats in the ring. Charity Saude’, Ariyanna Myst, Jayden Elyse, Krystal Nova Blair, Araya Sparxx, Victoria Blair, Anastacia Amor, Eva Couture, and Jada Bee. Of all those girls I believe three of them were first timers to the Miss Gay Maryland pageant, but once again they were all quite polished so I couldn’t tell who the vets were! Kudos to you new girls! With Andora TeTee, Reba Lamkey, Mathew Flinchem, and Shannon DeLamore as judges they had their work cut out for them, and it was not an easy task. The tabulator was Miss Gay D.C. promoter Robert York . He made his way down from D.C. to Baltimore to help us out and I was happy to see him and to give him a big hug. On a side note, the low ceilings of the Hippo were a lot more conducive to his stature in height as opposed to my 6 ft 1in frame with platform heels and a crown jutting out of the top of my head.
In the end Araya Sparxx walked away as Miss Gay Maryland America 2013 with Anastacia Amor as her 1st alternate. While it is a contest with only one winner, the Maryland girls showed a lot of heart and I felt honored to have gotten to know each and every one of them. I have no doubt you will see a lot of good things coming from this bunch in the future! Tatiyana Voche did an AMAZING job as pageant director. His organizational skills and OCD for paper work was apparent. Thank you Tati, not only for the car ride when Christina and I were lost but for being there and doing what you do! Roger is a great promoter who makes sure that all of his contestants are able to put their best foot forward and he really is an asset to the Miss Gay America family. Thank you Roger for all you have done and for all that you do. Know that I am forever grateful and appreciate you, Pinata Man!
Highlights of the Miss Gay Maryland Pageant:
-Getting to enjoy some time with my MGA big sisters, Nicole Dubois and Sabrina White. Nicole emceed and as everyone knows she is hilarious on the mic! Forming a little bit of a stronger bond with both Nicole and Sabrina was DEFINITELY a highlight to this trip.
-Getting to spend a little time with all of the former Miss Gay Maryland’s that I have competed with over the years, Chi Chi Ray Colby, Tatiyanna Voche’, Sue Nami, and Onyx Revlon. Also I got to meet and sit next to Andora TeTee who I had only seen on videos and who I was SUPER EXCITED TO MEET!
-Coming to the realization that even though Maryland is NORTH they consider themselves southern because they are south of the Mason Dixon Line, and to try to convince them otherwise is a waste of energy!
-With Las Vegas Costuming Supplies there selling goodies I got a few extra sparkling things myself! Thank you Mark Martin. As always it was a pleasure seeing you there. FYI- a tulle cocktail dress is not the best thing to wear around a table full of rhinestone jewelry. I almost accidentally stole a necklace set and bracelet because it stuck to my dress.
So after a 6:15 am flight I arrived back in Dallas to do a few errands and then head to work. Coming home I got straight to it and started to get ready to head to Arizona for Miss Gay Western States.
Daniel Eckstrom picked me up at the airport and we were whisked away right to dinner with friends and sponsors of the Miss Gay Western States pageant. The next day I was so honored to get to speak to a group of youth from ages 14-24 at the OnenTen organization. I got a little emotional when I realized how amazing of an organization they are and all that they do to support our LGBT youth. I got to spend some time with those kids and take pictures, and sign headshots, and answer questions. My whole point to doing so was to show them that they can really become anything they want to be. I am just a little gay boy from a small town in Texas and because I stepped up and worked hard for what I wanted I became successful. I wanted these kids to realize that success is attainable. I so enjoyed my time with them. Attention to anyone reading this, should you have an organization like this or know of one, I would love to do more appearances like this. I’ve tried to contact a few here locally in Dallas, but have yet to hear anything back. So promoters, fans, friends, if I’m going to be in your town for a pageant and there is a local organization like this, please pass on my information. Would love to reach out and share my story and hopefully inspire those around me.
I was fortunate enough to be invited to perform at the Rock and entertain for Barbara Seville’s Show. It was great getting to meet her and work alongside Miss Gay Arizona, Di Va and Miss Gay Western States 2011, Erica Chandler who was passing on the title after a two year reign. It was nice to perform in a show and not have to worry about any administrative duties. It was also a nice introduction to the Arizona audience and I felt like I was well received.
Pageant Day came and we went to the venue and I was BLOWN AWAY! The Tempe Center for the Arts is a GORGEOUS THEATER! It overlooks the water and there are huge windows which let the Arizona sunshine fill the rooms. It was quite breathtaking. To help add to the sparkle in the lobby Lucinda Holliday was there with Made For A Queen selling jewelry. She didn’t have any beef jerky this time but she plenty of goodies to buy, as she always does. It was great getting to see her again. There were 4 contestants hoping to walk away with the crown. China Collins, Truly Fabu, Patricia Mason, and Chantel Reshea and they all walked in with their boxing gloves on. After a great showing from each of them Nathan Rhoton, Tajma Hall, Angela Dodd, Bryan Parks, and Di Va judged them and awarded Chantel Reshea the winner, with Truly Fabu as 1st alternate. Former Miss Gay Arizona and former MGA photogenic winner T.C. Taylor helped tabulate and it was a pleasure to chit chat with her. Everything went so smoothly and Tempest Dujour and Barbara Seville were great on the microphone together. We even had former Miss Gay Western States and the reigning Miss Gay Arizona US of A, Alina Maletti there as a performer. Alina and I have been friends for years and so it was nice to see her again. Ever since she let me rent and then buy her gold gown which I won Miss Gay Texas in I have felt connected to her. She’s always been such a big Sally supporter and so it was nice to have her there seeing me as Miss Gay America. Daniel Eckstrom, #missmaam and Nick Ray #, turkeybacon, are 2 great promoters and they proved it by running a smooth pageant. They really made me feel at home while in Arizona and I am so happy to add them to my list of friends. Good job fellas, you should be very proud of yourselves! Miss Gay Western States was DEFINITELY A SUCCESSFUL PAGEANT! After having gone to Arizona once I am excited to come back in July for the Miss Gay Arizona Amereica pageant. Now that I know the lay of the land it will be a lot easier to go back knowing more so what to expect. Also after getting to know Miss Gay Arizona, Di Va a little better, I am excited to be a part of her give-up.
Highlights from the Miss Gay Western States pageant:
-Getting to know Erica Chandler and to hear her story made me respect her and admire her a lot more than I had. She has a heart of gold and I so enjoyed getting to become closer with her. She has been nothing but complimentary of me and anyone who knows her knows that she speaks her mind! Thank you, Erica! I hope you enjoyed your step down and thank you for letting me sit in the front seat!
-Daniel and Nick had Erica and I staying in the most adorable furnished single bedroom apartments. I don’t know what it was about them, but coming back to it after Barbara’s show and the pageant it felt homey and relaxing. It was almost of like when you come home from a long day at work and just plop down on the couch. Although I had kind of wished I had come back and my bed had been made like when you stay in a hotel! LOL!
Like I stated before April has been a busy busy month and now I have a bit of a breather with May, which I am so thankful for. My poor apartment is a mess and I am in urgent need to clean my kitchen and bathrooms and to organize my closet. I think having a busy April has helped me see what June and July are going to be like and so I’m better able to prepare for it. As each pageant comes I feel more and more like Miss Gay America and I have finally gotten to a spot where I can plop that crown on my head and secure it in less than 3 minutes. While I may be tired from traveling, and my skin is hating me from the plane rides I couldn’t be happier because I am actually out there BEING Miss Gay America.
As we all know the month of May includes a special holiday, Mother’s Day. So I have decided to take this month to give a special SUPER DUPER BIG THANK YOU to my mother, Linda Sharp. Last year I spent a few weeks putting together her Mother’s day present and it was 365 pieces of paper in a jar and each one had a reason I was thankful that she was my mom. I didn’t have the time this year for a creative gift like that so instead I am going to tell the whole country how great my momma is! Many of you may not know but she has been a constant supporter of Michael and Sally. She was there when I was crowned Miss Gay Texas and she was sitting right there in the audience when I was crowned Miss Gay America. She helped take in my first competition gown. She has made my talent back drop panels from scrap wood every year, even this past year when I told her I needed wheels put on the bottom to make moving panels. My momma has done everything she could to help me be successful and reach this goal of being Miss Gay America. She even came to Miss Mid America, my first prelim to see me as Miss Gay America. Momma- there aren’t words enough to tell you how thankful I am to have a mother like you. You have always let me be myself and go out there and chase whatever aspiration I have wanted. You have never held me back and said I couldn’t do something. You have always let me make my own decisions and sat back and supported me. I feel bad for everyone else out there who doesn’t have a mom as wonderful as you. I am so happy that I can make you proud and I am so thankful that I can be called your son! You’re the best mom EVER and you have to know that without you, your support and your excellent wood working skills, I definitely would not be standing here living my dreams. Happy Mother’s Day and I LOVE YOU!
As my reign starts to get busier and busier I realize that in these few shorts months of preliminaries I have already learned a lot about myself. I’ve also felt myself grow a little bit more with each pageant that I go to. I have also learned the really useful skill of packing for four days of drag plus boy clothes and toiletries in two suitcases both weighing under fifty pounds. With that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
I started out with my first multi-day state pageant. The 40th anniversary of Miss Gay Missouri America in St. Louis. I was met at the airport by Jade Sinclair, and after a slight scare with my bags we left the airport, luggage in hand and headed straight to the venue. The venue was a church of sorts. They hold services there on Sundays but it is treated more as a community center. The stage was great and there was a spacious amount for the dressing rooms. With it being their 40thanniversary the Miss Gay Missouri Alumni Association had gone to great lengths to put on a great pageant and I believe that their efforts were fruitful! The contestants and staff were even greeted with a visit by Josh Wiese from the Mayor’s Office welcoming the MGMA pageant to St. Louis.
Having Charity Case, Steve Hurley, Loretta Martin, Steve Hurley and Krista Versace as our judges was AMAZING! They were the quickest and most “on it” panel I have had the pleasure to work with. I keep waiting at each pageant to see if any panel will be as fast as them. Our tabulators were the Chad Johnson, new Miss Gay Illinois promoter ,and Donna Crain, the wonderful unofficial MGA historian. It was greatness getting to know them both.
Jennicka Funn Fierz, Dakota Riviera, L’oreal, LaDreama Funn, Christa Collins, Heidi Banks, Trixie Larue, Ginger Nicole, Kitty Litter, Diva Coppafeel, Janessa Highland, Musica Malone, Adria Andrews, Nadia Louis and Victoria Kennedy all did a great job and they left me knowing that Missouri has a great deal of talent in it! Personally I would like to thank all of you contestants who helped to make my time in St Louis amazing, and a SUPER DUPER BIG THANK YOU for keeping that invisible crown on your head after awards! I appreciate that more than you know. The Missouri girls really pulled out all the stops, there was dancing, flag and rifle twirling, live singing, comedy and piano playing. There was not one talent that was like the other and these contestants were and are truly talented. I keep forgetting who was a veteran and who was a rookie because they were all so polished on stage and I was so highly impressed.
Another amazing thing about this pageant was not only the great venue but they had over 20 of their formers in attendance to include Dusty Michaels MGM 1977 and she was done up in drag. It really was a breath taking sight during the opening to see all of these ladies standing their together! Definitely a moment I will not forget. It was also a delight to get to know and talk to most of them as well. They were all very welcoming and hospitable and that really helped put me at ease. One of the things I will take away with me is the new found friendship that I made with Miss Gay Missouri 2012 Michelle McCausland. We hung out quite a bit and got ready in the same dressing room and I fell in love with her. Her wit, her heart, her passion all made me so happy to be there to see her in all her glory! She did a great job as Miss Gay Missouri America and also at keeping me smiling! You’re AMAZING, LADY!
As the pageant wrapped up and awards were being handed out there was a little bit of a mix up with announcements but it was all cleared up afterward and standing there on the stage with a crown on her head was Christa Collins. She had also gotten the Debut award since it was her first time at Miss Gay Missouri. That’s right folks, she repeated in Loretta Martin’s footsteps and won on her first try and while her main talent was dancing, her solo talent was live vocals, same as Loretta Martin. I got to know Christa a little bit during the week and we share a little bit of a bond because we are both dance teachers. She has a great presence and I just know she will do Missouri proud. First alternate was Adria Andrews who I have competed with before and I know she is a solid competitor that will surely shine at MGA 2014. I promised them both that it will be a great time at MGA 2014 and to come prepared.
Highlights of Miss Gay Missouri:
-Sitting backstage with Michelle McCausland and having Donna Crain tell stories of Noami Sims and Tasha Kohl and any other former you could think of.
-I got to stay in the PRESIDENTIAL SUITE AT THE HOTEL! IT WAS HUGE! I had 4 different bathrooms so I used a different one each night. I also unpacked my suitcases and laid everything out in the middle of the floor because there was so much room! THANK YOU MGM Alumni Association, the room was awesome! As was your pageant!
-I had an extra day in St Louis so I got to go to the Millenium Hotel with L&T and get an idea for my opening and all the festivities for MGA 2014. That night I got to stay with Monty and John who opened up their adorable studio apartment to me in downtown St Louis, and let me stay the night! It was great getting to actually sit down and chat and have dinner! THANK YOU GUYS!
-For my crowning song on Finals night I walked out and everyone was standing up. At first I wondered where they were all going and then I realized they were standing up for me because I was Miss Gay America, and then the tears started rolling! It’s moments like that that make me realize I really am Miss Gay America!
So after flying into Dallas, I taught one day at work and came straight home to pack to leave to Maryland the next day! I am feeling like a bit of a jet setter and I have become very familiar with the Dallas Lovefield Airport!
I arrived in Baltimore, Maryland to Roger Dimick and Marc Warren waiting for me. Thank you Marc for the ride. I had arrived early for the Miss Gay Maryland pageant so I could enjoy being in Baltimore for a day or so before all the craziness began. We started our day off by meeting Chuck Bowers, the owner of the infamous Hippo for lunch. He is a nice guy and had many pageant stories to share of past Miss Gay Americas. It was a nice start to the day. Afterwards Christina Davis took me to the Harbor and while I was really running on fumes from traveling I pushed through and we had a good time and went to the aquarium and had lunch and bought WAY too much fudge but had a good time. A highlight of the trip was we were able to visit and get a tour of the Hippodrome! Now for all of you real-girl pageant fans, you should know that the Hippodrome was where the real girl Miss USA pageant was held in 2005 and 2006. I got to actually sit in the top ten dressing room and stand on the actual stage where Chelsea Cooley and Tara Conner were crowned! I was in HOG HEAVEN! Thank you Jada Bee for giving us that tour, for lunch afterwards, and for the AMAZING SWAG BAGS! After that Christina took me for some adventures in Lexington Market. We also had a wayward adventure due to my MGA sister Sabrina White giving us directions to a tanning salon…FYI I think Sabrina made up this tanning salon because after a 10 minute bus ride and Christina and I walking around for another 20 minutes we still found no tanning salon! Thanks, Sabrina!
I stayed at Roger’s apartment which was literally about a 3 minute walk from the Hippo and I was really welcomed by everyone I came into contact with. It must be the Miss Gay America 2013 hoodie jacket that I wear when I travel. I keep hoping that the people at the airport ticket counter will ask me about it and upgrade me when they realize I am Gay Royalty! Still hasn’t happened yet though. Before coming to Maryland, Tatiyanna Voche’, who is the Miss Gay Maryland Pageant co-promoter and pageant director, had sent me each of the 9 contestants applications so I could get to know them a little bit better before actually meeting them in person. I took some notes on each of them and actually tried a little facebook stalking.
On Friday Sally came out to perform because Miss Josie had invited me to perform as a special guest for the Hippo’s New Faces contest. I had a blast and it was great to meet all of these up and coming queens and to actually be performing at the Hippo which I had only ever read about. Thank you Josie for welcoming me and allowing me to perform! I had a great time.
Roger had forewarned me that Maryland people can get emotional about the Miss Gay Maryland America pageant, which was totally fine with me. As many know I can get teary eyed easily when pageants are concerned and all of my newfound pageant sisters in Maryland are cut from that same mold. So much so that we deemed Sunday a NO-CRY day! Everyone who was affiliated with the pageant was amazing. The city promoters, the staff at the Hippo, contestants, and fans all were so wonderful that it made me proud to be part of such a supportive group of people.
Nine contestants were there to throw their hats in the ring. Charity Saude’, Ariyanna Myst, Jayden Elyse, Krystal Nova Blair, Araya Sparxx, Victoria Blair, Anastacia Amor, Eva Couture, and Jada Bee. Of all those girls I believe three of them were first timers to the Miss Gay Maryland pageant, but once again they were all quite polished so I couldn’t tell who the vets were! Kudos to you new girls! With Andora TeTee, Reba Lamkey, Mathew Flinchem, and Shannon DeLamore as judges they had their work cut out for them, and it was not an easy task. The tabulator was Miss Gay D.C. promoter Robert York . He made his way down from D.C. to Baltimore to help us out and I was happy to see him and to give him a big hug. On a side note, the low ceilings of the Hippo were a lot more conducive to his stature in height as opposed to my 6 ft 1in frame with platform heels and a crown jutting out of the top of my head.
In the end Araya Sparxx walked away as Miss Gay Maryland America 2013 with Anastacia Amor as her 1st alternate. While it is a contest with only one winner, the Maryland girls showed a lot of heart and I felt honored to have gotten to know each and every one of them. I have no doubt you will see a lot of good things coming from this bunch in the future! Tatiyana Voche did an AMAZING job as pageant director. His organizational skills and OCD for paper work was apparent. Thank you Tati, not only for the car ride when Christina and I were lost but for being there and doing what you do! Roger is a great promoter who makes sure that all of his contestants are able to put their best foot forward and he really is an asset to the Miss Gay America family. Thank you Roger for all you have done and for all that you do. Know that I am forever grateful and appreciate you, Pinata Man!
Highlights of the Miss Gay Maryland Pageant:
-Getting to enjoy some time with my MGA big sisters, Nicole Dubois and Sabrina White. Nicole emceed and as everyone knows she is hilarious on the mic! Forming a little bit of a stronger bond with both Nicole and Sabrina was DEFINITELY a highlight to this trip.
-Getting to spend a little time with all of the former Miss Gay Maryland’s that I have competed with over the years, Chi Chi Ray Colby, Tatiyanna Voche’, Sue Nami, and Onyx Revlon. Also I got to meet and sit next to Andora TeTee who I had only seen on videos and who I was SUPER EXCITED TO MEET!
-Coming to the realization that even though Maryland is NORTH they consider themselves southern because they are south of the Mason Dixon Line, and to try to convince them otherwise is a waste of energy!
-With Las Vegas Costuming Supplies there selling goodies I got a few extra sparkling things myself! Thank you Mark Martin. As always it was a pleasure seeing you there. FYI- a tulle cocktail dress is not the best thing to wear around a table full of rhinestone jewelry. I almost accidentally stole a necklace set and bracelet because it stuck to my dress.
So after a 6:15 am flight I arrived back in Dallas to do a few errands and then head to work. Coming home I got straight to it and started to get ready to head to Arizona for Miss Gay Western States.
Daniel Eckstrom picked me up at the airport and we were whisked away right to dinner with friends and sponsors of the Miss Gay Western States pageant. The next day I was so honored to get to speak to a group of youth from ages 14-24 at the OnenTen organization. I got a little emotional when I realized how amazing of an organization they are and all that they do to support our LGBT youth. I got to spend some time with those kids and take pictures, and sign headshots, and answer questions. My whole point to doing so was to show them that they can really become anything they want to be. I am just a little gay boy from a small town in Texas and because I stepped up and worked hard for what I wanted I became successful. I wanted these kids to realize that success is attainable. I so enjoyed my time with them. Attention to anyone reading this, should you have an organization like this or know of one, I would love to do more appearances like this. I’ve tried to contact a few here locally in Dallas, but have yet to hear anything back. So promoters, fans, friends, if I’m going to be in your town for a pageant and there is a local organization like this, please pass on my information. Would love to reach out and share my story and hopefully inspire those around me.
I was fortunate enough to be invited to perform at the Rock and entertain for Barbara Seville’s Show. It was great getting to meet her and work alongside Miss Gay Arizona, Di Va and Miss Gay Western States 2011, Erica Chandler who was passing on the title after a two year reign. It was nice to perform in a show and not have to worry about any administrative duties. It was also a nice introduction to the Arizona audience and I felt like I was well received.
Pageant Day came and we went to the venue and I was BLOWN AWAY! The Tempe Center for the Arts is a GORGEOUS THEATER! It overlooks the water and there are huge windows which let the Arizona sunshine fill the rooms. It was quite breathtaking. To help add to the sparkle in the lobby Lucinda Holliday was there with Made For A Queen selling jewelry. She didn’t have any beef jerky this time but she plenty of goodies to buy, as she always does. It was great getting to see her again. There were 4 contestants hoping to walk away with the crown. China Collins, Truly Fabu, Patricia Mason, and Chantel Reshea and they all walked in with their boxing gloves on. After a great showing from each of them Nathan Rhoton, Tajma Hall, Angela Dodd, Bryan Parks, and Di Va judged them and awarded Chantel Reshea the winner, with Truly Fabu as 1st alternate. Former Miss Gay Arizona and former MGA photogenic winner T.C. Taylor helped tabulate and it was a pleasure to chit chat with her. Everything went so smoothly and Tempest Dujour and Barbara Seville were great on the microphone together. We even had former Miss Gay Western States and the reigning Miss Gay Arizona US of A, Alina Maletti there as a performer. Alina and I have been friends for years and so it was nice to see her again. Ever since she let me rent and then buy her gold gown which I won Miss Gay Texas in I have felt connected to her. She’s always been such a big Sally supporter and so it was nice to have her there seeing me as Miss Gay America. Daniel Eckstrom, #missmaam and Nick Ray #, turkeybacon, are 2 great promoters and they proved it by running a smooth pageant. They really made me feel at home while in Arizona and I am so happy to add them to my list of friends. Good job fellas, you should be very proud of yourselves! Miss Gay Western States was DEFINITELY A SUCCESSFUL PAGEANT! After having gone to Arizona once I am excited to come back in July for the Miss Gay Arizona Amereica pageant. Now that I know the lay of the land it will be a lot easier to go back knowing more so what to expect. Also after getting to know Miss Gay Arizona, Di Va a little better, I am excited to be a part of her give-up.
Highlights from the Miss Gay Western States pageant:
-Getting to know Erica Chandler and to hear her story made me respect her and admire her a lot more than I had. She has a heart of gold and I so enjoyed getting to become closer with her. She has been nothing but complimentary of me and anyone who knows her knows that she speaks her mind! Thank you, Erica! I hope you enjoyed your step down and thank you for letting me sit in the front seat!
-Daniel and Nick had Erica and I staying in the most adorable furnished single bedroom apartments. I don’t know what it was about them, but coming back to it after Barbara’s show and the pageant it felt homey and relaxing. It was almost of like when you come home from a long day at work and just plop down on the couch. Although I had kind of wished I had come back and my bed had been made like when you stay in a hotel! LOL!
Like I stated before April has been a busy busy month and now I have a bit of a breather with May, which I am so thankful for. My poor apartment is a mess and I am in urgent need to clean my kitchen and bathrooms and to organize my closet. I think having a busy April has helped me see what June and July are going to be like and so I’m better able to prepare for it. As each pageant comes I feel more and more like Miss Gay America and I have finally gotten to a spot where I can plop that crown on my head and secure it in less than 3 minutes. While I may be tired from traveling, and my skin is hating me from the plane rides I couldn’t be happier because I am actually out there BEING Miss Gay America.
As we all know the month of May includes a special holiday, Mother’s Day. So I have decided to take this month to give a special SUPER DUPER BIG THANK YOU to my mother, Linda Sharp. Last year I spent a few weeks putting together her Mother’s day present and it was 365 pieces of paper in a jar and each one had a reason I was thankful that she was my mom. I didn’t have the time this year for a creative gift like that so instead I am going to tell the whole country how great my momma is! Many of you may not know but she has been a constant supporter of Michael and Sally. She was there when I was crowned Miss Gay Texas and she was sitting right there in the audience when I was crowned Miss Gay America. She helped take in my first competition gown. She has made my talent back drop panels from scrap wood every year, even this past year when I told her I needed wheels put on the bottom to make moving panels. My momma has done everything she could to help me be successful and reach this goal of being Miss Gay America. She even came to Miss Mid America, my first prelim to see me as Miss Gay America. Momma- there aren’t words enough to tell you how thankful I am to have a mother like you. You have always let me be myself and go out there and chase whatever aspiration I have wanted. You have never held me back and said I couldn’t do something. You have always let me make my own decisions and sat back and supported me. I feel bad for everyone else out there who doesn’t have a mom as wonderful as you. I am so happy that I can make you proud and I am so thankful that I can be called your son! You’re the best mom EVER and you have to know that without you, your support and your excellent wood working skills, I definitely would not be standing here living my dreams. Happy Mother’s Day and I LOVE YOU!
As my reign starts to get busier and busier I realize that in these few shorts months of preliminaries I have already learned a lot about myself. I’ve also felt myself grow a little bit more with each pageant that I go to. I have also learned the really useful skill of packing for four days of drag plus boy clothes and toiletries in two suitcases both weighing under fifty pounds. With that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
June 2013
The month of May gave me a break from the pageant frenzy! I had only one regional this month and was fortunate to really enjoy sleeping in my own bed before the summer months hit me full force and I am off all around the country.
I started off by making a visit to Monroe, Louisiana for the Miss Gay Monroe pageant. A city preliminary to Miss Gay Louisiana. The promoter, Douglas Philips, invited me as a special guest performer a few months before and as luck would have it I had that weekend free. So I packed up my car and drove the four hours to Monroe where I got to see my good friend Dextaci in action as Miss Gay Louisiana. Beforehand we went to the Duck Dynasty shop because I now have friends who watch the show and wanted bobble heads. Unfortunately, the bobble heads were sold out but Dex told me that my Miss Gay America hoodie I was wearing did turn some heads in the gift shop. Dex and I have kept in touch over the past few months of my reign but let me tell you that I have not seen an individual who has matured and stepped into his role as a state titleholder so much as he has. To watch his administrative and entertaining skills at work at a city preliminary made me proud.
Being at this city preliminary I felt a little bit lost. There was one time I just went and stood in the dressing room because I felt I should be there. I was so used to running around at a pageant that to just be a special guest was kind of weird to me. Eventually I calmed down and was able to enjoy the pageant and enjoy not having much responsibility. Thank you again Monroe, Club Pink, Douglas, and everyone else who made my time there an enjoyable one. Should anyone find a SI bobble head I am in need of one for a friend, so please keep an eye out.
Just two short weeks later I was back in Monroe, Louisiana for the Miss Gay Southern Elegance pageant. I had been there last year giving up the title which I had held onto for 3 years and so to come back as not only as a former, but also as the reigning Miss Gay America was kind of surreal. I kept thinking back to where I was a year ago and how so much had changed and how different of a person I have become. A lot can happen in a year and the proof was in the pudding, as they say. So ONCE AGAIN I packed up my car and proceeded to drive four hours to Monroe, Louisiana. This time not to just be a special guest but to be the rule enforcer and help make sure all ran smoothly.
The night before the pageant I was invited to perform at the Corner bar and they certainly made me feel like royalty. There dressing rooms are not the most spacious so they provided me with a camper in the parking lot to change in. It was the same camper that they had brought in for Chad Michaels to change in when he had done a show at the Corner Bar! I was bumped up to celebrity status so I tried to soak it all in. I pretended it was a trailer on a movie set and I was the star of the movie. It was a lot of room for just one person so I invited Chloe Jacobs, who was also performing in the show, to come enjoy the space and the air conditioning! Performing at the Corner Bar was a great time for me. Southern hospitality was alive and well that night and the audience was so nice in giving me a warm welcome and an amazing time. Thank you Corner Bar and all those involved. That kick off show to Southern Elegance weekend was a blast!
Before I knew it, Saturday had crept up on us and it was time for Miss Gay Southern Elegance. David Green puts on a great pageant and with Brad Duhon, Eric Butrenchuck, Raquel Chevalier, Gary Miers, and James Heath judging I had no worries that they would pick out a great titleholder. Dextaci, Destiny Jade, and Trixie LaRue were all vying for the title and put those judges to work. It was an intense pageant and as I re-tabulated the scores with Miss Edie Michie we were both on the edge of our seats seeing who was going to earn their spots to Miss Gay America 2014. Jessica Jade did an amazing job looking flawless and performing her heart out as she passed on the title of Miss Gay Southern Elegance. The hometown girl, Dextaci was victorious in her pursuit and won the crown while Trixie LaRue was her 1stalternate. All of the contestants did an amazing job and were so professional throughout the pageant, that it made backstage and on stage smooth sailing.
Highlights of Miss Gay Southern Elegance:
-Getting to spend some down time with Jessica Jade outside of a competitive atmosphere for both of us. We had a few chuckles and some good chats. It was great getting to know her on a more personal level.
-Performing for the first time at Corner Bar. For being such a small bar the stage space and audience is quite big. Always nice to go to a new venue and be well received.
-Getting to spend some giggle time with Edie Michie and David Green. It is always nice to have two such people on your side, always giving their all to make this system as best as it can be.
-Terry Eason of L&T made his way down to watch the pageant and it was great getting to chat with him a little bit here and there throughout the pageant. What was better was our long conversation post pageant as we both drove home. Nothing like gabbing on the phone on the interstate to make the time go by faster.
With the month of May comes the Miss Gay US of A pageant which was held in Dallas, TX and I had the privilege of representing the Miss Gay America system and walked the national titleholder walk. Now as I was getting ready I started to have a mini freak out. I thought of everything that could go wrong as I took the stage. My shoe could catch my dress and I could tumble down, my hair could not be pinned in well enough and both it and my crown could slide off my head to the ground, I could lose an earring because it was fastened securely. So much thought and preparation for a 36 second walk!
I admit every time right before I hit the stage I have a surge of nervousness that hits me. I relate it back to middle school. When I was in 7th grade I was part of the student council. We were at a pep rally and they announced me the 7th grade Social Officer. As they did so, there was a group of boys that decided booing me would be funny. Well they must of been right because it caught on and there I was standing in the middle of the gym with half of the 7th grade class booing me. Because of that one little incident I always get a little apprehensive before being announced to take the stage. Well thinking of all of this I REALLY started to freak out while driving to the pageant. Luckily my confidante and friend George shot me a text and said, “UR Human!!! Just breathe!!! You’ve walked in your crown before. It’ll all be great and more people will love you after tonight!” Thank you George.
So there I was standing backstage and they called my name and I took the stage. There was applause (to which I was relieved) and I walked the runway. I searched the audience and saw many familiar faces smiling up at me, which helped set me at ease. As I finished my walk I turned the corner, realized I hadn’t tripped, my crown and wig were still on my head, and earrings were in place, and I let myself breathe. George showed me the video recording he had taped and I got teary eyed watching it (not a surprise to many).
I have been to Miss Gay US of A the past two years and always wished Miss Gay America had been there to walk. So to be there that year and to be MGA and to be walking in the national titleholder walk, well it was a bit to take in. So happy I did it, so happy to represent the America system, and so happy to be Miss Gay America.
During Miss Gay US of A week I had the privilege of getting to spend some time with Patti Le PLae Safe, Valeria Lohr, Charity Case, Tasha Kohl, Jacqulyn Devroe, Catia Lee Love, Coti Collins, Kirby Kolby as Coti had planned a dinner for former Miss Gay America’s at the Black Eyed Pea. Since Coti was competing at Miss Gay US of A and Kirby was dressing him he thought it a good idea to get as many of the MGA’s together as possible. KUDOS TO COTI BECAUSE IT WAS AWESOME! It was truly an amazing experience to sit there and see all of these former Miss Gay Americas and to know I was part of them and able to sit side by side with them. Definitely humbling, and definitely heart warming. The next day I text my friend George and said, “Did we really just eat dinner last night with 8 Miss Gay America’s?” to which he replied, “YES, and you are a part of that!” Thank you Coti for setting that up, and thank you for letting me be a tag-a-long to you and Kirby for a few of those days. You’ll never know how much that meant to me. Thank you Kirby for being my sounding board for lots of stuff and for letting me know you truly are there should I need anything. I truly am grateful to have you both as my big sisters!
This month I am going to take the time to thank the single most influential man in my life. The man who taught me right from wrong, who taught me the meaning of integrity, who taught me the meaning of family and the importance of it, and also taught me to be the best person I can be and be proud of that and that is my father, Mike Sharp. My father was in the army as an Apache Test Pilot and fought in both the Vietnam War and Desert Storm. We spent a bit of time in Germany because of him being stationed there and he has to be the smartest man I have ever met. I get my competitiveness from him, along with my motivation to always strive to do better. I know that when my dad was dreaming of having a son I wasn’t exactly the type of son he was expecting. I apologized once before to him for not being the type of son he was expecting, not because he ever made me feel less than adequate or because he ever put down my dreams or goals, but because I love him so much and wished I could’ve turned out to be the football playing, mechanically inclined, woman chaser that I know he was looking forward to having around when he thought of his son. When I was getting ready for my first pageant he told my mom, “I hope Michael doesn’t hate me, but I just can’t get into him putting on a dress.” That sums my dad up right there. My father has helped me on this journey by always being a supporter, albeit not a very vocal one. He never came with me to pick out a dress or match my jewelry with an outfit, or help me decide on my presentation outfit, but I always knew he was there if I needed him. It was his Dually truck that I drove across the country many a times trying to capture my dream. It was also his extra fifty gallon gas tank in that truck and his credit card that filled it. So I take this time to thank my father, Mike Sharp. Dad, while you haven’t done much to mold me into the woman I portray on stage, you have certainly molded me into the man I have become today. Without such a strong figure as yourself to guide me growing up and through every hardship I’ve had along the way I would not be standing before you with the ethics, morality, and integrity that I believe to possess. You have made my dreams come true by showing me that working hard and striving for better can always lead to success. Happy Father’s Day and Thank you ,Dad. I hope that I’ve made you proud. . With that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
I started off by making a visit to Monroe, Louisiana for the Miss Gay Monroe pageant. A city preliminary to Miss Gay Louisiana. The promoter, Douglas Philips, invited me as a special guest performer a few months before and as luck would have it I had that weekend free. So I packed up my car and drove the four hours to Monroe where I got to see my good friend Dextaci in action as Miss Gay Louisiana. Beforehand we went to the Duck Dynasty shop because I now have friends who watch the show and wanted bobble heads. Unfortunately, the bobble heads were sold out but Dex told me that my Miss Gay America hoodie I was wearing did turn some heads in the gift shop. Dex and I have kept in touch over the past few months of my reign but let me tell you that I have not seen an individual who has matured and stepped into his role as a state titleholder so much as he has. To watch his administrative and entertaining skills at work at a city preliminary made me proud.
Being at this city preliminary I felt a little bit lost. There was one time I just went and stood in the dressing room because I felt I should be there. I was so used to running around at a pageant that to just be a special guest was kind of weird to me. Eventually I calmed down and was able to enjoy the pageant and enjoy not having much responsibility. Thank you again Monroe, Club Pink, Douglas, and everyone else who made my time there an enjoyable one. Should anyone find a SI bobble head I am in need of one for a friend, so please keep an eye out.
Just two short weeks later I was back in Monroe, Louisiana for the Miss Gay Southern Elegance pageant. I had been there last year giving up the title which I had held onto for 3 years and so to come back as not only as a former, but also as the reigning Miss Gay America was kind of surreal. I kept thinking back to where I was a year ago and how so much had changed and how different of a person I have become. A lot can happen in a year and the proof was in the pudding, as they say. So ONCE AGAIN I packed up my car and proceeded to drive four hours to Monroe, Louisiana. This time not to just be a special guest but to be the rule enforcer and help make sure all ran smoothly.
The night before the pageant I was invited to perform at the Corner bar and they certainly made me feel like royalty. There dressing rooms are not the most spacious so they provided me with a camper in the parking lot to change in. It was the same camper that they had brought in for Chad Michaels to change in when he had done a show at the Corner Bar! I was bumped up to celebrity status so I tried to soak it all in. I pretended it was a trailer on a movie set and I was the star of the movie. It was a lot of room for just one person so I invited Chloe Jacobs, who was also performing in the show, to come enjoy the space and the air conditioning! Performing at the Corner Bar was a great time for me. Southern hospitality was alive and well that night and the audience was so nice in giving me a warm welcome and an amazing time. Thank you Corner Bar and all those involved. That kick off show to Southern Elegance weekend was a blast!
Before I knew it, Saturday had crept up on us and it was time for Miss Gay Southern Elegance. David Green puts on a great pageant and with Brad Duhon, Eric Butrenchuck, Raquel Chevalier, Gary Miers, and James Heath judging I had no worries that they would pick out a great titleholder. Dextaci, Destiny Jade, and Trixie LaRue were all vying for the title and put those judges to work. It was an intense pageant and as I re-tabulated the scores with Miss Edie Michie we were both on the edge of our seats seeing who was going to earn their spots to Miss Gay America 2014. Jessica Jade did an amazing job looking flawless and performing her heart out as she passed on the title of Miss Gay Southern Elegance. The hometown girl, Dextaci was victorious in her pursuit and won the crown while Trixie LaRue was her 1stalternate. All of the contestants did an amazing job and were so professional throughout the pageant, that it made backstage and on stage smooth sailing.
Highlights of Miss Gay Southern Elegance:
-Getting to spend some down time with Jessica Jade outside of a competitive atmosphere for both of us. We had a few chuckles and some good chats. It was great getting to know her on a more personal level.
-Performing for the first time at Corner Bar. For being such a small bar the stage space and audience is quite big. Always nice to go to a new venue and be well received.
-Getting to spend some giggle time with Edie Michie and David Green. It is always nice to have two such people on your side, always giving their all to make this system as best as it can be.
-Terry Eason of L&T made his way down to watch the pageant and it was great getting to chat with him a little bit here and there throughout the pageant. What was better was our long conversation post pageant as we both drove home. Nothing like gabbing on the phone on the interstate to make the time go by faster.
With the month of May comes the Miss Gay US of A pageant which was held in Dallas, TX and I had the privilege of representing the Miss Gay America system and walked the national titleholder walk. Now as I was getting ready I started to have a mini freak out. I thought of everything that could go wrong as I took the stage. My shoe could catch my dress and I could tumble down, my hair could not be pinned in well enough and both it and my crown could slide off my head to the ground, I could lose an earring because it was fastened securely. So much thought and preparation for a 36 second walk!
I admit every time right before I hit the stage I have a surge of nervousness that hits me. I relate it back to middle school. When I was in 7th grade I was part of the student council. We were at a pep rally and they announced me the 7th grade Social Officer. As they did so, there was a group of boys that decided booing me would be funny. Well they must of been right because it caught on and there I was standing in the middle of the gym with half of the 7th grade class booing me. Because of that one little incident I always get a little apprehensive before being announced to take the stage. Well thinking of all of this I REALLY started to freak out while driving to the pageant. Luckily my confidante and friend George shot me a text and said, “UR Human!!! Just breathe!!! You’ve walked in your crown before. It’ll all be great and more people will love you after tonight!” Thank you George.
So there I was standing backstage and they called my name and I took the stage. There was applause (to which I was relieved) and I walked the runway. I searched the audience and saw many familiar faces smiling up at me, which helped set me at ease. As I finished my walk I turned the corner, realized I hadn’t tripped, my crown and wig were still on my head, and earrings were in place, and I let myself breathe. George showed me the video recording he had taped and I got teary eyed watching it (not a surprise to many).
I have been to Miss Gay US of A the past two years and always wished Miss Gay America had been there to walk. So to be there that year and to be MGA and to be walking in the national titleholder walk, well it was a bit to take in. So happy I did it, so happy to represent the America system, and so happy to be Miss Gay America.
During Miss Gay US of A week I had the privilege of getting to spend some time with Patti Le PLae Safe, Valeria Lohr, Charity Case, Tasha Kohl, Jacqulyn Devroe, Catia Lee Love, Coti Collins, Kirby Kolby as Coti had planned a dinner for former Miss Gay America’s at the Black Eyed Pea. Since Coti was competing at Miss Gay US of A and Kirby was dressing him he thought it a good idea to get as many of the MGA’s together as possible. KUDOS TO COTI BECAUSE IT WAS AWESOME! It was truly an amazing experience to sit there and see all of these former Miss Gay Americas and to know I was part of them and able to sit side by side with them. Definitely humbling, and definitely heart warming. The next day I text my friend George and said, “Did we really just eat dinner last night with 8 Miss Gay America’s?” to which he replied, “YES, and you are a part of that!” Thank you Coti for setting that up, and thank you for letting me be a tag-a-long to you and Kirby for a few of those days. You’ll never know how much that meant to me. Thank you Kirby for being my sounding board for lots of stuff and for letting me know you truly are there should I need anything. I truly am grateful to have you both as my big sisters!
This month I am going to take the time to thank the single most influential man in my life. The man who taught me right from wrong, who taught me the meaning of integrity, who taught me the meaning of family and the importance of it, and also taught me to be the best person I can be and be proud of that and that is my father, Mike Sharp. My father was in the army as an Apache Test Pilot and fought in both the Vietnam War and Desert Storm. We spent a bit of time in Germany because of him being stationed there and he has to be the smartest man I have ever met. I get my competitiveness from him, along with my motivation to always strive to do better. I know that when my dad was dreaming of having a son I wasn’t exactly the type of son he was expecting. I apologized once before to him for not being the type of son he was expecting, not because he ever made me feel less than adequate or because he ever put down my dreams or goals, but because I love him so much and wished I could’ve turned out to be the football playing, mechanically inclined, woman chaser that I know he was looking forward to having around when he thought of his son. When I was getting ready for my first pageant he told my mom, “I hope Michael doesn’t hate me, but I just can’t get into him putting on a dress.” That sums my dad up right there. My father has helped me on this journey by always being a supporter, albeit not a very vocal one. He never came with me to pick out a dress or match my jewelry with an outfit, or help me decide on my presentation outfit, but I always knew he was there if I needed him. It was his Dually truck that I drove across the country many a times trying to capture my dream. It was also his extra fifty gallon gas tank in that truck and his credit card that filled it. So I take this time to thank my father, Mike Sharp. Dad, while you haven’t done much to mold me into the woman I portray on stage, you have certainly molded me into the man I have become today. Without such a strong figure as yourself to guide me growing up and through every hardship I’ve had along the way I would not be standing before you with the ethics, morality, and integrity that I believe to possess. You have made my dreams come true by showing me that working hard and striving for better can always lead to success. Happy Father’s Day and Thank you ,Dad. I hope that I’ve made you proud. . With that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
July 2013
June started off to a great start by me stepping off the plane and onto the lovely island of Key West, Florida, and all of its’ humidity for the Miss Gay Florida America Pageant. I had been to Florida before but never Key West. I was met by Victoria Dupuis (Randall Thompson) who was not only passing on the title but also one of the co promoters, along with Dan Barris. We swung by and picked up Dan and then it was off to Big Ruby’s, the clothing optional resort that I was staying at. Now clothing optional made me a bit uncomfortable until I got there and threw off all my clothes and ran around with my crown on! Just kidding, can you imagine the phone calls L&T would have received if that had happened. Instead I realized to just focus on walking to the door to my room and no matter who I passed try not to look down. I am not a nudist by any means but the room was so great and the pillows were so amazing that the clothing optional part didn’t really matter after a while.
After a nice lunch with Victoria and Dan, I was able to meet up with Jessica Deveraux, Monica Moore, and Key West, local Elle Taylor. We walked the length of the island and got to listen to Miss Moore’s colorful humor the entire time. Love you Monica! That evening we got to witness Victoria and Jessica in action as they performed at Aqua and it was a nice low key evening.
The next day we were plagued with some bad news, Victoria Dupuis’ father had been taken to the hospital. All of our concerns were for him and Victoria and it seemed all of her concerns were with us. Luckily Victoria’s father is since doing better and seems to be in a pretty good spot according to the facebook posts I have seen. The show must go on and that night I got to perform at Aqua. What made it even better was that I got to share a dressing room with my MGA sister, Maya Montana. She is a hoot and a holler and I had such an amazing time sharing the tiniest dressing room ever with her. The other cast members and the staff at Aqua were so nice and I really bonded with Laurie, a lady bartender who loved drag queens.
The next day was pageant day and as soon as I had gotten all of my things into the adorable Waterfront playhouse theater it was being held at, the clouds opened and it started to rain. All I thought was, THANK GOODNESS I GOT MY STUFF INSIDE! With Bruce Whightman (Vanna Vincent) the promoter for Miss Gay Kansas, Deborah Casellano, Mark Smith (Kirby Kolby), Kim Menna (Former Miss Dance United States), and Christopher Ewell as judges they were in store for a great pageant. There were 6 contestants vying for the title. Elle Taylor, Jessica Deveraux, Vanna Black, Sharde’ Ross, Essence T Van Cartier (the T is very important), and Trixie Towers were there all ready to be the next Miss Gay Florida America.
The pageant ran super smooth with the help of the stage manager, J.B. Mclendan and our tabulator Gayla Morgan was great at getting all the numbers together. Backstage we had Jody Ray Campbell who made sure everything was on the up and up and Victoria Dupuis, like a true professional, put her worries of her father on the back burner in order to finish her final duties as Miss Gay Florida America.
Being on an actual stage to perform is amazing to me and makes me feel at home. Being a dancer, standing in the wings of a theater always makes me feel at ease, no matter what city I am in. We had a wonderful guest performer and emcee by the name of Christopher Peterson who provided his live vocals and funny banter. He was a treat to all.
After all categories were completed we had a winner! Sharde’ Ross had taken the title of Miss Gay Florida America, with Essence T Van Cartier coming in as her 1st alternate. I think that both are going to present some memorable packages at Miss Gay America this year and I am truly looking forward to it. Thank you Dan and Victoria for making Miss Gay Florida a success. Dan keeps talking about a Key West reunion next year for Miss Gay Florida and I hope that he remembers to include me on that invite list.
Highlights of Miss Gay Florida:
-I got to spend quite a bit of time chit chatting and bonding with Kirby Kolby. Everytime I say the name Kirby Kolby it makes me happy. I am so blessed to be crowned by someone that I admire so much and that I can now call a friend. She just recently figured out how girlie I am. Guess she never really noticed the ponytail and the purse before.
-My crowning number brought me to tears, which is normal everytime I perform with that crown on. Catia Lee Love can vouch that I am a bit of a crier. But I guess showing true emotion on stage this time was rewarded because I RECEIVED a $100.00 tip. I took a picture of it. The dilemma now is do I put it in a scrapbook, or do I spend it…I mean I do have a picture of it to last me.
-The pillows at Big Ruby’s were DEFINITELY A HIGHLIGHT! I have come to realize that a bed can be lumpy and yuck but if you have good pillows then a good night’s sleep can be had ANYWHERE!
-Dan’s hospitality was amazing, he truly took care of Kirby and I and treated us like royalty, he has such a good heart and a great energy.
So right from Key West I flew back to Dallas on Monday, did a load of laundry, repacked, had a quick nap and then headed out to San Francisco, California on Tuesday. I guess I was running on adrenaline because on the plane flights there I took a nap on the first flight, then the last two connecting flights I proceeded to choreograph and stage the opening of Miss Gay America 2014. I tried to keep my arms and feet within my own seat space but I have no doubt the people on either side of me thought I was crazy weird. I wasn’t too concerned, I get weird looks all the time because of the aforementioned ponytail and purse, so add a hoodie that says MISS GAY AMERICA 2013 on the back and carrying a make-up case that holds my crown I’ve learned to deal with the confused looks and side glances.
I had initially gone early to California to visit my friend Sunni who had just moved there from Texas. Unfortunately she had a family emergency, so I was picked up by her husband and about an hour later I was dropping them off at the airport and left to fend for myself. They were gracious enough to leave me their car and full run of their house before I checked into the hotel on Friday. I had to hurriedly find a navigation app on my phone and then had to maneuver myself back to their house. They live in Mountain View which is about 20 minutes from San Francisco and let me tell you, the WEATHER IS AMAZING! Their house didn’t have air conditioning because all you have to do is open up a window, which is crazy to me coming from Texas! As I laid in their guest bedroom I realized something amazing, THEY HAD GREAT PILLOWS AS WELL! So every night I stayed there I slept through my alarms. Dang those pillows! Wednesday I met up with the promoter of the pageant, Robb Huddleston and his partner Chris. As I navigated the windy roads of San Francisco I finally found a place to park and noticed that the temperature said 55 degrees! Silly me I was thinking it was summer and had worn flip flops, luckily I had brought a jacket just in case. Robb and Chris treated me to dinner in the Castro District and I got to see where Harvey Milks old camera shop was along with where part of his ashes were laid to rest. We had a great dinner and talked pageant logistics. It was a great evening for me. As I drove the windy roads back to Sunni’s house I was just in amazement that I was in San Francisco, CA.
The next day, after oversleeping because of those wonderful pillows, I was picked up by my good friend Alina Maletti, who lives about 15 minutes away. She played tour guide and I got to see a lot of San Francisco because of her! Thank you Alina for helping to make my stay there a good one, besides it’s always good to sit down and catch up with you. Love you, girl! We also got to hang around with Mercedes Munro, the reigning Miss United States, and her roommate Paju who I found out was one of the contestants for Miss Gay California. We had a touristy filled day and by the end I was exhausted, and I was still in shock that I was in San Francisco, so I went to sleep with a smile on my face.
The next day I had to brave the San Francisco streets again and check into the host hotel. My mother travelled all the way from Texas and came in that same day. My mother has a friend who lives in California that she had reunited with earlier this year. They had been friends in 7th grade, so I got to hear a little bit about what my mom was like in Junior high and we all went down to Pier 39 and had an AMAZING dinner. We got home late and the next day was pageant day so I had to make sure all was prepped to go on my part.
The pageant was held in the Victoria Theater, which I found out was the oldest electrical running theater in San Francisco. We had three lovely contestants : La Moni, Paju Munro, and Felicia Lamar. With Eddie Belle aka Cookie, Lonnie Haley aka Mercedes Munro, Kerri Nichols, Bill Langley, and Sean Harrington judging the pageant, it was quite an event. The audience that showed up was quite festive and, like I said before, anytime we are at an actual theater I am happy.
Darin Hollingsworth was our stage manager and he did a great job of helping everything along. The pageant ran quite smoothly and we were all treated to live vocals of the promoter Robb Huddleston. He has a great voice and my mother was very impressed by him. At the end of the evening, with all the judges scores tabulated we had our new Miss Gay California, Paju Munro and La Moni as 1st alternate. Paju is taller than me and quite a looker and La Moni is quite the talented lip syncer. I am VERY MUCH looking forward to them experiencing Miss Gay America and I know with Paju’s excitement and drive that Miss Gay California is going to be a pageant that will grow and help expose the west coast more to the America system.
Highlights from Miss Gay California:
-Getting to have lunch one on one with Kerri Nichols. One of the best things about being Miss Gay America is the bonding time that I get with former MGA’s. It’s great to hear feedback and get some insight from their experiences. Thank you for the extra french fries Kerri!
-Having my mother at another preliminary. Seeing my mother is always a highlight, and to have her in the audience watching me perform is always a pleasure. I do love my momma!
-The boutique hotel ,The Edwardian, that I stayed at was adorable! The staff was so friendly. Pillows weren’t as good as in Key West but the staff actually walked with me find the parking lot and they let me use the copy machine to copy judges score sheets. Thank you Edwardian!
-There is a famous Big Rainbow Flag in the Castro District and I got a picture looking at it with my Miss Gay America hoodie on. It’s amazing the adventures that winning the title of Miss Gay America has afforded me. As I sat there looking at that big rainbow flag I was proud to not only be a gay man but to be a representative of the America system, as Miss Gay America.
-Realizing that after striving to be Miss Gay America for 5 years, that even though I have that crown on my head, some people think that waitressing is part of the job duties. Bottled water anyone?! From the mouth of Kerri Nichols, “They just don’t know, girl!”
In the wee hours of the morn I headed to the airport and straight to Columbus, Ohio for the Miss Gay Mid Atlantic pageant. The time difference made it a close call, but they pushed registration back to 3 o’clock and as soon as I landed I changed and we went straight to Club Axis. Aron Aronda and Believe Entertainment put on a VERY VERY smooth running pageant. I can see, without a doubt why this won Best Regional Preliminary of the year last year. With Patti Lovelace and Deva Station running for the title it was a small pageant but a good one nonetheless.
Paige Passion was there performing and enjoying her last night as Miss Gay Mid Atlantic before passing on the title, looking fabulously Red and Wild! Brian Menegay, Deborah O’Rielley, Mark Smith aka Kirby Kolby, Tom Young aka Vivi Velure, and John Green Well aka Rachel Wells served as our judges while Deb Hudson and Alli Katt pretended to be math whizzes as they tabulated. Jonathan Whitney was our backstage liason and Bill Allen did a fantastic job of guarding our judges. Every part of this pageant was well planned and to have the opportunity to perform on the Axis stage, where I had seen the past 3 review shows for Miss Gay America was a delight in itself.
At the conclusion of the pageant the judges had decided Patti Lovelace to be worthy of the crown. Come to find out it was her first crown so I know that it was extra special for her to not only get her ticket to Miss Gay America 2014 but to have a shiny headpiece. Deva Station came in as the 1st alternate and her enthusiasm to be part of team Mid Atlantic is refreshing to see. I think Aron has some good quality contestants on his hands, and we all know they are both capable of doing well at Miss Gay America.
Aron was nice enough to keep Kirby and I an extra day to just enjoy Columbus. What’s the perfect thing to take two Miss Gay America’s to go do? A little bit of hiking at Old Man’s Cave of course! He did offer to take us to a mall and stay inside but we opted for some outdoorsy activities. We had a great time and even walked back to his car in the rain. Once we accepted we were wet the hike back wasn’t bad at all. I didn’t even get that upset that I had straightened my hair that morning. After our hike we went and strolled the short north and then had a fabulous dinner. To finish our evening we went and saw a movie. I LOVE MOVIE POPCORN, and we saw a comedy that had me laughing out loud, and while I was slightly anxious to finally get home. I was glad for all the time that Aron and Kirby and I got to spend together. Thank You , Aron!
Highlight from Miss Gay Mid Atlantic:
-Club Axis has these new panels on the stage that rise up as if they are 3 different curtains. They were used for evening gown and I just about FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR! They worked so well for a reveal of the contestants in evening gown and I was quite jealous that I didn’t get to compete just for those panels to raise and have me standing there!
-Former MGA Coco Montrese was in Columbus that weekend and had performed the night before. I got to give her a hug and chit chat a little bit. It’s always nice to see a good friend, and she got to see me running around being Miss Gay America, which I hope I made her proud.
-I finally got to sit down and have some fun time with Rachel Wells, Miss Gay America 1979. She had judged me at Miss Gay America when I was Southern Elegance and she is quite a lot of fun to be around. It was great hearing about her time as Miss Gay America and she also gave me a signed copy of newest book, and informed me she has a new one coming out shortly.
So after a week of not being home I got to sleep in my own bed and got to work a little bit getting my dance classes together for our upcoming recital. I had one of my classes do a dance to a song entitled Miss America and they all had little crowns. I couldn’t help myself, if any year for me to do a Miss America dance for recital it was this year.
I also got to drive to Oklahoma City for the Miss Gay Oklahoma America Pageant. Best part was I was getting to bring my friend George Tagle, and so the whole three and a half hour drive up there I got to catch him up on all of my Miss Gay America activities. Being able to speak openly and freely with such a good friend as George was great and made me so happy. The last time him and I had been to OKC was when I was competing for Miss Southern Elegance so it was a bit surreal for both of us as we headed north.
We got to the Habana Inn, checked in and I find out some AMAZING NEWS! The pageant was being held at the Copa which is attached to the hotel so our dressing rooms for me and the contestants were our HOTEL ROOMS! It was great to not have to unpack to repack to go to a dressing room! The only downfall was that I really didn’t get to connect with the nine contestants that they had been competing and chat and goof off with them. Devon Blaine, Sashae’ Rene’ Gabrielle, Sista Philsbury, Stacey McBride O’neil, Bianca LeBlanc, Alanna Paige, Kyra Bank, Sierra Phoenix, And Alizay Zane Paige, I am sorry about that and wish I had gotten to know each of you better. Know that if being Miss Gay Oklahoma America is in your heart, I am here to help you with that whether I am Miss Gay America or not. I am only an e-mail or a phone call away.
I will tell you though that the judges panel for Miss Gay Oklahoma has probably been my toughest judges panel at any pageant. They were all very well versed in rules and regulations and expectations that the America system has for its’ titleholders and they were not playing around. Every point that they gave away was deservedly earned by the contestants because these judges were a hard bunch to crack. Thank you so much for your professionalism to Sam Kavasnicka-Rains, Tabitha Taylor, James Williams, Taylor Bryan’s and Amy Merchant. It was a pleasure spending time with you and having such a great group keeping the America system standards in play.
Samantha West had been absent for most of the pre-pageant activities because of a matinee performance she had in Tulsa, but we were treated to a video blog during orientation of her welcoming everyone to Miss Gay Oklahoma. Like a doofus I actually waived at the screen when she said hello to me! Along with her greeting, she explained the opening presentation. She had her sister come on her behalf to help organize the whole thing should there be any questions. Now while Samantha wasn’t there until the onstage categories started she showed up and looked gorgeous as always and was the epitome of what I think of when I think of a Miss Gay Oklahoma America.
Tillie Lane was all prepped and was ready for a pageant when we got to OKC. She had told me before that her city promoters had really stepped in and helped out wherever she needed them which warmed my heart. We don’t say the America system is like family just because, it is evident and plainly seen in all that we do. Thank you to the city promoters for the Miss Gay Oklahoma America pageant. All of Tillie and the city promoters’ hard work was evident with how smoothly this pageant ran.
At the end of the night after watching each contestant compete and scores were tallied the crown went to Bianca LeBlanc, a 5 year veteran competitor for Miss Gay Oklahoma America and a person with a great smile and a warm heart. She and I had actually competed against each other when I had come to OKC those years before for Miss Southern Elegance America. The tears that rolled down her face when they called her name made me know the right person was crowned and that Bianca will put her heart and soul into being the best Miss Gay Oklahoma she can be. Alizay Zane Paige was her 1st alternate, a spunky little Asian dancing diva. I am excited for both of them to be at Miss Gay America in October.
Highlights of the Miss Gay Oklahoma Pageant:
-After registration and male interview, Tillie and Kelly told me to bring my crown and they were taking me someplace special that would be only about 15 minutes. They took me to Oklahoma City University and in the front are 3 statues in a fountain. The statues were of 3 former real girl Miss Oklahoma’s that had gone to OCU and gone on to win real girl Miss America. I actually ran to the fountain because I was so excited. Y’all know I love real girl Miss America stuff! It made me wonder if it would be too much to have a bronze statue made of me and placed somewhere. If someone can make that happen I AM ALL FOR IT!
-Having my good friend George there was definitely a highlight, because I got to go to bed earlier than usual and he was able to steam my gowns while I was in Male Interviews. All that hard work steaming my 2 gowns and the first thing I did when I got my gown on was sit down to re-tabulate scores. Sorry George.
-It was so nice seeing the sisterhood and the passion that so many people in Oklahoma have for the Miss Gay America system. It’s humbling to think that I’m the national titleholder for a system that is so rich in history in so many states and is in the hearts of so many people.
So after heading back to Dallas, and getting to spend a week and a half sleeping in my own bed I was off to the wonderful city of Mobile, AL to meet up with David Green and help out with the Miss Gay Gulf States regional pageant. The humidity was RIDICULOUS in Mobile, but I had an amazing time nonetheless. I was met by former Miss Gay Alabama America promoter Gary Owens and his partner at the airport. We had a nice pizza party for lunch and then I went to the hotel. The humidity must have REALLY got to me because as soon as I got into my room I took a hardcore two hour nap, went to dinner, then too took another 30 minute nap, visited the bar where the pageant was and then went back an fell asleep with my luggage still on the bed. I guess I was a bit tired.
We were treated to many banners and signs on the doors of the hotel because the Distinguished Young Women’s scholarship program (Formerly America’s Junior Miss program) was having their national competition and many of the state delegates were staying at our hotel. Looked for the Texas rep but she must have been staying somewhere else.
So after a hard night’s sleep I head to registration where we had Jessica Raynes Starr, from North Carolina, and Celebrity Starr, from Arizona as our two competitors to be Miss Gay Gulf States America. How random that we have two contestants both with the last name Starr? Welp, just add a Sparkles and the competition was under way. With Daron Ables, Rusty Croy, Raquel Chevallier, Darian Fore, and Terry Parker as judges, they did a great job. Once again I got to sit by the ever lovely Edie Michie, who served as our tabulator and all around Sally Supporter! Thank you to all of you, and especially to David Green for all of your hard work. I was also able to spend some time with Victoria Dupuis who was passing on the title which she had so greedily hung onto for 2 years. Love you Victoria and had a great time listening to all of your jokes. You are so funny!
While the crowd was small at B Bob’s in Mobile, they were mighty and with Nicole Dubois and Josalyn Royale on the microphone they were definitely kept entertained. Special shout out to Aubrey Synclaire and her fishy hair. Having two former state titleholders as contestants and David Green as the promoter this pageant couldn’t have gone any smoother and I didn’t have to worry about anything. Jessica and Celebrity did a great job entertaining and competing and at the end of the night Jessica Raynes Starr came out as Miss Gay Gulf States America with Celebrity Starr as her 1st alternate. I am so thankful that both of them are able to come to St. Louis in October (9th – 13th) for the Miss Gay America 2014 pageant because I consider both of them friends and am looking forward to seeing them bring their “A-Game” to the national competition.
Highlights from Miss Gay Gulf States:
-I was introduced to someone who has been cyber stalking me according to some sources. I know what it was like to look up and cyber stalk Miss Gay America before, so to now be one of them and have someone checking me out online makes me giggle! Bradley Latham, a city promoter for Louisiana, America who has amazing hair helped make my visit to Mobile, AL a good one and I look forward to seeing him again in July. Thanx Bradley for all the tagged FB pictures and video!
-Hearing David Green adopt the phrase,” It is what it is.” He can definitely become a stress ball at times and the sweat that glistens off his brow is the first sign that he’s forgetting to breath. So to hear him say that phrase made me smile. You’re a good one David, thank you for all you do to make this system a great one!
-Being able to talk a little bit with Nicole Dubois and Raquel Chevallier. I adore them both and while I am still getting adjusted to being a Miss Gay America, they are both two active big sisters that are making me feel like a part of the sisterhood! A sisterhood that I am so blessed to be a part of.
So once again I repacked, took a nap and I was on a 7 am flight to St. Louis to meet up with Terry, Larry, and Larry’s partner Chuck for the St Louis Gay Pride Parade. After picking me up we went to the pride festival and Terry proceeded to get every free trinket he could while I was just in AWE of how big the festival was. After walking the whole thing and sitting peacefully in front of the main stage the clouds opened and rain came streaming down…cold rain I might add and I was in flip flops and a tank top, and we all know how cold skinny people get! LOL! I may not be skinny but I was going to start shivering! Luckily Chuck had a brilliant idea and we had a horse drawn carriage take us back to the hotel. We had dinner that night with Chad Johnson and his partner Curt and then it was straight to bed for me.
I woke up at 7:15 am the next morning to put on make up to ride in the St Louis Gay Pride Parade. While putting on make up that early in the morning wasn’t fun, the experience of being in the parade was REALLY a highlight of my reign. I was so excited because I was here doing the Miss America wave in a parade and I WAS MISS GAY AMERICA! People kept clapping and yelling as we passed by and I kept wondering why?! Then I realized Missouri is a big pageant state so they know what a Miss Gay America is. I am so deeply humbled by all of it! They made me feel like a celebrity and while I was so happy on the inside for it having gone so well, I was overwhelmed. Words can’t express the pride I had in being Miss Gay America. Along with that to have L&T and Chuck carrying my things and checking on me made me feel so loved! It was great getting to see so many familiar faces in St Louis as well. Chad Johnson and his partner Curt, Miss Gay Illinois Dayonna Hilton, Nadia, Jade Sinclair, Diva Copafeel, who was nice enough to take me to IHOP for some cinnastax pancakes that I was craving! THANK YOU DIVA! Also I got to spend a little bit of time wiith Erica Chandler who I am so happy to consider a friend, and we got to hang with the one and only Michelle McCausland! Oh how I adore her. She is just someone who is so funny and makes it so easy to be around. And to top it all off I got driven to the airport by my good friend, Monty Purdom! Thank you so much for the ride, Monty. Everytime I see you I always feel so blessed to have met you! I know I saw a slew of other people as well and I’m so sorry to leave your name off but know that I love you! The St Louis Pride parade was more than I could ever hope for, and to have been surrounded by so many people that I truly care for and that care for me, well...my cup runneth over. Thank you L&T for having me do this! I wouldn’t have traded it for the world.
And now as July comes upon us and I am traveling like a mad woman I am looking forward to attending many of the state pageants. Although my poor bed will be quite lonely I am looking forward to really getting into the meat of my reign.
And as I draw to a close of a very lengthy excellence article, which I am very aware of how long it is, I have one person that I would like to thank this month. She is a staple to my life, someone that I work with and have known since 1998. She was my big sis on SFA pom, in college, and has been my best friend ever since. She is constantly busy with the studio and her son but she has always stood behind Michael and Sally. She was there when I won my first crown as Miss Gay Dallas, she was there when I won Miss Gay Texas, and I’m doing everything in my power to have her at Miss Gay America this year to see me pass on my title. She and I are eerily alike in so many ways that I know we were put in each other’s lives for a reason. Jennifer Contreras, I really have no idea where in the world I would be right now without you. You helped me with a job when I had none, you have always been forthright with compliments and praise, and a helping hand, even when you have been swamped you have offered to help with rhinestones and decorations. You know how much winning Miss Gay America meant to me and while we both may never have won a national championship in college with pom, I hope you know that this national title is just as much yours as it is mine! You have given a huge amount of support and have been a backbone for me. I know you’re constantly busy with one thing or another, but I do hope you know that I appreciate you, I thank you, and I love you. And if it weren’t for you I doubt I would be standing before you as Miss Gay America 2013. You’re my angel and my rock, even if you’re not that stable all the time. But I know one thing for sure, if I needed you, you would be there in a second. You’re the best friend a Miss Gay America could ever have. Thank you a MILLION TIMES OVER!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
After a nice lunch with Victoria and Dan, I was able to meet up with Jessica Deveraux, Monica Moore, and Key West, local Elle Taylor. We walked the length of the island and got to listen to Miss Moore’s colorful humor the entire time. Love you Monica! That evening we got to witness Victoria and Jessica in action as they performed at Aqua and it was a nice low key evening.
The next day we were plagued with some bad news, Victoria Dupuis’ father had been taken to the hospital. All of our concerns were for him and Victoria and it seemed all of her concerns were with us. Luckily Victoria’s father is since doing better and seems to be in a pretty good spot according to the facebook posts I have seen. The show must go on and that night I got to perform at Aqua. What made it even better was that I got to share a dressing room with my MGA sister, Maya Montana. She is a hoot and a holler and I had such an amazing time sharing the tiniest dressing room ever with her. The other cast members and the staff at Aqua were so nice and I really bonded with Laurie, a lady bartender who loved drag queens.
The next day was pageant day and as soon as I had gotten all of my things into the adorable Waterfront playhouse theater it was being held at, the clouds opened and it started to rain. All I thought was, THANK GOODNESS I GOT MY STUFF INSIDE! With Bruce Whightman (Vanna Vincent) the promoter for Miss Gay Kansas, Deborah Casellano, Mark Smith (Kirby Kolby), Kim Menna (Former Miss Dance United States), and Christopher Ewell as judges they were in store for a great pageant. There were 6 contestants vying for the title. Elle Taylor, Jessica Deveraux, Vanna Black, Sharde’ Ross, Essence T Van Cartier (the T is very important), and Trixie Towers were there all ready to be the next Miss Gay Florida America.
The pageant ran super smooth with the help of the stage manager, J.B. Mclendan and our tabulator Gayla Morgan was great at getting all the numbers together. Backstage we had Jody Ray Campbell who made sure everything was on the up and up and Victoria Dupuis, like a true professional, put her worries of her father on the back burner in order to finish her final duties as Miss Gay Florida America.
Being on an actual stage to perform is amazing to me and makes me feel at home. Being a dancer, standing in the wings of a theater always makes me feel at ease, no matter what city I am in. We had a wonderful guest performer and emcee by the name of Christopher Peterson who provided his live vocals and funny banter. He was a treat to all.
After all categories were completed we had a winner! Sharde’ Ross had taken the title of Miss Gay Florida America, with Essence T Van Cartier coming in as her 1st alternate. I think that both are going to present some memorable packages at Miss Gay America this year and I am truly looking forward to it. Thank you Dan and Victoria for making Miss Gay Florida a success. Dan keeps talking about a Key West reunion next year for Miss Gay Florida and I hope that he remembers to include me on that invite list.
Highlights of Miss Gay Florida:
-I got to spend quite a bit of time chit chatting and bonding with Kirby Kolby. Everytime I say the name Kirby Kolby it makes me happy. I am so blessed to be crowned by someone that I admire so much and that I can now call a friend. She just recently figured out how girlie I am. Guess she never really noticed the ponytail and the purse before.
-My crowning number brought me to tears, which is normal everytime I perform with that crown on. Catia Lee Love can vouch that I am a bit of a crier. But I guess showing true emotion on stage this time was rewarded because I RECEIVED a $100.00 tip. I took a picture of it. The dilemma now is do I put it in a scrapbook, or do I spend it…I mean I do have a picture of it to last me.
-The pillows at Big Ruby’s were DEFINITELY A HIGHLIGHT! I have come to realize that a bed can be lumpy and yuck but if you have good pillows then a good night’s sleep can be had ANYWHERE!
-Dan’s hospitality was amazing, he truly took care of Kirby and I and treated us like royalty, he has such a good heart and a great energy.
So right from Key West I flew back to Dallas on Monday, did a load of laundry, repacked, had a quick nap and then headed out to San Francisco, California on Tuesday. I guess I was running on adrenaline because on the plane flights there I took a nap on the first flight, then the last two connecting flights I proceeded to choreograph and stage the opening of Miss Gay America 2014. I tried to keep my arms and feet within my own seat space but I have no doubt the people on either side of me thought I was crazy weird. I wasn’t too concerned, I get weird looks all the time because of the aforementioned ponytail and purse, so add a hoodie that says MISS GAY AMERICA 2013 on the back and carrying a make-up case that holds my crown I’ve learned to deal with the confused looks and side glances.
I had initially gone early to California to visit my friend Sunni who had just moved there from Texas. Unfortunately she had a family emergency, so I was picked up by her husband and about an hour later I was dropping them off at the airport and left to fend for myself. They were gracious enough to leave me their car and full run of their house before I checked into the hotel on Friday. I had to hurriedly find a navigation app on my phone and then had to maneuver myself back to their house. They live in Mountain View which is about 20 minutes from San Francisco and let me tell you, the WEATHER IS AMAZING! Their house didn’t have air conditioning because all you have to do is open up a window, which is crazy to me coming from Texas! As I laid in their guest bedroom I realized something amazing, THEY HAD GREAT PILLOWS AS WELL! So every night I stayed there I slept through my alarms. Dang those pillows! Wednesday I met up with the promoter of the pageant, Robb Huddleston and his partner Chris. As I navigated the windy roads of San Francisco I finally found a place to park and noticed that the temperature said 55 degrees! Silly me I was thinking it was summer and had worn flip flops, luckily I had brought a jacket just in case. Robb and Chris treated me to dinner in the Castro District and I got to see where Harvey Milks old camera shop was along with where part of his ashes were laid to rest. We had a great dinner and talked pageant logistics. It was a great evening for me. As I drove the windy roads back to Sunni’s house I was just in amazement that I was in San Francisco, CA.
The next day, after oversleeping because of those wonderful pillows, I was picked up by my good friend Alina Maletti, who lives about 15 minutes away. She played tour guide and I got to see a lot of San Francisco because of her! Thank you Alina for helping to make my stay there a good one, besides it’s always good to sit down and catch up with you. Love you, girl! We also got to hang around with Mercedes Munro, the reigning Miss United States, and her roommate Paju who I found out was one of the contestants for Miss Gay California. We had a touristy filled day and by the end I was exhausted, and I was still in shock that I was in San Francisco, so I went to sleep with a smile on my face.
The next day I had to brave the San Francisco streets again and check into the host hotel. My mother travelled all the way from Texas and came in that same day. My mother has a friend who lives in California that she had reunited with earlier this year. They had been friends in 7th grade, so I got to hear a little bit about what my mom was like in Junior high and we all went down to Pier 39 and had an AMAZING dinner. We got home late and the next day was pageant day so I had to make sure all was prepped to go on my part.
The pageant was held in the Victoria Theater, which I found out was the oldest electrical running theater in San Francisco. We had three lovely contestants : La Moni, Paju Munro, and Felicia Lamar. With Eddie Belle aka Cookie, Lonnie Haley aka Mercedes Munro, Kerri Nichols, Bill Langley, and Sean Harrington judging the pageant, it was quite an event. The audience that showed up was quite festive and, like I said before, anytime we are at an actual theater I am happy.
Darin Hollingsworth was our stage manager and he did a great job of helping everything along. The pageant ran quite smoothly and we were all treated to live vocals of the promoter Robb Huddleston. He has a great voice and my mother was very impressed by him. At the end of the evening, with all the judges scores tabulated we had our new Miss Gay California, Paju Munro and La Moni as 1st alternate. Paju is taller than me and quite a looker and La Moni is quite the talented lip syncer. I am VERY MUCH looking forward to them experiencing Miss Gay America and I know with Paju’s excitement and drive that Miss Gay California is going to be a pageant that will grow and help expose the west coast more to the America system.
Highlights from Miss Gay California:
-Getting to have lunch one on one with Kerri Nichols. One of the best things about being Miss Gay America is the bonding time that I get with former MGA’s. It’s great to hear feedback and get some insight from their experiences. Thank you for the extra french fries Kerri!
-Having my mother at another preliminary. Seeing my mother is always a highlight, and to have her in the audience watching me perform is always a pleasure. I do love my momma!
-The boutique hotel ,The Edwardian, that I stayed at was adorable! The staff was so friendly. Pillows weren’t as good as in Key West but the staff actually walked with me find the parking lot and they let me use the copy machine to copy judges score sheets. Thank you Edwardian!
-There is a famous Big Rainbow Flag in the Castro District and I got a picture looking at it with my Miss Gay America hoodie on. It’s amazing the adventures that winning the title of Miss Gay America has afforded me. As I sat there looking at that big rainbow flag I was proud to not only be a gay man but to be a representative of the America system, as Miss Gay America.
-Realizing that after striving to be Miss Gay America for 5 years, that even though I have that crown on my head, some people think that waitressing is part of the job duties. Bottled water anyone?! From the mouth of Kerri Nichols, “They just don’t know, girl!”
In the wee hours of the morn I headed to the airport and straight to Columbus, Ohio for the Miss Gay Mid Atlantic pageant. The time difference made it a close call, but they pushed registration back to 3 o’clock and as soon as I landed I changed and we went straight to Club Axis. Aron Aronda and Believe Entertainment put on a VERY VERY smooth running pageant. I can see, without a doubt why this won Best Regional Preliminary of the year last year. With Patti Lovelace and Deva Station running for the title it was a small pageant but a good one nonetheless.
Paige Passion was there performing and enjoying her last night as Miss Gay Mid Atlantic before passing on the title, looking fabulously Red and Wild! Brian Menegay, Deborah O’Rielley, Mark Smith aka Kirby Kolby, Tom Young aka Vivi Velure, and John Green Well aka Rachel Wells served as our judges while Deb Hudson and Alli Katt pretended to be math whizzes as they tabulated. Jonathan Whitney was our backstage liason and Bill Allen did a fantastic job of guarding our judges. Every part of this pageant was well planned and to have the opportunity to perform on the Axis stage, where I had seen the past 3 review shows for Miss Gay America was a delight in itself.
At the conclusion of the pageant the judges had decided Patti Lovelace to be worthy of the crown. Come to find out it was her first crown so I know that it was extra special for her to not only get her ticket to Miss Gay America 2014 but to have a shiny headpiece. Deva Station came in as the 1st alternate and her enthusiasm to be part of team Mid Atlantic is refreshing to see. I think Aron has some good quality contestants on his hands, and we all know they are both capable of doing well at Miss Gay America.
Aron was nice enough to keep Kirby and I an extra day to just enjoy Columbus. What’s the perfect thing to take two Miss Gay America’s to go do? A little bit of hiking at Old Man’s Cave of course! He did offer to take us to a mall and stay inside but we opted for some outdoorsy activities. We had a great time and even walked back to his car in the rain. Once we accepted we were wet the hike back wasn’t bad at all. I didn’t even get that upset that I had straightened my hair that morning. After our hike we went and strolled the short north and then had a fabulous dinner. To finish our evening we went and saw a movie. I LOVE MOVIE POPCORN, and we saw a comedy that had me laughing out loud, and while I was slightly anxious to finally get home. I was glad for all the time that Aron and Kirby and I got to spend together. Thank You , Aron!
Highlight from Miss Gay Mid Atlantic:
-Club Axis has these new panels on the stage that rise up as if they are 3 different curtains. They were used for evening gown and I just about FELL OUT OF MY CHAIR! They worked so well for a reveal of the contestants in evening gown and I was quite jealous that I didn’t get to compete just for those panels to raise and have me standing there!
-Former MGA Coco Montrese was in Columbus that weekend and had performed the night before. I got to give her a hug and chit chat a little bit. It’s always nice to see a good friend, and she got to see me running around being Miss Gay America, which I hope I made her proud.
-I finally got to sit down and have some fun time with Rachel Wells, Miss Gay America 1979. She had judged me at Miss Gay America when I was Southern Elegance and she is quite a lot of fun to be around. It was great hearing about her time as Miss Gay America and she also gave me a signed copy of newest book, and informed me she has a new one coming out shortly.
So after a week of not being home I got to sleep in my own bed and got to work a little bit getting my dance classes together for our upcoming recital. I had one of my classes do a dance to a song entitled Miss America and they all had little crowns. I couldn’t help myself, if any year for me to do a Miss America dance for recital it was this year.
I also got to drive to Oklahoma City for the Miss Gay Oklahoma America Pageant. Best part was I was getting to bring my friend George Tagle, and so the whole three and a half hour drive up there I got to catch him up on all of my Miss Gay America activities. Being able to speak openly and freely with such a good friend as George was great and made me so happy. The last time him and I had been to OKC was when I was competing for Miss Southern Elegance so it was a bit surreal for both of us as we headed north.
We got to the Habana Inn, checked in and I find out some AMAZING NEWS! The pageant was being held at the Copa which is attached to the hotel so our dressing rooms for me and the contestants were our HOTEL ROOMS! It was great to not have to unpack to repack to go to a dressing room! The only downfall was that I really didn’t get to connect with the nine contestants that they had been competing and chat and goof off with them. Devon Blaine, Sashae’ Rene’ Gabrielle, Sista Philsbury, Stacey McBride O’neil, Bianca LeBlanc, Alanna Paige, Kyra Bank, Sierra Phoenix, And Alizay Zane Paige, I am sorry about that and wish I had gotten to know each of you better. Know that if being Miss Gay Oklahoma America is in your heart, I am here to help you with that whether I am Miss Gay America or not. I am only an e-mail or a phone call away.
I will tell you though that the judges panel for Miss Gay Oklahoma has probably been my toughest judges panel at any pageant. They were all very well versed in rules and regulations and expectations that the America system has for its’ titleholders and they were not playing around. Every point that they gave away was deservedly earned by the contestants because these judges were a hard bunch to crack. Thank you so much for your professionalism to Sam Kavasnicka-Rains, Tabitha Taylor, James Williams, Taylor Bryan’s and Amy Merchant. It was a pleasure spending time with you and having such a great group keeping the America system standards in play.
Samantha West had been absent for most of the pre-pageant activities because of a matinee performance she had in Tulsa, but we were treated to a video blog during orientation of her welcoming everyone to Miss Gay Oklahoma. Like a doofus I actually waived at the screen when she said hello to me! Along with her greeting, she explained the opening presentation. She had her sister come on her behalf to help organize the whole thing should there be any questions. Now while Samantha wasn’t there until the onstage categories started she showed up and looked gorgeous as always and was the epitome of what I think of when I think of a Miss Gay Oklahoma America.
Tillie Lane was all prepped and was ready for a pageant when we got to OKC. She had told me before that her city promoters had really stepped in and helped out wherever she needed them which warmed my heart. We don’t say the America system is like family just because, it is evident and plainly seen in all that we do. Thank you to the city promoters for the Miss Gay Oklahoma America pageant. All of Tillie and the city promoters’ hard work was evident with how smoothly this pageant ran.
At the end of the night after watching each contestant compete and scores were tallied the crown went to Bianca LeBlanc, a 5 year veteran competitor for Miss Gay Oklahoma America and a person with a great smile and a warm heart. She and I had actually competed against each other when I had come to OKC those years before for Miss Southern Elegance America. The tears that rolled down her face when they called her name made me know the right person was crowned and that Bianca will put her heart and soul into being the best Miss Gay Oklahoma she can be. Alizay Zane Paige was her 1st alternate, a spunky little Asian dancing diva. I am excited for both of them to be at Miss Gay America in October.
Highlights of the Miss Gay Oklahoma Pageant:
-After registration and male interview, Tillie and Kelly told me to bring my crown and they were taking me someplace special that would be only about 15 minutes. They took me to Oklahoma City University and in the front are 3 statues in a fountain. The statues were of 3 former real girl Miss Oklahoma’s that had gone to OCU and gone on to win real girl Miss America. I actually ran to the fountain because I was so excited. Y’all know I love real girl Miss America stuff! It made me wonder if it would be too much to have a bronze statue made of me and placed somewhere. If someone can make that happen I AM ALL FOR IT!
-Having my good friend George there was definitely a highlight, because I got to go to bed earlier than usual and he was able to steam my gowns while I was in Male Interviews. All that hard work steaming my 2 gowns and the first thing I did when I got my gown on was sit down to re-tabulate scores. Sorry George.
-It was so nice seeing the sisterhood and the passion that so many people in Oklahoma have for the Miss Gay America system. It’s humbling to think that I’m the national titleholder for a system that is so rich in history in so many states and is in the hearts of so many people.
So after heading back to Dallas, and getting to spend a week and a half sleeping in my own bed I was off to the wonderful city of Mobile, AL to meet up with David Green and help out with the Miss Gay Gulf States regional pageant. The humidity was RIDICULOUS in Mobile, but I had an amazing time nonetheless. I was met by former Miss Gay Alabama America promoter Gary Owens and his partner at the airport. We had a nice pizza party for lunch and then I went to the hotel. The humidity must have REALLY got to me because as soon as I got into my room I took a hardcore two hour nap, went to dinner, then too took another 30 minute nap, visited the bar where the pageant was and then went back an fell asleep with my luggage still on the bed. I guess I was a bit tired.
We were treated to many banners and signs on the doors of the hotel because the Distinguished Young Women’s scholarship program (Formerly America’s Junior Miss program) was having their national competition and many of the state delegates were staying at our hotel. Looked for the Texas rep but she must have been staying somewhere else.
So after a hard night’s sleep I head to registration where we had Jessica Raynes Starr, from North Carolina, and Celebrity Starr, from Arizona as our two competitors to be Miss Gay Gulf States America. How random that we have two contestants both with the last name Starr? Welp, just add a Sparkles and the competition was under way. With Daron Ables, Rusty Croy, Raquel Chevallier, Darian Fore, and Terry Parker as judges, they did a great job. Once again I got to sit by the ever lovely Edie Michie, who served as our tabulator and all around Sally Supporter! Thank you to all of you, and especially to David Green for all of your hard work. I was also able to spend some time with Victoria Dupuis who was passing on the title which she had so greedily hung onto for 2 years. Love you Victoria and had a great time listening to all of your jokes. You are so funny!
While the crowd was small at B Bob’s in Mobile, they were mighty and with Nicole Dubois and Josalyn Royale on the microphone they were definitely kept entertained. Special shout out to Aubrey Synclaire and her fishy hair. Having two former state titleholders as contestants and David Green as the promoter this pageant couldn’t have gone any smoother and I didn’t have to worry about anything. Jessica and Celebrity did a great job entertaining and competing and at the end of the night Jessica Raynes Starr came out as Miss Gay Gulf States America with Celebrity Starr as her 1st alternate. I am so thankful that both of them are able to come to St. Louis in October (9th – 13th) for the Miss Gay America 2014 pageant because I consider both of them friends and am looking forward to seeing them bring their “A-Game” to the national competition.
Highlights from Miss Gay Gulf States:
-I was introduced to someone who has been cyber stalking me according to some sources. I know what it was like to look up and cyber stalk Miss Gay America before, so to now be one of them and have someone checking me out online makes me giggle! Bradley Latham, a city promoter for Louisiana, America who has amazing hair helped make my visit to Mobile, AL a good one and I look forward to seeing him again in July. Thanx Bradley for all the tagged FB pictures and video!
-Hearing David Green adopt the phrase,” It is what it is.” He can definitely become a stress ball at times and the sweat that glistens off his brow is the first sign that he’s forgetting to breath. So to hear him say that phrase made me smile. You’re a good one David, thank you for all you do to make this system a great one!
-Being able to talk a little bit with Nicole Dubois and Raquel Chevallier. I adore them both and while I am still getting adjusted to being a Miss Gay America, they are both two active big sisters that are making me feel like a part of the sisterhood! A sisterhood that I am so blessed to be a part of.
So once again I repacked, took a nap and I was on a 7 am flight to St. Louis to meet up with Terry, Larry, and Larry’s partner Chuck for the St Louis Gay Pride Parade. After picking me up we went to the pride festival and Terry proceeded to get every free trinket he could while I was just in AWE of how big the festival was. After walking the whole thing and sitting peacefully in front of the main stage the clouds opened and rain came streaming down…cold rain I might add and I was in flip flops and a tank top, and we all know how cold skinny people get! LOL! I may not be skinny but I was going to start shivering! Luckily Chuck had a brilliant idea and we had a horse drawn carriage take us back to the hotel. We had dinner that night with Chad Johnson and his partner Curt and then it was straight to bed for me.
I woke up at 7:15 am the next morning to put on make up to ride in the St Louis Gay Pride Parade. While putting on make up that early in the morning wasn’t fun, the experience of being in the parade was REALLY a highlight of my reign. I was so excited because I was here doing the Miss America wave in a parade and I WAS MISS GAY AMERICA! People kept clapping and yelling as we passed by and I kept wondering why?! Then I realized Missouri is a big pageant state so they know what a Miss Gay America is. I am so deeply humbled by all of it! They made me feel like a celebrity and while I was so happy on the inside for it having gone so well, I was overwhelmed. Words can’t express the pride I had in being Miss Gay America. Along with that to have L&T and Chuck carrying my things and checking on me made me feel so loved! It was great getting to see so many familiar faces in St Louis as well. Chad Johnson and his partner Curt, Miss Gay Illinois Dayonna Hilton, Nadia, Jade Sinclair, Diva Copafeel, who was nice enough to take me to IHOP for some cinnastax pancakes that I was craving! THANK YOU DIVA! Also I got to spend a little bit of time wiith Erica Chandler who I am so happy to consider a friend, and we got to hang with the one and only Michelle McCausland! Oh how I adore her. She is just someone who is so funny and makes it so easy to be around. And to top it all off I got driven to the airport by my good friend, Monty Purdom! Thank you so much for the ride, Monty. Everytime I see you I always feel so blessed to have met you! I know I saw a slew of other people as well and I’m so sorry to leave your name off but know that I love you! The St Louis Pride parade was more than I could ever hope for, and to have been surrounded by so many people that I truly care for and that care for me, well...my cup runneth over. Thank you L&T for having me do this! I wouldn’t have traded it for the world.
And now as July comes upon us and I am traveling like a mad woman I am looking forward to attending many of the state pageants. Although my poor bed will be quite lonely I am looking forward to really getting into the meat of my reign.
And as I draw to a close of a very lengthy excellence article, which I am very aware of how long it is, I have one person that I would like to thank this month. She is a staple to my life, someone that I work with and have known since 1998. She was my big sis on SFA pom, in college, and has been my best friend ever since. She is constantly busy with the studio and her son but she has always stood behind Michael and Sally. She was there when I won my first crown as Miss Gay Dallas, she was there when I won Miss Gay Texas, and I’m doing everything in my power to have her at Miss Gay America this year to see me pass on my title. She and I are eerily alike in so many ways that I know we were put in each other’s lives for a reason. Jennifer Contreras, I really have no idea where in the world I would be right now without you. You helped me with a job when I had none, you have always been forthright with compliments and praise, and a helping hand, even when you have been swamped you have offered to help with rhinestones and decorations. You know how much winning Miss Gay America meant to me and while we both may never have won a national championship in college with pom, I hope you know that this national title is just as much yours as it is mine! You have given a huge amount of support and have been a backbone for me. I know you’re constantly busy with one thing or another, but I do hope you know that I appreciate you, I thank you, and I love you. And if it weren’t for you I doubt I would be standing before you as Miss Gay America 2013. You’re my angel and my rock, even if you’re not that stable all the time. But I know one thing for sure, if I needed you, you would be there in a second. You’re the best friend a Miss Gay America could ever have. Thank you a MILLION TIMES OVER!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
August 2013
…July would prove to be full of pageantry. This was the month that all Miss Gay America’s before me would talk about when sleeping wasn’t nearly as readily available and tired started to become part of the job. Talk about a busy month
It started with me landing in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. I was picked up by Tim and Jeff, the promoters and we then headed right on over to the hotel. The hotel was also the location of the pageant. I was given a quick little tour of where everything was going to be held and then we had a nice evening of chit chatting and I was familiarized with contestants and their past year’s titleholder and also given a sneak peek into the dramas that were involved with pageantry in Pennsylvania. Drama is a normal sidekick to pageantry in any state.
The next morning we started contestant orientation and went straight into male interview. Gabriella Safierz, Jaslene Lafelina Dixon, May Ling, Kiki Don Diva, Victoria Robinson, Georgia Versace Couture, Kahmor Vixenn, Gia S. Famouz, and Ashley Lynn were all there and ready to bring their A game .We had opening number rehearsal and for a change of pace we had nothing that evening but a casual meet and greet at the pub that was located in the hotel. I was lucky to really get to sit down and talk with the contestants and answer any questions and share stories and let them in on any insight whatsoever as to my journey in the America system or pageantry in general. It was a nice change of pace to just sit and bond with the contestants that chose to participate.
The next day we started with preliminary night one in a smaller ballroom. It was great getting to see former Miss Gay Pennsylvania’s Dominana Dupree, Elektra Fearce, Miraj Jolie and Vicki Dominatrix. I was introduced to the heavily accented comedy of LeQuitcha. She and I bantered the whole evening and I had a great time trying to understand her English. She was a good sport and made sure to get back at me a time or two. Also we got a surprise visit from Dan Burris and Victoria Dupuis, the Miss Gay Florida Promoters, who were there judging a dance competition. Night one ran smoothly.
The next morning I was treated to brunch with Mike and Tom at a lovely hotel. Funny coincidence was there was a little girl pageant going on in the hotel we had brunch at. Mike and Tom and along with Mike’s best friend had a nice enjoyable brunch and then back to the hotel for finals night. For finals night I was pleasantly surprised to have quite a few visitors. Christina Davis, Sabrina White, her honey Joel, The reigning Miss Gay Atlantic States and Miss Gay Maryland America Araya Sparxx, the newly crowned Miss Mid Atlantic Patti Lovelace, and a handful of other peeps who made their way from Maryland. Finals night was a good competition and from the top 5 we had ourselves a winner. Looking very polished and quite professional the whole evening Georgia Versace Couture came out victorious with Victoria Robinson as her first runner up. Thank you to Vicki Domanatrix, Christopher Banko, Morgan Wells, Sean Mauck, and Mark Hughes for being such a great judges panel, and super big thank you to the tabulator Richard Turner. Finals night could not have run as smooth without the help of Teresa, Sarah, and Rachel. Thank you ladies for helping make Miss Gay PA a success.
Highlights of Miss Gay Pennsylvania:
-Cutting up and talking shop with Miraj Jolie.
-The one on one time I got with contestants.
-Getting to see Christina and Sabrina White
-Getting to laugh and bond with Mark Martin of Las Vegas Costuming supply
So with only 4 days back home I was on my way to the 40th anniversary Miss Gay Ohio pageant. Must be a thing with Ohio because as soon as I landed I was whisked straight to orientation which was set up so professionally, they even had a podium! Erica Evans started the orientation and if you are not familiar, he knows his stuff and can be quite intense. Selena got a little teary eyed talking about Glee and I was made fun of afterwards for using the affirmative “Yes” after every phrase I spoke. It was back to the hotel to unpack and then came preliminary night one at Axis night club. After preliminary night one we were hosted at Level for a contestant kick off party. While it was late and I had gotten on a plane at 6:25 am that morning, I remember standing back stage and my feet killing me. I realized that as I was about to take this tiny little stage that there were contestants watching me and so I couldn’t slack. I had to prove to them why I held the title of Miss Gay America. I came off the stage panting and out of breath but I think I worked out that tiny little stage in Level. So thank you Ohio contestants, for reminding me in a tiring moment why I do what I do. You helped inspire and push me and while you may not have known it I appreciate it.
The next day was preliminary night 2 but first we had to do male interview. Aron was coming to get me at 10:30 to head to the bar and I woke up at 10:18! Talk about hating life, I hate waking up late and having to rush, and when you have long hair to get it to lay correctly and look nice is not always an easy task. My eyes were puffy and blood shot, my shirt hadn’t been ironed and I couldn’t find my hair brush for the life of me. So I shoved as much as I could into my tote, including my lapel pin and hand held steamer to press my shirt, and got in the car, making sure to not say much because when I am grumpy like that I can say mean things. I calmed down when we got to Axis where we had another judge’s meeting and then got to male interviews.
From there we went back to the hotel after a catered lunch and got ready for preliminary night 2. The best thing about Believe Entertainment is that they have pageant stuff down to an art. I never had to worry about anything whatsoever when the pageant was in full swing. I just got to do my thing and kept getting asked,” Miss America, are you ok? Do you need anything?” to which I reply,”Do you have twenty dollars?!” I have yet to actually get twenty dollars when I say that though. Everyone seems to think I’m joking.
We got to the bar to start competition and I had a mini break down. Poor Aron Aranda had to run back to the hotel and get my hip pads because I had left them. I was so disturbed that I had been so absentminded and my wonderful Miss Gay America sister Dominique Sanchez talked me off the edge and comforted me. Day 2 went off without a hitch and before we knew it we were done and back the next day for finals. Selena was a nervous wreck because she was being lowered from the ceiling but the opening went off without a hitch and a select six was announced to keep vying for the title. Destiny Fayte, Carmen Demarco, Honey Below, Britney Blair, Amanda Sue, and Rosario Garcia were chosen to keep competing for the title of Miss Gay Ohio. At the end of the night Samantha Rollins, Robbie Rickard, Dominique Sanchez, Leah Halston (H&M) and Tiffany Taylor had chosen Britney Blaire as the best contestant and she walked away with the crown with Honey Below was her first alternate.
Highlights of Miss Gay Ohio America Pageant:
-Getting to talk and bond with Dominique Sanchez, one of the most down to earth, warm, and helpful people. She made me feel like we were sisters and it was a pleasure working with her.
-Aron Aranda loves his Miss Gay Ohio’s, reigning and current. It shows in the little things he does for them. It was great seeing a promoter who has so much respect for his titleholders and this system.
-Ericka Evans caused a bit of drama by stealing my ring and thinking it was Dominique’s. HEY STICKY FINGERS! STILL WAITING FOR THAT RING IN THE MAIL!
-Getting to stand next to my friend Selena West and be a part of something so special for her. LOVE YOU SELENA!
So it was back home and straight into a preliminary that I was DEFININTELY looking forward too, Miss Gay Texas America! Miss Gay Texas was celebrating it’s 40th year and I was celebrating my 5th year anniversary of having been crowned. To top all of that it was held in Dallas, Tx so I was able to sleep in my own bed THE ENTIRE TIME! Add to that, the opportunity to not have to use as much mental power to pack and I was one happy person.
Texas has really built itself in the past few years. Krystian and Christian have truly put their blood sweat and tears into making this pageant a success. And with Kara Dion being an amazing Miss Gay Texas America it was an easy task to gain interest and contestants again. They had also taken on Former Miss Gay Texas America 2011 Jenna Skyy on as pageant director so things went smoothly. During registration they introduced me and everyone applauded and they said something that really hit home. “She brought the crown back to Texas.” Of course I got teary eyed. It was so surreal to be standing there for registration as Miss Gay America. I remember sitting in those contestants seats and just wanting to be able to stand there during registration as Miss Gay Texas and now here I was at the top of the totem pole. You would’ve thought I was going to be an emotional wreck but surprisingly I got through it with only one emotional moment.
Picking the next Miss Gay Texas were 5 amazing judges. The ever popular, entertaining, and respected Tommie Ross, Brandi Amara Skyy, Head Judge & former Miss Gay America Patti Le Plae Safe, random real girl, and Jose. After 2 great preliminary days it was finals night. And standing backstage were 16 former Miss Gay Texas America’s standing in red waiting to start. Including former Miss Gay America’s Tasha Kohl, Lauren Taylor, Charity Case, and MYSELF! We also had the honor of having our emeritus Jodi Lane come in face to celebrate her 40th anniversary.
Now, if that wasn’t enough to make me smile from ear to ear my mother was there accompanied by my father! My Aunt Judy was originally supposed to come but because wasn’t able to so my father took her place. It was so proud to have the crowd clap and cheer as I was announced on stage as former Miss Gay Texas America and the reigning Miss Gay America and to have my parents sitting there front row able to witness it all with me. From the 21 contestants that had shown up a top 10 was announced and the race to crown a new Miss Gay Texas was underway. Insert top 10 names. At the end of the night Athena Campbell was crowned, a newcomer to Texas America, but not to the America system. Two years ago she had been first alternate to Miss Gay Louisiana. Her first alternate was Alayna Marquez, a veteran to the art of female impersonation but a newcomer to the America system. I have a feeling you will be seeing a great showing from Texas at Miss Gay America, and being a former I can’t help but puff my chest out with pride.
Highlights from Miss Gay Texas America:
-Getting to present first Miss Gay Texas Jodi Lane with her 40th anniversary award.
-Getting to meet Lauren Taylor. She came up and introduced herself and I screamed,” OMG You’re FAMOUS!“ She was an utter delight and I know the Texas America audience was happy to see her on stage entertaining again.
-Friends, Family, and Fans being there in the audience to see me as Miss Gay America, doing the duties and performing. I was honored and blessed to know that I had brought the crown back to Texas. The last Miss Gay Texas to reign was Charity Case, and you know us Texans, we like to win when we compete.
-Getting to spend time with such a lovely person as Kara Dion who was passing on the title. She is a great entertainer and administrator and everything this system was needing to grow. I hope Athena realizes what big shoes she has to fill!
So after finishing critiques at 4:30 am I ran home to shower and repack and get to the airport to leave for Miss Gay Arizona. I was greeted at the hotel by the newly wed Nick Ray, husband to Daniel Eckstrom, the Arizona Promoter. I was treated to a lovely dinner and then whisked back to my wonderful little apartments that I had stayed in when I was there for Western States.
The next day I got to meet all 9 contestants and we started Male Interview. Arizona is a closed state pageant and I wasn’t sure what to expect from these contestants, but I can tell you I was a bit blown away. Arizona has some very intelligent and articulate young men wanting to be Miss Gay Arizona and I was highly impressed. Johanna Carlise, Oscar De Lan Salan, Mike Fornelli, Saellah V, and John Jones were not going to have an easy time judging. The first night we all met up at The Rock and had solo talent as the first judged category. I enjoyed it being in a bar setting and right from that category it ran into the Miss Gay Arizona Review Show. I had a nice time backstage and getting to meet and know some of the formers, along with that I got to see the sparkle in DiVa’s eyes as she enjoyed her last days as the reigning Miss Gay Arizona. The show finished and I was once again back in the little apartment washing my face and showering and reorganizing for the next day.
The next day a brunch was held at The Rock, which was sponsored by the city preliminary promoters. Afterwards I got ready and then we went to the lovely Tempe Arts Center. The same place Western States was held but this time we got the BIG theater. Along with that I was getting to work with Catia Lee Love which would be our first time since Mid-America which was in March, and feels like YEARS AGO! Just like for Western States, the backstage staff was on it and very professional and made sure everything ran smoothly. After amazing showings from Classy Corona, Olivia Gardens, Jasmine White, Lady Christian, Regine Ray, Savannah Stephens, Bianca Solei, Jimena Cavalli and Tyra Marie we had a winner. After having placed 1st alternate twice she finally cracked the code and Tyra Marie was crowned Miss Gay Arizona America! 1st alternate went to the contestant with the most flawless cover up reveal in her solo talent that I have ever seen and that was Savannah Stevens. Both are great people with good hearts and I am looking forward to seeing them both in St. Louis in the fall.
Highlights of Miss Gay Arizona:
-Getting to bond and chit chat with T.C. Taylor (Miss Gay Arizona America ’09) We dressed next to each other for the review show and it was great getting to know her even more. She is definitely a kindred spirit with a kind soul.
-Coming to realize how much Daniel Eckstrom and I have in common. By that I mean a lot of our experience in this industry and our respective states have mirrored each other and so it’s nice to hang out with someone who just “gets it” because of similar experiences.
-I enjoyed everyone complaining about the humidity in Arizona because it rained one night! I didn’t notice anything and to have them whining about it kind of made me giggle.
So once again I was flying home to pack to then head out to Miss Gay Louisiana to be held in Baton Rouge, at the bar Splash. Now as many of you know I have become quite close with Dextaci and so to be there at her give up was quite special. Not only that but I have spent a bit of time with David Green considering he owns Southern Elegance and Gulf States as well as Louisiana. So going to Baton Rouge was kind of a reunion of sorts. To top it all off we had Kirby Kolby as our head judge, who I always have a good time with so I knew Louisiana would be memorable for me.
The day started with registration and 17 eager faces staring at me as I lead orientation. We moved swiftly right along into interviews and preliminary nights ran smoothly with Jocelyn, the pageant director helping run things along. Luckily there weren’t any major hiccups. Louisiana was proving itself to be a good pageant. Corey Tullier, Blake Nagy, Terry Parker, Kirby Kolby, and Rusty Croy were doing a fabulous time judging.
Then come finals night and before heading to the bar we get some horrible news at the hotel. Poor Dextaci’s room has been flooded with water because the sprinkler has gone off. David Green and I go to check on Dex and there he is with his give up gown in the dryer, face all painted, running around trying to make sense of it all. Congratualtions Dextaci on being such a professional through and through. You have made Louisiana so proud all year and after holding yourself together well you made me a little prouder. We all got things semi sorted and off to Splash to get that crown on a new girl.
The opening was “Girl For All Seasons” from the movie Grease 2. Come to find out both Dextaci and I LOVE THAT MOVIE! So this opening theme was a great idea. I got to be part of summer and Dextaci was winter, and the contestants all got to choose a holiday as their opening presentation costume and came out with each season accordingly. I thought it was adorable and loved the song. After the opening the top 8 was announced. Monique Michaels, Raelynn Rae, Monica Sinclaire Kennedy, Delaney Valentine, Mercedez Loreal, Venus Monroe, Alexis Lawrence, and Pharyst Ardemel got to continue their race to see who was going to be MGLA 2013.
The evening went smoothly and with Catia on the microphone you know it was entertaining. She had everyone in that bar thinking that I cried at the drop of a hat. Now I do cry and get emotional plenty while realizing I’m Miss Gay America, but every time I touched my eyelash or patted under my eyes because it itched, or had something in the corner of my eye I had someone bringing me tissues because they thought I was crying. THANX CATIA! After an emotional give up number and other awards were given we were down to the final placement of the top 8. 1st alternate went to the seasoned and polished Delaney Valentine, while the new Miss Gay Louisiana is Mercedez Loreal. She was a veteran to this pageant and finally on her 7th attempt she captured this title. Her crowning was genuine, sincere, and everything that anyone could wish for when someone captures a long awaited dream.
Highlights of Miss Gay Louisiana:
-Post pageant nights Dextaci and Kirby would come over to my room while I reorganized things and we would laugh and joke and talk and have a good time. Those are the moments during my reign that I cherish and will always remember because they always mean the most.
-Everyone knows that when it comes to dance I am a stickler for proper technique and performance abilities. Plenty of contestants came out and danced and I was actually QUITE impressed. Louisiana had some trained dancers so I got to just sit back and relax and enjoy them. Thank you Louisiana, for producing some nice dancers.
-I got to wear a yellow rose dress. Originally I was supposed to be part of spring for the opening. I told Dextaci I was ordering a yellow rose dress. When I got it, it was so yellow I told her I should probably be summer. While Charity Case would say I stole it from Honey Boo Boo Child I was happy and excited to wear a yellow rose cupcake kind of dress.
-Once again Miss Edie was the tabulator and to cut up and chat with her made me happy. She is kind of like a momma hen, in the fact that her touch and warm face are so maternal that you can’t help but want to hug her. Every and ANY time spent with her is a highlight.
Straight from Louisiana I flew up to D.C. for the Miss Gay Atlantic States pageant. I was finally getting to stay at the Mansion on O. When I first got there I was given a tour and was a bit confused. I was told it was like Alice in Wonderland and Clue mashed up. Well they were correct on that. I had to go through 2 different mirrors in order to get to my room. What was that? Yes not doors, Mirrors. When I was left there by myself I actually just fell asleep on a couch downstairs because it was going to take too much mental power to figure out where my room was. I woke up to Nicole Dubois coming into the parlor and laughing at me for sleeping on the couch. I couldn’t help it. The mansion was so homey and the couch so comfortable that it didn’t take but a minute for me to close my eyes.
That night I met up with my friend Jordan Sinclair, who had moved to Virginia from Texas a few years ago and Christina Davis, formerly of Ohio, currently residing in Baltimore came and we all went out to Zeigfields to watch Nicole Dubois and Patti Lovelace in the show. Now while we were there we also went upstairs to Secrets, which provides non clothed dancers as entertainment. I felt awkward being up there and decided I definitely like strippers with a little something on a lot better. All I kept thinking while I was there was,” Does your mother know what you’re doing?!” Needless to say we didn’t stay in Secrets very long.
The next morning we headed to registration and our lovely tabulators Kathy Wilt and Barb McCrickerol were nice enough to drive Christina and I to the venue. With Thomas Marston, Sabrina White, Monet Dupree, Mona Lotts, Coco Montrese judging we had 4 contestants under scrutiny. Charity Saude, Katrina Escalarza, Sue Nami and Lequitcha Rodriguez all were there ready to throw their hat in the ring. After a lively night of competition with Araya Sparxx looking gorgeous the whole night it was time for her to pass on the title. Sue Name emerged as 1st alternate with Lequitcha Rodriguez as the new Miss Gay Atlantic States. Patti Lovelace and Ric Legg-Beivedous did an amazing job organizing and making sure there were no problems with this pageant. Once again I got to see Chi Chi Ray Colby who did a fabulous job running around backstage and making sure everyone was where they needed to be.
Highlights of Miss Gay Atlantic States:
-Getting to finally work with Coco Montrese. She was a great head judge and I loved being able to show her and Sabrina White how I was doing as Miss Gay America.
-Got to reunite with so many Maryland people. Totally forgot that Baltimore is so close to D.C.
-Getting to spend some good bonding time with my big sis Nicole Dubois. So many people love her and it’s evident why after spending a minute or two with her.
And after a full full full month of pageantry I am still in the midst of my busy season. I am trying to enjoy every minute of it even though sleep and relaxation has become few and far between.
This month I would like to take a minute to thank a lot of people who probably don’t realize how much they have helped me. Thank you to all of the nay-sayers. Thank you to all of the people who didn’t believe in me. Thank you to all of the judges who didn’t think I deserved to win a pageant. Unknowingly you helped motivate me. You helped me to push myself to become and perform better. You lit that fire under my seat that helped push me to a level that I never thought I would be at. You people helped push me to ultimately achieve the goal of being Miss Gay America. That line that people say,” Don’t get bitter, get better.” I took it to heart and turned my negative into a positive and am still trying to do so today as I continually strive for excellence!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
It started with me landing in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. I was picked up by Tim and Jeff, the promoters and we then headed right on over to the hotel. The hotel was also the location of the pageant. I was given a quick little tour of where everything was going to be held and then we had a nice evening of chit chatting and I was familiarized with contestants and their past year’s titleholder and also given a sneak peek into the dramas that were involved with pageantry in Pennsylvania. Drama is a normal sidekick to pageantry in any state.
The next morning we started contestant orientation and went straight into male interview. Gabriella Safierz, Jaslene Lafelina Dixon, May Ling, Kiki Don Diva, Victoria Robinson, Georgia Versace Couture, Kahmor Vixenn, Gia S. Famouz, and Ashley Lynn were all there and ready to bring their A game .We had opening number rehearsal and for a change of pace we had nothing that evening but a casual meet and greet at the pub that was located in the hotel. I was lucky to really get to sit down and talk with the contestants and answer any questions and share stories and let them in on any insight whatsoever as to my journey in the America system or pageantry in general. It was a nice change of pace to just sit and bond with the contestants that chose to participate.
The next day we started with preliminary night one in a smaller ballroom. It was great getting to see former Miss Gay Pennsylvania’s Dominana Dupree, Elektra Fearce, Miraj Jolie and Vicki Dominatrix. I was introduced to the heavily accented comedy of LeQuitcha. She and I bantered the whole evening and I had a great time trying to understand her English. She was a good sport and made sure to get back at me a time or two. Also we got a surprise visit from Dan Burris and Victoria Dupuis, the Miss Gay Florida Promoters, who were there judging a dance competition. Night one ran smoothly.
The next morning I was treated to brunch with Mike and Tom at a lovely hotel. Funny coincidence was there was a little girl pageant going on in the hotel we had brunch at. Mike and Tom and along with Mike’s best friend had a nice enjoyable brunch and then back to the hotel for finals night. For finals night I was pleasantly surprised to have quite a few visitors. Christina Davis, Sabrina White, her honey Joel, The reigning Miss Gay Atlantic States and Miss Gay Maryland America Araya Sparxx, the newly crowned Miss Mid Atlantic Patti Lovelace, and a handful of other peeps who made their way from Maryland. Finals night was a good competition and from the top 5 we had ourselves a winner. Looking very polished and quite professional the whole evening Georgia Versace Couture came out victorious with Victoria Robinson as her first runner up. Thank you to Vicki Domanatrix, Christopher Banko, Morgan Wells, Sean Mauck, and Mark Hughes for being such a great judges panel, and super big thank you to the tabulator Richard Turner. Finals night could not have run as smooth without the help of Teresa, Sarah, and Rachel. Thank you ladies for helping make Miss Gay PA a success.
Highlights of Miss Gay Pennsylvania:
-Cutting up and talking shop with Miraj Jolie.
-The one on one time I got with contestants.
-Getting to see Christina and Sabrina White
-Getting to laugh and bond with Mark Martin of Las Vegas Costuming supply
So with only 4 days back home I was on my way to the 40th anniversary Miss Gay Ohio pageant. Must be a thing with Ohio because as soon as I landed I was whisked straight to orientation which was set up so professionally, they even had a podium! Erica Evans started the orientation and if you are not familiar, he knows his stuff and can be quite intense. Selena got a little teary eyed talking about Glee and I was made fun of afterwards for using the affirmative “Yes” after every phrase I spoke. It was back to the hotel to unpack and then came preliminary night one at Axis night club. After preliminary night one we were hosted at Level for a contestant kick off party. While it was late and I had gotten on a plane at 6:25 am that morning, I remember standing back stage and my feet killing me. I realized that as I was about to take this tiny little stage that there were contestants watching me and so I couldn’t slack. I had to prove to them why I held the title of Miss Gay America. I came off the stage panting and out of breath but I think I worked out that tiny little stage in Level. So thank you Ohio contestants, for reminding me in a tiring moment why I do what I do. You helped inspire and push me and while you may not have known it I appreciate it.
The next day was preliminary night 2 but first we had to do male interview. Aron was coming to get me at 10:30 to head to the bar and I woke up at 10:18! Talk about hating life, I hate waking up late and having to rush, and when you have long hair to get it to lay correctly and look nice is not always an easy task. My eyes were puffy and blood shot, my shirt hadn’t been ironed and I couldn’t find my hair brush for the life of me. So I shoved as much as I could into my tote, including my lapel pin and hand held steamer to press my shirt, and got in the car, making sure to not say much because when I am grumpy like that I can say mean things. I calmed down when we got to Axis where we had another judge’s meeting and then got to male interviews.
From there we went back to the hotel after a catered lunch and got ready for preliminary night 2. The best thing about Believe Entertainment is that they have pageant stuff down to an art. I never had to worry about anything whatsoever when the pageant was in full swing. I just got to do my thing and kept getting asked,” Miss America, are you ok? Do you need anything?” to which I reply,”Do you have twenty dollars?!” I have yet to actually get twenty dollars when I say that though. Everyone seems to think I’m joking.
We got to the bar to start competition and I had a mini break down. Poor Aron Aranda had to run back to the hotel and get my hip pads because I had left them. I was so disturbed that I had been so absentminded and my wonderful Miss Gay America sister Dominique Sanchez talked me off the edge and comforted me. Day 2 went off without a hitch and before we knew it we were done and back the next day for finals. Selena was a nervous wreck because she was being lowered from the ceiling but the opening went off without a hitch and a select six was announced to keep vying for the title. Destiny Fayte, Carmen Demarco, Honey Below, Britney Blair, Amanda Sue, and Rosario Garcia were chosen to keep competing for the title of Miss Gay Ohio. At the end of the night Samantha Rollins, Robbie Rickard, Dominique Sanchez, Leah Halston (H&M) and Tiffany Taylor had chosen Britney Blaire as the best contestant and she walked away with the crown with Honey Below was her first alternate.
Highlights of Miss Gay Ohio America Pageant:
-Getting to talk and bond with Dominique Sanchez, one of the most down to earth, warm, and helpful people. She made me feel like we were sisters and it was a pleasure working with her.
-Aron Aranda loves his Miss Gay Ohio’s, reigning and current. It shows in the little things he does for them. It was great seeing a promoter who has so much respect for his titleholders and this system.
-Ericka Evans caused a bit of drama by stealing my ring and thinking it was Dominique’s. HEY STICKY FINGERS! STILL WAITING FOR THAT RING IN THE MAIL!
-Getting to stand next to my friend Selena West and be a part of something so special for her. LOVE YOU SELENA!
So it was back home and straight into a preliminary that I was DEFININTELY looking forward too, Miss Gay Texas America! Miss Gay Texas was celebrating it’s 40th year and I was celebrating my 5th year anniversary of having been crowned. To top all of that it was held in Dallas, Tx so I was able to sleep in my own bed THE ENTIRE TIME! Add to that, the opportunity to not have to use as much mental power to pack and I was one happy person.
Texas has really built itself in the past few years. Krystian and Christian have truly put their blood sweat and tears into making this pageant a success. And with Kara Dion being an amazing Miss Gay Texas America it was an easy task to gain interest and contestants again. They had also taken on Former Miss Gay Texas America 2011 Jenna Skyy on as pageant director so things went smoothly. During registration they introduced me and everyone applauded and they said something that really hit home. “She brought the crown back to Texas.” Of course I got teary eyed. It was so surreal to be standing there for registration as Miss Gay America. I remember sitting in those contestants seats and just wanting to be able to stand there during registration as Miss Gay Texas and now here I was at the top of the totem pole. You would’ve thought I was going to be an emotional wreck but surprisingly I got through it with only one emotional moment.
Picking the next Miss Gay Texas were 5 amazing judges. The ever popular, entertaining, and respected Tommie Ross, Brandi Amara Skyy, Head Judge & former Miss Gay America Patti Le Plae Safe, random real girl, and Jose. After 2 great preliminary days it was finals night. And standing backstage were 16 former Miss Gay Texas America’s standing in red waiting to start. Including former Miss Gay America’s Tasha Kohl, Lauren Taylor, Charity Case, and MYSELF! We also had the honor of having our emeritus Jodi Lane come in face to celebrate her 40th anniversary.
Now, if that wasn’t enough to make me smile from ear to ear my mother was there accompanied by my father! My Aunt Judy was originally supposed to come but because wasn’t able to so my father took her place. It was so proud to have the crowd clap and cheer as I was announced on stage as former Miss Gay Texas America and the reigning Miss Gay America and to have my parents sitting there front row able to witness it all with me. From the 21 contestants that had shown up a top 10 was announced and the race to crown a new Miss Gay Texas was underway. Insert top 10 names. At the end of the night Athena Campbell was crowned, a newcomer to Texas America, but not to the America system. Two years ago she had been first alternate to Miss Gay Louisiana. Her first alternate was Alayna Marquez, a veteran to the art of female impersonation but a newcomer to the America system. I have a feeling you will be seeing a great showing from Texas at Miss Gay America, and being a former I can’t help but puff my chest out with pride.
Highlights from Miss Gay Texas America:
-Getting to present first Miss Gay Texas Jodi Lane with her 40th anniversary award.
-Getting to meet Lauren Taylor. She came up and introduced herself and I screamed,” OMG You’re FAMOUS!“ She was an utter delight and I know the Texas America audience was happy to see her on stage entertaining again.
-Friends, Family, and Fans being there in the audience to see me as Miss Gay America, doing the duties and performing. I was honored and blessed to know that I had brought the crown back to Texas. The last Miss Gay Texas to reign was Charity Case, and you know us Texans, we like to win when we compete.
-Getting to spend time with such a lovely person as Kara Dion who was passing on the title. She is a great entertainer and administrator and everything this system was needing to grow. I hope Athena realizes what big shoes she has to fill!
So after finishing critiques at 4:30 am I ran home to shower and repack and get to the airport to leave for Miss Gay Arizona. I was greeted at the hotel by the newly wed Nick Ray, husband to Daniel Eckstrom, the Arizona Promoter. I was treated to a lovely dinner and then whisked back to my wonderful little apartments that I had stayed in when I was there for Western States.
The next day I got to meet all 9 contestants and we started Male Interview. Arizona is a closed state pageant and I wasn’t sure what to expect from these contestants, but I can tell you I was a bit blown away. Arizona has some very intelligent and articulate young men wanting to be Miss Gay Arizona and I was highly impressed. Johanna Carlise, Oscar De Lan Salan, Mike Fornelli, Saellah V, and John Jones were not going to have an easy time judging. The first night we all met up at The Rock and had solo talent as the first judged category. I enjoyed it being in a bar setting and right from that category it ran into the Miss Gay Arizona Review Show. I had a nice time backstage and getting to meet and know some of the formers, along with that I got to see the sparkle in DiVa’s eyes as she enjoyed her last days as the reigning Miss Gay Arizona. The show finished and I was once again back in the little apartment washing my face and showering and reorganizing for the next day.
The next day a brunch was held at The Rock, which was sponsored by the city preliminary promoters. Afterwards I got ready and then we went to the lovely Tempe Arts Center. The same place Western States was held but this time we got the BIG theater. Along with that I was getting to work with Catia Lee Love which would be our first time since Mid-America which was in March, and feels like YEARS AGO! Just like for Western States, the backstage staff was on it and very professional and made sure everything ran smoothly. After amazing showings from Classy Corona, Olivia Gardens, Jasmine White, Lady Christian, Regine Ray, Savannah Stephens, Bianca Solei, Jimena Cavalli and Tyra Marie we had a winner. After having placed 1st alternate twice she finally cracked the code and Tyra Marie was crowned Miss Gay Arizona America! 1st alternate went to the contestant with the most flawless cover up reveal in her solo talent that I have ever seen and that was Savannah Stevens. Both are great people with good hearts and I am looking forward to seeing them both in St. Louis in the fall.
Highlights of Miss Gay Arizona:
-Getting to bond and chit chat with T.C. Taylor (Miss Gay Arizona America ’09) We dressed next to each other for the review show and it was great getting to know her even more. She is definitely a kindred spirit with a kind soul.
-Coming to realize how much Daniel Eckstrom and I have in common. By that I mean a lot of our experience in this industry and our respective states have mirrored each other and so it’s nice to hang out with someone who just “gets it” because of similar experiences.
-I enjoyed everyone complaining about the humidity in Arizona because it rained one night! I didn’t notice anything and to have them whining about it kind of made me giggle.
So once again I was flying home to pack to then head out to Miss Gay Louisiana to be held in Baton Rouge, at the bar Splash. Now as many of you know I have become quite close with Dextaci and so to be there at her give up was quite special. Not only that but I have spent a bit of time with David Green considering he owns Southern Elegance and Gulf States as well as Louisiana. So going to Baton Rouge was kind of a reunion of sorts. To top it all off we had Kirby Kolby as our head judge, who I always have a good time with so I knew Louisiana would be memorable for me.
The day started with registration and 17 eager faces staring at me as I lead orientation. We moved swiftly right along into interviews and preliminary nights ran smoothly with Jocelyn, the pageant director helping run things along. Luckily there weren’t any major hiccups. Louisiana was proving itself to be a good pageant. Corey Tullier, Blake Nagy, Terry Parker, Kirby Kolby, and Rusty Croy were doing a fabulous time judging.
Then come finals night and before heading to the bar we get some horrible news at the hotel. Poor Dextaci’s room has been flooded with water because the sprinkler has gone off. David Green and I go to check on Dex and there he is with his give up gown in the dryer, face all painted, running around trying to make sense of it all. Congratualtions Dextaci on being such a professional through and through. You have made Louisiana so proud all year and after holding yourself together well you made me a little prouder. We all got things semi sorted and off to Splash to get that crown on a new girl.
The opening was “Girl For All Seasons” from the movie Grease 2. Come to find out both Dextaci and I LOVE THAT MOVIE! So this opening theme was a great idea. I got to be part of summer and Dextaci was winter, and the contestants all got to choose a holiday as their opening presentation costume and came out with each season accordingly. I thought it was adorable and loved the song. After the opening the top 8 was announced. Monique Michaels, Raelynn Rae, Monica Sinclaire Kennedy, Delaney Valentine, Mercedez Loreal, Venus Monroe, Alexis Lawrence, and Pharyst Ardemel got to continue their race to see who was going to be MGLA 2013.
The evening went smoothly and with Catia on the microphone you know it was entertaining. She had everyone in that bar thinking that I cried at the drop of a hat. Now I do cry and get emotional plenty while realizing I’m Miss Gay America, but every time I touched my eyelash or patted under my eyes because it itched, or had something in the corner of my eye I had someone bringing me tissues because they thought I was crying. THANX CATIA! After an emotional give up number and other awards were given we were down to the final placement of the top 8. 1st alternate went to the seasoned and polished Delaney Valentine, while the new Miss Gay Louisiana is Mercedez Loreal. She was a veteran to this pageant and finally on her 7th attempt she captured this title. Her crowning was genuine, sincere, and everything that anyone could wish for when someone captures a long awaited dream.
Highlights of Miss Gay Louisiana:
-Post pageant nights Dextaci and Kirby would come over to my room while I reorganized things and we would laugh and joke and talk and have a good time. Those are the moments during my reign that I cherish and will always remember because they always mean the most.
-Everyone knows that when it comes to dance I am a stickler for proper technique and performance abilities. Plenty of contestants came out and danced and I was actually QUITE impressed. Louisiana had some trained dancers so I got to just sit back and relax and enjoy them. Thank you Louisiana, for producing some nice dancers.
-I got to wear a yellow rose dress. Originally I was supposed to be part of spring for the opening. I told Dextaci I was ordering a yellow rose dress. When I got it, it was so yellow I told her I should probably be summer. While Charity Case would say I stole it from Honey Boo Boo Child I was happy and excited to wear a yellow rose cupcake kind of dress.
-Once again Miss Edie was the tabulator and to cut up and chat with her made me happy. She is kind of like a momma hen, in the fact that her touch and warm face are so maternal that you can’t help but want to hug her. Every and ANY time spent with her is a highlight.
Straight from Louisiana I flew up to D.C. for the Miss Gay Atlantic States pageant. I was finally getting to stay at the Mansion on O. When I first got there I was given a tour and was a bit confused. I was told it was like Alice in Wonderland and Clue mashed up. Well they were correct on that. I had to go through 2 different mirrors in order to get to my room. What was that? Yes not doors, Mirrors. When I was left there by myself I actually just fell asleep on a couch downstairs because it was going to take too much mental power to figure out where my room was. I woke up to Nicole Dubois coming into the parlor and laughing at me for sleeping on the couch. I couldn’t help it. The mansion was so homey and the couch so comfortable that it didn’t take but a minute for me to close my eyes.
That night I met up with my friend Jordan Sinclair, who had moved to Virginia from Texas a few years ago and Christina Davis, formerly of Ohio, currently residing in Baltimore came and we all went out to Zeigfields to watch Nicole Dubois and Patti Lovelace in the show. Now while we were there we also went upstairs to Secrets, which provides non clothed dancers as entertainment. I felt awkward being up there and decided I definitely like strippers with a little something on a lot better. All I kept thinking while I was there was,” Does your mother know what you’re doing?!” Needless to say we didn’t stay in Secrets very long.
The next morning we headed to registration and our lovely tabulators Kathy Wilt and Barb McCrickerol were nice enough to drive Christina and I to the venue. With Thomas Marston, Sabrina White, Monet Dupree, Mona Lotts, Coco Montrese judging we had 4 contestants under scrutiny. Charity Saude, Katrina Escalarza, Sue Nami and Lequitcha Rodriguez all were there ready to throw their hat in the ring. After a lively night of competition with Araya Sparxx looking gorgeous the whole night it was time for her to pass on the title. Sue Name emerged as 1st alternate with Lequitcha Rodriguez as the new Miss Gay Atlantic States. Patti Lovelace and Ric Legg-Beivedous did an amazing job organizing and making sure there were no problems with this pageant. Once again I got to see Chi Chi Ray Colby who did a fabulous job running around backstage and making sure everyone was where they needed to be.
Highlights of Miss Gay Atlantic States:
-Getting to finally work with Coco Montrese. She was a great head judge and I loved being able to show her and Sabrina White how I was doing as Miss Gay America.
-Got to reunite with so many Maryland people. Totally forgot that Baltimore is so close to D.C.
-Getting to spend some good bonding time with my big sis Nicole Dubois. So many people love her and it’s evident why after spending a minute or two with her.
And after a full full full month of pageantry I am still in the midst of my busy season. I am trying to enjoy every minute of it even though sleep and relaxation has become few and far between.
This month I would like to take a minute to thank a lot of people who probably don’t realize how much they have helped me. Thank you to all of the nay-sayers. Thank you to all of the people who didn’t believe in me. Thank you to all of the judges who didn’t think I deserved to win a pageant. Unknowingly you helped motivate me. You helped me to push myself to become and perform better. You lit that fire under my seat that helped push me to a level that I never thought I would be at. You people helped push me to ultimately achieve the goal of being Miss Gay America. That line that people say,” Don’t get bitter, get better.” I took it to heart and turned my negative into a positive and am still trying to do so today as I continually strive for excellence!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
September 2013
And August began with a short trip up to Wichita for the Miss Gay Kansas America Regional Pageant. Less than an hour flight and I was there! Who knew Kansas was so close to Dallas?! I was greeted by Vanna Vincent (Bruce Wightman), the Kansas Promoter and we headed straight over to our first class accommodations. We later picked up Dan Barris and Kirby Kolby from the airport and the 4 of us had a grand ole time together. It was like a mini Miss Gay Florida Reunion. We spent the day shopping and hanging out. That evening we had a great dinner at the hotel with a whole slew of pageant peeps including Miss Charity Case. Wouldn’t you know it, she got into the hotel right before we ordered. Good timing Lady! That night Chad Johnson and Curt Godier ventured out into the streets with me to find a gas station. I was needing some munchies and something to drink to hydrate. Nothing like random conversation after midnight while roaming the downtown streets of Wichita to make a trip memorable!
The next day came rather quickly, I think because the beds in the hotel were so amazing. The pageant was going to be held in the Fantasy Complex, which is like two or three different clubs put into one. The space was amazing. Outside they even had a pool and land and off in the distance I believe there might have been a pond because I remember seeing ducks.
Three contestants showed up and were ready to become the next Miss Gay Kansas. Jade Sinclair and Moltyn Decadence had made their way from St. Louis, while Brown Sugar was the hometown girl, residing right there in Wichita, Kansas. We went straight into orientation and then into Male interview and I have to admit, with the judges panel having Kirby Kolby, Charity Case, Tiffany Bonet, Dan Barris, and Curt Godier on it, I was excited to see how these interviews would run. How were these contestants going to handle being placed in front of three former Miss Gay America’s? I know if I had been competing I would have had to consciously calmed myself down, but these contestants had it all under control and interviews went smoothly as did the rest of the pageant.
The only thing missing was our reigning Miss Gay Kansas, Kyla Breeze. She had gone out of the country because she had just gotten married, from what I understand, and on the way back from the Dominican Republic they got delayed in Atlanta. Anyone who follows me on Facebook knows about the ATLANTA AIRPORT! LOL! Well this wasn’t a two or three hour delay, it was an overnight delay. They kept her and her husband overnight in Atlanta. Come the next morning (the day of Miss Gay Kansas) they were still having issues with the plane to get them back to Kansas. So she finally landed in Kansas City and drove into Wichita, all the while painting her face in the car. She got to the pageant and was able to do her final number and luckily she got there with time to calm down and actually ENJOY that final number, and while she may not have felt it, she looked FABULOUS! I was happy that she got there and got to finish up her last official duty as Miss Gay Kansas.
At the end of the evening, Chad Johnson and I had tallied and re-tallied the scores and we had a winner. Jade Sinclair was crowned Miss Gay Kansas, while Brown Sugar had earned the spot of first alternate. The contest was a success and Vanna and everyone involved should be very proud.
Highlights of Miss Gay Kansas:
-Getting to spend time with Dan Barris, Kirby Kolby, and Vanna that first day. Since Florida we had kind of bonded and so it really did feel like a mini reunion.
-Tiffany Bonet, Kirby Kolby, and I, along with Vanna walked into Wal-Greens, I know this may sound cheesy but I felt proud to be standing between Kirby and Tiffany. Thinking how cool that three Miss Gay America’s just walked through the door and that I was one of them. It was very surreal and definitely a moment I will remember.
-STARBUCKS was in the lobby of the hotel! I don’t know how many of you DO NOT know, but I LOVE STARBUCKS ‘ CHAI TEA LATTE’s and so to get off the elevator and be able to get one was DEFINITELY a highlight!
-Even though she was dead tired Kyla Breeze stayed around after the pageant and we chatted for a bit. Those little moments, those little conversations are what makes being Miss Gay America special to me and so I want to say THANK YOU, KYLA! I know you were exhausted so I appreciate you staying around to chit chat for a little bit!
The day after the pageant Vanna had been nice enough to get me first class plane tickets to St. Louis, because with only one day between I had to be in St. Louis for the Miss Gay Mid West pageant. She had originally intended to fly with me but things came up at home and she wasn’t able to go. I was sad about that but I dealt with it easily in my extra seat space and priority boarding! Flying first class was definitely a perk and I so appreciated it! THANK YOU VANNA!
I landed in St. Louis with Sarah Butchko and Marty Zuniga. They pick up all the important people at the airport so I felt special. From the airport I was whisked away to the hotel. I had already told myself that if they offered me a chance to go out I needed to turn it down! I had to reorganize for the next day and I really did need to get to sleep at a decent hour. So I spent my Saturday night in St. Louis, steaming my gowns and repacking and getting ready for the next day. While it may not have been an eventful Saturday night it was definitely a productive one for me.
Jade Sinclair and Diva Coppafeel had done a nice job getting everything together for Miss Gay Mid West. It was held at Hamburger Mary’s and the smell of food was in the air the whole time, therefore I craved hamburgers through the whole pageant. While male interview was in a rather unusual setting everything worked out well. Kofi was present in all her glory to pass on the title to another deserving person. I always enjoy seeing Kofi. She has such good skin and her smile is infectious. That same smile is what makes me enjoy her so much on stage. It was a privilege to share the stage with her as she was passing on this title.
Once again there were three contestants vying for the title of Miss Gay Mid West. Moltyn Decadence, Vicki Valentino, and Tova Uravitch all showed up with packages prepared and they battled it out. Alonzo Gault, Erica Chandler, Dr. Led Browning, Tulita Pepsi, and Madison Elise comprised the judging panel and I did not envy them at all. Sarah Butchko and Craig Thurman (more commonly known as Mr. Andrews) were both there helping me tabulate and making sure all was on the up and up. Come the end of the night Kofi placed the crown on the head of Vicki Valentino, your new Miss Gay Mid West. Tova Uravitch came in as first alternate and I believe it was Tova’s first time competing in an America pageant. Congratulations to both of you ladies and I can’t wait for you both to experience the national pageant.
Highlights of Miss Gay Mid West:
-Everytime I go to St. Louis I am pleasantly surprised by how many people I know that reside there. So during the pageant I was able to chit chat and catch up with quite a few people that I consider friends. Especially with being Miss Gay America that time doesn’t come around often!
-Since Miss Gay Missouri I have gotten to be friends with Miss Diva Coppafeel, and it’s become a kind of silly tradition that whenever I am in St. Louis that she take me to IHOP so I can get a stack of Cinnastix pancakes. Thank you Diva for taking me to fill my tummy with too much sugar and cinnamon! I appreciate it!
-While this may not be a highlight of the pageant it is definitely something that hit me. While in the airport I realized that I was only going to have to write 2 more Excellence letters, and I was definitely more than half way through with my preliminaries. I sat there and SOBBED! I know people around were thinking someone must have died, so I covered my face, cried for a few minutes and then tried to snap out of it. I’m trying to implement the phrase,” Don’t cry because it’s over, Smile because it happened.”
With a few days to recoup and two suitcases and a carry on full of drag, I was on my way to Charlotte, North Carolina for 5 days of pageantry activities. I was looking forward to Miss Gay North Carolina because I had only heard about how great it was. I had also been reassured that I would have a good time. With it having won State Preliminary of the Year the year before I was excited to see how it stacked up. I was met at the airport by Tiffany Storm and Reba Lamkey and they had a black stretch limousine to take us back! I felt kind of out of place with my flip flops and t-shirt and looking a mess from the flight but I stretched out on the inside and decided to take advantage of all the space. We went and ate with Brittney O’Bryan and Shirli Stevens. We had a nice lunch and then off to the hotel we went, in our limo! That night was a MGNCA kick off show at the infamous Scorpio, so I needed to get settled and organized for the evening.
You know that dream that most of us have had where you wake up and you are supposed to be at a show and have no make-up on and nothing packed but you have to go on stage?! Well for me it turned into a reality. My nap lasted longer than expected and I woke up at 10:35pm. My ride was there at 10:30 to pick me up. I hadn’t shaved or done anything. The show started at 11:30. So I quickly calmed myself down, did the quickest shower and shave I have ever done and then slapped some make up on my face. I got to the bar and got situated and the show went off fine, but I was awfully flustered. It did feel good to know that under pressure I can be calm.
Next day was orientation and I made sure to set 4 alarms, a wake up call and have someone knock on the door. While walking into the Legendary Scorpio I walked by the impressive display case and right there at the top was my Miss Gay America headshot in a frame. I was a bit taken aback because in that same display case are so many pictures of legendary people and there is my little old headshot in a place of honor. It was quite a moment for me. Orientation went well and we all scattered to get ready for preliminary competition.
That night and the whole week I was lucky enough to be in the dressing room with so many of my MGA sisters. Lauren Colby, Coti Collins, Kerri Nichols, Tiffany Bonet, Nicole Dubois, Catia Lee Love, Kirby Kolby were all right there and for the first time I felt like part of a sisterhood and not just on the outside looking in. Preliminary nights went off without a hitch and everything was smooth flowing with no hiccups. Tiffany Bonet, Kerri Nichols, Kirby Kolby, DC promoter-Robert York, and the original North Carolina Promoter-Marsha McLawhorn were our judges and all did a fantastic job at helping to pick out North Carolina’s newest Symbol of Excellence.
Come my 4th night of being in Charlotte, North Carolina I was in for a treat. There was a bus tour of the gay bars of the city. Miss Gay North Carolina-Ariel Nicole Knight Adams and I were the only ones dressed up and wearing our crowns and we really got to bond that night. Ariel may be shy but after our bus tour I felt a little bit of that shyness had dissipated. From the bus tour we went straight into the review show. Being part of a review show that featured so many former Miss Gay America’s and Miss Gay North Carolina’s was very touching and quite humbling. To be in a lineup with so many amazing performers again took my breath away.
Before we knew it finals night was upon us. All 19 contestants had done a great job during preliminary competition and this night they were going to duke it out for the crown. Andrea Carlisle, Lauren Scott, Tara Storm, Skylar Michelle-Monet, Gigi Hoyle Westwood, Chloe Cassidy, Kristal Ball, Aiesha Paris, Kimora Lee, Felicia Monet, Odette Dynasty, Jessica Blackwell, Veronica Iman Davis, Kylie Kaye, Josie Glamoure, Nirobi, Vivian Vaughn, Valarie Rockwell, and Brittney O’Bryan did a great job of showcasing the talent that North Carolina possesses. The best part of finals night for me was the opening production. Ariel’s theme was Once Upon a time and during the overture I got to come out en pointe as a fairy and dance around using my wand to wave over a giant book that spread apart and there was Miss Gay North Carolina. I felt like Tinkerbell at the beginning of a Disney movie spilling my fairy dust all over and so I was in 7th Heaven. Thank you Ariel for letting me be a part of your opening. I was honored and had a blast!
A top 10 was announced and they re-competed in evening gown and talent and on stage question and answer was added. One thing that North Carolina does that I thought was quite nice is whoever had the highest score in talent but did not make the top 10, they perform their talent for the audience as a special guest. I enjoyed that they did that. We were so impressed with the overall solo talent winner that they decided to let her perform her solo talent presentation as well! It was quite an evening. After all was said and done scores had been tallied and we had ourselves a winner. Lauren Scott walked away with the title, a veteran who had come back from a 10 year hiatus and her first alternate was Brittney O’Bryan, who I had actually known from Texas. Both ladies did a great job and I am looking forward to having them at Miss Gay America 2014. Bring your boxing gloves ladies cause I have a feeling it’s going to be a battle in St. Louis.
Many people know North Carolina as an amazing state pageant and here is the reason why I believe it runs so smoothly and it is so enjoyable. EVERYONE THERE LOVES THEIR PAGEANTRY AND THE AMERICA SYSTEM. Everyone backstage was so focused and friendly. They made sure they did their job to the best of their ability. Greg Faulk had done such an amazing job on the sets and running backstage, that no one else was really needed, but them being there made everything so much easier, especially because everyone was so friendly. No attitudes, no drama (at least that I witnessed) and therefore it was a great pageant. Thank you to Von Entertainment, and EVERYONE who made my time their special. North Carolina surely knows how to treat a Miss Gay America and how to run a great pageant. Because of that I will be forever grateful. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Highlights of Miss Gay North Carolina:
-For the bus tour the contestants lined up outside of the bus and clapped and cheered every time Ariel and I got on or off the bus. As a fun twist to that Ariel and I had silly string that we sprayed our adoring fans with so as to liven things up.
-Not only did Tiffany buy me a dress, that was good in length, but she said something that rings in my ears and will for a long while to come. She said, “Sally, you’re one of us, girl.” I have grown to absolutely ADORE Miss Bonet. So to be in the back seat of the car and have Tiffany Bonet say that with Lauren Colby sitting in the passenger seat nodding her head, well it’s not a moment I will soon be forgetting.
-Tiffany Storm was a DEFINITE highlight of this pageant. She is so sweet and so laid back. I giggle to myself sometimes realizing some of the things she said and I miss her and wish she was always around so I could give her a hug. You’re greatness Miss Storm!
-Staying up until 4:30 retabulating scores from preliminary with Reba Lamkey. Now I know this sounds crazy… how is this a highlight?! It’s tedious yes, and time consuming, but it is a duty of Miss Gay America. So to be sitting there amongst all these judges sheets, taking the time to make sure everything is on the up and up, well I realized that I was doing duties of Miss Gay America, and I was proud and happy and privileged to be doing it.
Next was a road trip to Little Rock. Miss Gay Arkansas was a great pageant and I was lucky enough to have my friend George Tagle drive me up to Little Rock, Arkansas. We left on Thursday and got to catch up and talk about Miss Gay America and I got to pull him up to speed on everything that I had gone through so far. While driving I started to play him my give-up song choices and of course I started to get misty eyed thinking about when I would be singing these songs. Luckily the tears turned to laughter as we kept trucking and kept talking. My contact person was Zia Dior, who was Miss Gay Arkansas last year. George and Zia had bonded at Miss Gay America a few years ago and so she hung out with us the whole time. Zia, you took great care of us and I so appreciate all you did! We had no plans that night after dinner so we came back to the hotel and went to bed. Near 14 restful hours of sleep at the hotel. I finally got up and we headed to registration and contestant orientation. Chloe Jacobs, Liyah Alize, Rosa Lee Turrette-Andrews, Brooklyn Bisette, Diedra Windsor Walker, Tyler Rane, Michelle Montana, Queen Anthony James Jerard, Eden Alive, and M’Shay Victoria Foster were the 10 contestants vying to be the newest Miss Gay Arkansas.
From orientation we had a few hours and then we had a review show. Sisterhoods for a state title are each individual and interesting and it’s almost like a museum for me. I find it so interesting to see how former titleholders interact with each other and how their family unit functions between them. Being able to witness this at all the state pageants has been one of the highlights of my year.
After the review show I had a major thing happen. Zia took me to meet Norman Jones (Norma Christie) our first Miss Gay America ever! After the review show I sat backstage and touched up my make up for about 15 minutes after packing all my stuff up and I tried to calm myself. I don’t normally get star struck by celebrities, but when it comes to pageant people I get a little flustered. So I calmed myself and we went to the club Triniti and I was introduced to Miss Gay America 1973.
I got to not only shake Norman Jones’ hand but also hug him. It was truly an honor to chat with him and have a conversation and that moment was one that I had been looking forward to my whole year. Glad that moment was realized and I have a picture or two in horrible florescent lighting to remember it!
The next day George had to get back to Dallas for work but, the Miss Gay Arkansas pageant was underway. We had a few special guests that I was over the moon to see at the pageant. The T of L&T (Terry Eason) came down, along with David Green, Dextaci, and a whole slew of Louisiana people. A familiar face in the audience is always a good one, especially when performing in a different state then your own.
After all categories were completed I retabulated the scores with Erika Paige, the tabulator. We signed off on all the scores sheets we had a new Miss Gay Arkansas. Michael Thornberry, Athena Coleman, Reginald Moore, Joy Gray, and Melvin Beavers had given their opinions and our new Miss Gay Arkansas was Brooklyn Bisette. Her first alternate was Eden Alive, who was a first time competitor at Miss Gay Arkansas. I have no doubt these two entertainers will go to Miss Gay America in October and make their home state proud!
Highlights of Miss Gay Arkansas:
-NUMERO UNO….TOP OF THE LIST….BEST THING….was getting to meet Norman Jones and shake his hand (giving him a little hug as a good bye was nice as well)
-Getting to sit down and really talk with Veronica Duvall. She is a few years younger than me but SO DANG THIN! I’m totally jealous. She also has that southern drawl and it makes me love listening to her., I didn’t get to know her much at Miss Gay America last year so it was nice to sit and chat with her during her give up.
-Veronica’s mother was not able to be at Miss Gay Arkansas when Veronica won, so Veronica’s mother was bound and determined to be there for her give up. When Veronica told me that I asked her if for her final number she wanted me to escort her mom over to her. Escorting Veronica’s mother’s over to her during her final number was priceless to me. I really felt so honored to do that for Veronica. Along with that, I enjoyed the moment when I hugged Veronica and tipped her during her final performance, but the mom thing really took the cake.
- Interesting note, the judge Athena Coleman had been at Miss Gay America my first year when I was Miss Gay Texas and I didn’t take make the top 10. She remembered me and said she didn’t understand why I hadn’t made the top 10 that year but she said she was tickled that I was now Miss Gay America. She had been with her mother at the pageant so she was excited to go and call her mom to tell her that I had won. I thought she was just being polite but then she started to tell me what I had done for talent and worn for gown that year and I realized that she was for reals. So that warmed my heart and I felt a little more kindred to Miss Athena after that.
-Having Terry there was great. You would think as Miss Gay America I would see and talk to L&T all the time. It’s not as much as you think, so the time I get to see either Terry or Larry I try to enjoy it. I know that come October that sparkle in their eye will be for someone else, so I gotta be sure to enjoy it while I can.
So right after the pageant I went back to the hotel, showered and washed my hair repacked and then a few hours later was at the airport on my way to Roanoke, Virginia, which is known as the STAR CITY. Miss Gay East Coast was the very next day, so I got to leave Little Rock, Arkansas at about 6:00am. We stopped at a gas station and it was a good thing we hadn’t shown up 5 minutes earlier because someone had just come into the gas station and tried to rob the guy behind the counter. THANK YOU WHATEVER HIGHER POWER KEPT ME FROM WALKING IN ON THE MIDDLE OF THAT!
So after some INTENSE sleep on the airplane I landed in Virginia. According to my schedule I would be able to swing by the hotel, unpack, iron my clothes for registration, gather all my papers and notes and I MIGHT get a 30 minute snooze. Well, as I am walking towards the baggage claim I see a man holding an I PAD and on the screen is the symbol of excellence. I yelled, “HEY THAT’S ME!” The man holding the IPAD was Patrick and he was my limo driver my entire stay. I KNOW I GOT ANOTHER LIMO! IT WAS GREATNESS! The owner of Miss Gay East Coast ,Joey Driscoll, is also the owner and manager of The Park Roanoke, which is where the pageant was held. There is a limo place across the street from the club so I think he got a good deal on it.
Not only was I pleasantly surprised to find out that Roanoke was also known as the “Star City” but I was blessed to have Christina Davis come down from Baltimore to play with me at the pageant. Not only that but I got to see quite a few familiar faces. The one that was beaming kinda bigger than the others was Mr. Mark Martin from Las Vegas Costuming Supplies. I think he was like me while I was at Miss Gay Texas. Happy to be doing what I was doing, but at home!
So registration started and we were treated to sandwiches and this AMAZING CAKE called Better Than Sex cake.Shannon Oddon who was one of the judges made it, and I had a special smaller version in my room at the hotel! Viriginia was doing real good of making me feel taken care of. THANK YOU JOEY and everyone else for everything that you did while I was there. That was my first time to Virginia and I definitely enjoyed myself and want to visit again.
We had three contestants throwing their hat in the ring for the title of Miss Gay East Coast. Aiesha Paris from North Carolina, Charity Saude from Maryland, and Jessica Jade from right there in Virginia. With Brian Simmons, Jacqueline St. James, Kirby Kolby, Michael Smith and Shannon Oddon as judges I knew this pageant would be smooth sailing, to which I was correct. After performing and helping Michael (who I can’t remember his last name..sorry;o() tabulate scores. The pageant was about to be finished. Two of the three contestants were earning their ticket to Miss Gay America 2014. Those two people were Jessica Jade, who won the title of Miss Gay East Coast, and Charity Saude who won first alternate. Congratulations to both of you! Way to come back after a fall Miss Jade, and just to let you all know this was Charity’s 3rd time competing to qualify to go to Miss Gay America just this year. Determination and persistence are amazing traits to have and Charity has proved that those words are definitely in her vocabulary.
Highlights of Miss Gay East Coast:
-Getting to hang out with Kirby and Christina post pageant just talking about any and everything…OH and thank you for the Starbucks run before the pageant Kirby!
-THE LIMO! The driver Patrick was super sweet and I felt bad for him since my hours of when I needed him were so crazy! He was a good sport and I wish I had enough money for a limo should I ever go back so I could request him!
-Having lunch with Jessica Jade. We have only ever known each other competitively and it was nice to sit at lunch and just talk with those walls taken down. Just two people having lunch.
-While I was walking out to the limo before the pageant there was a group of people from Montreal inside the indoor swimming pool. They yelled and hollered as I came walking by with my crown and sash on and then they asked for pictures. I thought it was very sweet, but I also thought that with them being all wet and wanting to press up against my dress, maybe pictures weren’t such a good idea. In the end nothing was harmed and I was fine. Happy that they have a story for when they go back to Canada, with pictures to BOOT!
So then I got to come home and surprisingly I got to spend a little time organizing and putting things away. I was very excited because I got to vacuum my floor. That sounds horrible, but I have so much drag spewed all over my apartment that I never could get to a point where the floor was cleared up enough to be able to use the vacuum. I enjoyed sleeping in my bed and driving my new car, and then I forgot that I started rehearsals that week for the opening. I had cleared these dates with my dancers about 3 weeks ago and while I was tired and happy to be home I had to go rehearse and think about my give up. Oh well…it had to be done and I will proudly say that at this point in time the opening number has been completed.! YIPPEE!
So, after rehearsals I had one more pageant to finish up the month with. C&C Production’s pageant- Miss Gay Illinois America. Now if any of you know Chad you know he is prone to getting excited. I have been getting phone calls with questions for this pageant since about April, which I commend him on calling so much. As a first year promoter it’s that interest and concern that shows me that you want to do a good job and you’re not letting anything fall in between the cracks. So I felt like I had answered just about every question I could for Chad and Curt so I was ready for this pageant to run super smooth, especially since Chad has been a judge at a regional this year, and tabulator at two other regionals this year. He was around and saw what could go wrong. All in all I have to say for their effort on this pageant is….,” GOOD JOB FELLAS!”
For your first year you made it through with no war wounds and all went pretty smoothly. Just know next year that you need to set the air at 50 degrees the week before the pageant so the temperature in the dressing rooms will be as perfect as your pageant was. As a promoter in general there is something I have observed. The day of the pageant you wake up feeling okay, maybe a little excited, or a little nervous. Then the closer you get to the pageant the more jittery or irritable or scattered you get. The hour leading up to the pageant is almost unbearable and you have started to sweat and everyone seems to ask you questions that they should knowt he answers to, and then the overture plays, the judges are at their table and the first person walks on stage. As if in an instant you remember to breath again. This is just something I’ve noticed. I want every promoter to remember one thing, Miss Gay America is there to HELP YOU! That’s part of her job. It’s not her job to do everything for you, but know that she is there to help make sure that everything goes off without a hitch. When you are about to start to stress just relax knowing that you have someone on your side to start with.
Alright, so back to Miss Gay Illinois…the location was IDEAL! It was in a hotel ballroom and attached to the hotel was a TGI Fridays, across the street was a 24 hour gas station, and the mall was across the highway. After checking into my AMAZING ROOM, which was connected to the room where we had male interview, a group of us trudged across the parking lot to LOTAWOTA. It’s a restaurant and not only do they have 2 stuffed deer heads on the walls they also have a stuffed turkey, and their portions were HUGE, and everyone who went in there seemed to be under 5’9. I wrote it off as an Illinois thing. After dinner we had one hour before the mall closed so I dashed through the mall, because it’s been forever since I’ve gotten to go to a mall and then we headed back to the hotel. Once again I was having a night in to steam and iron and get situated for the next day.
The next day we went through orientation and registration and picked numbers and before we dismissed the contestants there were eleven contestants vying for the title of Miss Gay Illinois. Erica Foxx, Dixie Normous, Jazelle Boyette, Dymond-Champagne Calloway, Kristen Dubo, Diva Coppafeel, Teresa Holiday, Nadia M. Louis, Desiree La Doush, Alexandra Boyette, and Bella Rose, had all qualified and were all eager and ready to be the next Miss Gay Illinois. We did half of the interviews the first day and the first night they all performed solo talent. That moved us right along into the review show. It was great getting to perform with Mariah Candy, Anita Mann, Adria Andrews, and Dayonna Hilton. As a treat we had Coti Collins there judging so she graced the stage with her talents. The review show was quite enjoyable and the air in the dressing room kicked on once the contestants moved out of it, so I could stop worrying about my sprayed on hairline. A quick thank you goes out to Vicki Valentino Miss Gay Mid West for coming in and helping to emcee both nights of the pageant and perform. It was a pleasure having you there to banter with.
The next day we finished up the 2nd half of male interviews and everyone was to do opening presentation, evening gown, On stage Q&A, and talent. With Coti Collins, David Green, Darrell Madden, Chad Fox, and Darin Slyman as our judges we were moved along quite nicely. Nothing like a good judges panel to make a pageant move along. We pushed through smoothly and briskly and before we knew it I was checking over the talent scores and figuring out final placements. Sometimes sitting at the judges table can feel like forever because you may have one bobby pin that is sticking you in the wrong spot, or the waistband tights are digging into your waist in just the right spot to annoy you, or you can feel your feet as they begin to throb, but whenever you’re not at that table as Miss Gay America, time seems to just runs away from you.
So after a lovely night of pageantry we had a winner. Coming in as first alternate was Nadia M. Louis, and the winner was Miss Diva Coppafeel. I have become friends with Diva over this last year and I know for a fact that she was over the moon. I also know she is going to do everything in her power to help Chad and Curt to make Miss Gay Illinois grow. Her and I have a bond because we both are teachers of the arts, and because she takes me to IHOP for Cinnastax pancakes when I’m in town. Congrats Diva and Nadia and Thank you to everyone to helped out with Miss Gay Illinois. It was a great team effort and I appreciate all that everyone did! Thank you!(that was your shout out Rhea)
Highlights of Miss Gay Illinois:
-During registration Coti Collins came up to me and we were chatting and she said she was proud of me, and that I was born to do this. It touched my heart very much, and of course I started to cry.
-My room was AMAZING and it had a jacuzzi tub that I used 2 of the nights I was staying there. Both times I used body wash to make them bubble baths. Why does hot water feel so much better when someone else is paying for it?!
-IHOP, after the review show. Yes, Diva took me to IHOP but also about 4 other people besides us. At that moment I was so hungry I really didn’t care. How is it you can go not hungry ALL DAY LONG but then all the sudden you put on tights and a wig and you’re starving?! It was also here that I discovered that Jim Ryan is a big ole cry baby like myself. So now I LOVE HIM MORE!! LOVE YOU JIM!
-Getting to finally spend some time with Coti Collins. I saw her for a bit at Miss Gay North Carolina but we were also on the go. To be able to sit and have a conversation on our own accord and really talk meant a lot to me. Thank you Coti, you truly are an inspiration, and thank you Chad for bringing her in as head judge.
So I was starting to be super sad that my time was coming up and soon I was going to have to give up being Miss Gay America. While I understand that I will always be a Miss Gay America, the fact that I will not be the reigning is hard to wrap my head and my heart around. In moments like these we turn to those individuals who are wiser than ourselves and so of course I turned to my big sister (even though she is shorter than me) Kirby Kolby for some sisterly advice. The advice she gave me was exactly what I was needing to hear. It put everything into perspective for me and made me excited about October. She said, ”While it’s nice to be Miss Gay America, It’s nice to pass it on and see someone else live out their dream. Especially if it’s someone you like. “ It stunned me for a few moments. I sat their thinking, wow, am I that selfish that I don’t want to pass this title on?! That’s not my normal M.O. So I took a deep breath set my mind on clear and realized that it will be really nice to see someone else live out their dream. So thank you Kirby, for being so dang smart and for being my friend. Love ya ,Sister!
Speaking of those that we care about, I have one person I would like to thank this month. Last year while walking home from the Miss Gay America review show in Columbus, Ohio, my friend George told me something that got me teary eyed. (I know, we are not surprised that I was crying) He told me that his friend who I had met a few times, Robert Ramos Jr. had done something for me. When he had gone to church that day he lit a candle for me and asked God to please let Sally win Miss Gay America. Now I am not super close to Robert. I hadn’t really had a sit down conversation with him before I won and we didn’t text or talk a lot, but that little gesture that I may have never known about speaks louder than any text, or e-mail, or telephone conversation.
Thank you, Robert. It’s people like you who have made me Miss Gay America 2013. You believed in me just because you saw my talent and ability and took time out and prayed that other people would see it as well! Thank you a million times over, Robert. It’s you and bunches of others out there just like you that make Sally Sparkle the way she does. I am very aware of that and because of that I humbly thank you!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
P.S. It is with a sad face that I tell you that I only have one more Excellence Article that I will be writing. If you have thought they were too long then I apologize. I just know that I’ve been left out of the Excellence a few times before and it felt horrible to not find your name. I wanted to be sure that I took the time to mention close to everyone involved that I could and I hope you all can understand that. I’ve used this as a time to journal and document my time as Miss Gay America and so when it’s all through I can read back through my articles and live my year again. October is going to be here sooner than we think, and I look forward to sharing it with EVERYONE, as I have shared these past 11 months.
The next day came rather quickly, I think because the beds in the hotel were so amazing. The pageant was going to be held in the Fantasy Complex, which is like two or three different clubs put into one. The space was amazing. Outside they even had a pool and land and off in the distance I believe there might have been a pond because I remember seeing ducks.
Three contestants showed up and were ready to become the next Miss Gay Kansas. Jade Sinclair and Moltyn Decadence had made their way from St. Louis, while Brown Sugar was the hometown girl, residing right there in Wichita, Kansas. We went straight into orientation and then into Male interview and I have to admit, with the judges panel having Kirby Kolby, Charity Case, Tiffany Bonet, Dan Barris, and Curt Godier on it, I was excited to see how these interviews would run. How were these contestants going to handle being placed in front of three former Miss Gay America’s? I know if I had been competing I would have had to consciously calmed myself down, but these contestants had it all under control and interviews went smoothly as did the rest of the pageant.
The only thing missing was our reigning Miss Gay Kansas, Kyla Breeze. She had gone out of the country because she had just gotten married, from what I understand, and on the way back from the Dominican Republic they got delayed in Atlanta. Anyone who follows me on Facebook knows about the ATLANTA AIRPORT! LOL! Well this wasn’t a two or three hour delay, it was an overnight delay. They kept her and her husband overnight in Atlanta. Come the next morning (the day of Miss Gay Kansas) they were still having issues with the plane to get them back to Kansas. So she finally landed in Kansas City and drove into Wichita, all the while painting her face in the car. She got to the pageant and was able to do her final number and luckily she got there with time to calm down and actually ENJOY that final number, and while she may not have felt it, she looked FABULOUS! I was happy that she got there and got to finish up her last official duty as Miss Gay Kansas.
At the end of the evening, Chad Johnson and I had tallied and re-tallied the scores and we had a winner. Jade Sinclair was crowned Miss Gay Kansas, while Brown Sugar had earned the spot of first alternate. The contest was a success and Vanna and everyone involved should be very proud.
Highlights of Miss Gay Kansas:
-Getting to spend time with Dan Barris, Kirby Kolby, and Vanna that first day. Since Florida we had kind of bonded and so it really did feel like a mini reunion.
-Tiffany Bonet, Kirby Kolby, and I, along with Vanna walked into Wal-Greens, I know this may sound cheesy but I felt proud to be standing between Kirby and Tiffany. Thinking how cool that three Miss Gay America’s just walked through the door and that I was one of them. It was very surreal and definitely a moment I will remember.
-STARBUCKS was in the lobby of the hotel! I don’t know how many of you DO NOT know, but I LOVE STARBUCKS ‘ CHAI TEA LATTE’s and so to get off the elevator and be able to get one was DEFINITELY a highlight!
-Even though she was dead tired Kyla Breeze stayed around after the pageant and we chatted for a bit. Those little moments, those little conversations are what makes being Miss Gay America special to me and so I want to say THANK YOU, KYLA! I know you were exhausted so I appreciate you staying around to chit chat for a little bit!
The day after the pageant Vanna had been nice enough to get me first class plane tickets to St. Louis, because with only one day between I had to be in St. Louis for the Miss Gay Mid West pageant. She had originally intended to fly with me but things came up at home and she wasn’t able to go. I was sad about that but I dealt with it easily in my extra seat space and priority boarding! Flying first class was definitely a perk and I so appreciated it! THANK YOU VANNA!
I landed in St. Louis with Sarah Butchko and Marty Zuniga. They pick up all the important people at the airport so I felt special. From the airport I was whisked away to the hotel. I had already told myself that if they offered me a chance to go out I needed to turn it down! I had to reorganize for the next day and I really did need to get to sleep at a decent hour. So I spent my Saturday night in St. Louis, steaming my gowns and repacking and getting ready for the next day. While it may not have been an eventful Saturday night it was definitely a productive one for me.
Jade Sinclair and Diva Coppafeel had done a nice job getting everything together for Miss Gay Mid West. It was held at Hamburger Mary’s and the smell of food was in the air the whole time, therefore I craved hamburgers through the whole pageant. While male interview was in a rather unusual setting everything worked out well. Kofi was present in all her glory to pass on the title to another deserving person. I always enjoy seeing Kofi. She has such good skin and her smile is infectious. That same smile is what makes me enjoy her so much on stage. It was a privilege to share the stage with her as she was passing on this title.
Once again there were three contestants vying for the title of Miss Gay Mid West. Moltyn Decadence, Vicki Valentino, and Tova Uravitch all showed up with packages prepared and they battled it out. Alonzo Gault, Erica Chandler, Dr. Led Browning, Tulita Pepsi, and Madison Elise comprised the judging panel and I did not envy them at all. Sarah Butchko and Craig Thurman (more commonly known as Mr. Andrews) were both there helping me tabulate and making sure all was on the up and up. Come the end of the night Kofi placed the crown on the head of Vicki Valentino, your new Miss Gay Mid West. Tova Uravitch came in as first alternate and I believe it was Tova’s first time competing in an America pageant. Congratulations to both of you ladies and I can’t wait for you both to experience the national pageant.
Highlights of Miss Gay Mid West:
-Everytime I go to St. Louis I am pleasantly surprised by how many people I know that reside there. So during the pageant I was able to chit chat and catch up with quite a few people that I consider friends. Especially with being Miss Gay America that time doesn’t come around often!
-Since Miss Gay Missouri I have gotten to be friends with Miss Diva Coppafeel, and it’s become a kind of silly tradition that whenever I am in St. Louis that she take me to IHOP so I can get a stack of Cinnastix pancakes. Thank you Diva for taking me to fill my tummy with too much sugar and cinnamon! I appreciate it!
-While this may not be a highlight of the pageant it is definitely something that hit me. While in the airport I realized that I was only going to have to write 2 more Excellence letters, and I was definitely more than half way through with my preliminaries. I sat there and SOBBED! I know people around were thinking someone must have died, so I covered my face, cried for a few minutes and then tried to snap out of it. I’m trying to implement the phrase,” Don’t cry because it’s over, Smile because it happened.”
With a few days to recoup and two suitcases and a carry on full of drag, I was on my way to Charlotte, North Carolina for 5 days of pageantry activities. I was looking forward to Miss Gay North Carolina because I had only heard about how great it was. I had also been reassured that I would have a good time. With it having won State Preliminary of the Year the year before I was excited to see how it stacked up. I was met at the airport by Tiffany Storm and Reba Lamkey and they had a black stretch limousine to take us back! I felt kind of out of place with my flip flops and t-shirt and looking a mess from the flight but I stretched out on the inside and decided to take advantage of all the space. We went and ate with Brittney O’Bryan and Shirli Stevens. We had a nice lunch and then off to the hotel we went, in our limo! That night was a MGNCA kick off show at the infamous Scorpio, so I needed to get settled and organized for the evening.
You know that dream that most of us have had where you wake up and you are supposed to be at a show and have no make-up on and nothing packed but you have to go on stage?! Well for me it turned into a reality. My nap lasted longer than expected and I woke up at 10:35pm. My ride was there at 10:30 to pick me up. I hadn’t shaved or done anything. The show started at 11:30. So I quickly calmed myself down, did the quickest shower and shave I have ever done and then slapped some make up on my face. I got to the bar and got situated and the show went off fine, but I was awfully flustered. It did feel good to know that under pressure I can be calm.
Next day was orientation and I made sure to set 4 alarms, a wake up call and have someone knock on the door. While walking into the Legendary Scorpio I walked by the impressive display case and right there at the top was my Miss Gay America headshot in a frame. I was a bit taken aback because in that same display case are so many pictures of legendary people and there is my little old headshot in a place of honor. It was quite a moment for me. Orientation went well and we all scattered to get ready for preliminary competition.
That night and the whole week I was lucky enough to be in the dressing room with so many of my MGA sisters. Lauren Colby, Coti Collins, Kerri Nichols, Tiffany Bonet, Nicole Dubois, Catia Lee Love, Kirby Kolby were all right there and for the first time I felt like part of a sisterhood and not just on the outside looking in. Preliminary nights went off without a hitch and everything was smooth flowing with no hiccups. Tiffany Bonet, Kerri Nichols, Kirby Kolby, DC promoter-Robert York, and the original North Carolina Promoter-Marsha McLawhorn were our judges and all did a fantastic job at helping to pick out North Carolina’s newest Symbol of Excellence.
Come my 4th night of being in Charlotte, North Carolina I was in for a treat. There was a bus tour of the gay bars of the city. Miss Gay North Carolina-Ariel Nicole Knight Adams and I were the only ones dressed up and wearing our crowns and we really got to bond that night. Ariel may be shy but after our bus tour I felt a little bit of that shyness had dissipated. From the bus tour we went straight into the review show. Being part of a review show that featured so many former Miss Gay America’s and Miss Gay North Carolina’s was very touching and quite humbling. To be in a lineup with so many amazing performers again took my breath away.
Before we knew it finals night was upon us. All 19 contestants had done a great job during preliminary competition and this night they were going to duke it out for the crown. Andrea Carlisle, Lauren Scott, Tara Storm, Skylar Michelle-Monet, Gigi Hoyle Westwood, Chloe Cassidy, Kristal Ball, Aiesha Paris, Kimora Lee, Felicia Monet, Odette Dynasty, Jessica Blackwell, Veronica Iman Davis, Kylie Kaye, Josie Glamoure, Nirobi, Vivian Vaughn, Valarie Rockwell, and Brittney O’Bryan did a great job of showcasing the talent that North Carolina possesses. The best part of finals night for me was the opening production. Ariel’s theme was Once Upon a time and during the overture I got to come out en pointe as a fairy and dance around using my wand to wave over a giant book that spread apart and there was Miss Gay North Carolina. I felt like Tinkerbell at the beginning of a Disney movie spilling my fairy dust all over and so I was in 7th Heaven. Thank you Ariel for letting me be a part of your opening. I was honored and had a blast!
A top 10 was announced and they re-competed in evening gown and talent and on stage question and answer was added. One thing that North Carolina does that I thought was quite nice is whoever had the highest score in talent but did not make the top 10, they perform their talent for the audience as a special guest. I enjoyed that they did that. We were so impressed with the overall solo talent winner that they decided to let her perform her solo talent presentation as well! It was quite an evening. After all was said and done scores had been tallied and we had ourselves a winner. Lauren Scott walked away with the title, a veteran who had come back from a 10 year hiatus and her first alternate was Brittney O’Bryan, who I had actually known from Texas. Both ladies did a great job and I am looking forward to having them at Miss Gay America 2014. Bring your boxing gloves ladies cause I have a feeling it’s going to be a battle in St. Louis.
Many people know North Carolina as an amazing state pageant and here is the reason why I believe it runs so smoothly and it is so enjoyable. EVERYONE THERE LOVES THEIR PAGEANTRY AND THE AMERICA SYSTEM. Everyone backstage was so focused and friendly. They made sure they did their job to the best of their ability. Greg Faulk had done such an amazing job on the sets and running backstage, that no one else was really needed, but them being there made everything so much easier, especially because everyone was so friendly. No attitudes, no drama (at least that I witnessed) and therefore it was a great pageant. Thank you to Von Entertainment, and EVERYONE who made my time their special. North Carolina surely knows how to treat a Miss Gay America and how to run a great pageant. Because of that I will be forever grateful. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Highlights of Miss Gay North Carolina:
-For the bus tour the contestants lined up outside of the bus and clapped and cheered every time Ariel and I got on or off the bus. As a fun twist to that Ariel and I had silly string that we sprayed our adoring fans with so as to liven things up.
-Not only did Tiffany buy me a dress, that was good in length, but she said something that rings in my ears and will for a long while to come. She said, “Sally, you’re one of us, girl.” I have grown to absolutely ADORE Miss Bonet. So to be in the back seat of the car and have Tiffany Bonet say that with Lauren Colby sitting in the passenger seat nodding her head, well it’s not a moment I will soon be forgetting.
-Tiffany Storm was a DEFINITE highlight of this pageant. She is so sweet and so laid back. I giggle to myself sometimes realizing some of the things she said and I miss her and wish she was always around so I could give her a hug. You’re greatness Miss Storm!
-Staying up until 4:30 retabulating scores from preliminary with Reba Lamkey. Now I know this sounds crazy… how is this a highlight?! It’s tedious yes, and time consuming, but it is a duty of Miss Gay America. So to be sitting there amongst all these judges sheets, taking the time to make sure everything is on the up and up, well I realized that I was doing duties of Miss Gay America, and I was proud and happy and privileged to be doing it.
Next was a road trip to Little Rock. Miss Gay Arkansas was a great pageant and I was lucky enough to have my friend George Tagle drive me up to Little Rock, Arkansas. We left on Thursday and got to catch up and talk about Miss Gay America and I got to pull him up to speed on everything that I had gone through so far. While driving I started to play him my give-up song choices and of course I started to get misty eyed thinking about when I would be singing these songs. Luckily the tears turned to laughter as we kept trucking and kept talking. My contact person was Zia Dior, who was Miss Gay Arkansas last year. George and Zia had bonded at Miss Gay America a few years ago and so she hung out with us the whole time. Zia, you took great care of us and I so appreciate all you did! We had no plans that night after dinner so we came back to the hotel and went to bed. Near 14 restful hours of sleep at the hotel. I finally got up and we headed to registration and contestant orientation. Chloe Jacobs, Liyah Alize, Rosa Lee Turrette-Andrews, Brooklyn Bisette, Diedra Windsor Walker, Tyler Rane, Michelle Montana, Queen Anthony James Jerard, Eden Alive, and M’Shay Victoria Foster were the 10 contestants vying to be the newest Miss Gay Arkansas.
From orientation we had a few hours and then we had a review show. Sisterhoods for a state title are each individual and interesting and it’s almost like a museum for me. I find it so interesting to see how former titleholders interact with each other and how their family unit functions between them. Being able to witness this at all the state pageants has been one of the highlights of my year.
After the review show I had a major thing happen. Zia took me to meet Norman Jones (Norma Christie) our first Miss Gay America ever! After the review show I sat backstage and touched up my make up for about 15 minutes after packing all my stuff up and I tried to calm myself. I don’t normally get star struck by celebrities, but when it comes to pageant people I get a little flustered. So I calmed myself and we went to the club Triniti and I was introduced to Miss Gay America 1973.
I got to not only shake Norman Jones’ hand but also hug him. It was truly an honor to chat with him and have a conversation and that moment was one that I had been looking forward to my whole year. Glad that moment was realized and I have a picture or two in horrible florescent lighting to remember it!
The next day George had to get back to Dallas for work but, the Miss Gay Arkansas pageant was underway. We had a few special guests that I was over the moon to see at the pageant. The T of L&T (Terry Eason) came down, along with David Green, Dextaci, and a whole slew of Louisiana people. A familiar face in the audience is always a good one, especially when performing in a different state then your own.
After all categories were completed I retabulated the scores with Erika Paige, the tabulator. We signed off on all the scores sheets we had a new Miss Gay Arkansas. Michael Thornberry, Athena Coleman, Reginald Moore, Joy Gray, and Melvin Beavers had given their opinions and our new Miss Gay Arkansas was Brooklyn Bisette. Her first alternate was Eden Alive, who was a first time competitor at Miss Gay Arkansas. I have no doubt these two entertainers will go to Miss Gay America in October and make their home state proud!
Highlights of Miss Gay Arkansas:
-NUMERO UNO….TOP OF THE LIST….BEST THING….was getting to meet Norman Jones and shake his hand (giving him a little hug as a good bye was nice as well)
-Getting to sit down and really talk with Veronica Duvall. She is a few years younger than me but SO DANG THIN! I’m totally jealous. She also has that southern drawl and it makes me love listening to her., I didn’t get to know her much at Miss Gay America last year so it was nice to sit and chat with her during her give up.
-Veronica’s mother was not able to be at Miss Gay Arkansas when Veronica won, so Veronica’s mother was bound and determined to be there for her give up. When Veronica told me that I asked her if for her final number she wanted me to escort her mom over to her. Escorting Veronica’s mother’s over to her during her final number was priceless to me. I really felt so honored to do that for Veronica. Along with that, I enjoyed the moment when I hugged Veronica and tipped her during her final performance, but the mom thing really took the cake.
- Interesting note, the judge Athena Coleman had been at Miss Gay America my first year when I was Miss Gay Texas and I didn’t take make the top 10. She remembered me and said she didn’t understand why I hadn’t made the top 10 that year but she said she was tickled that I was now Miss Gay America. She had been with her mother at the pageant so she was excited to go and call her mom to tell her that I had won. I thought she was just being polite but then she started to tell me what I had done for talent and worn for gown that year and I realized that she was for reals. So that warmed my heart and I felt a little more kindred to Miss Athena after that.
-Having Terry there was great. You would think as Miss Gay America I would see and talk to L&T all the time. It’s not as much as you think, so the time I get to see either Terry or Larry I try to enjoy it. I know that come October that sparkle in their eye will be for someone else, so I gotta be sure to enjoy it while I can.
So right after the pageant I went back to the hotel, showered and washed my hair repacked and then a few hours later was at the airport on my way to Roanoke, Virginia, which is known as the STAR CITY. Miss Gay East Coast was the very next day, so I got to leave Little Rock, Arkansas at about 6:00am. We stopped at a gas station and it was a good thing we hadn’t shown up 5 minutes earlier because someone had just come into the gas station and tried to rob the guy behind the counter. THANK YOU WHATEVER HIGHER POWER KEPT ME FROM WALKING IN ON THE MIDDLE OF THAT!
So after some INTENSE sleep on the airplane I landed in Virginia. According to my schedule I would be able to swing by the hotel, unpack, iron my clothes for registration, gather all my papers and notes and I MIGHT get a 30 minute snooze. Well, as I am walking towards the baggage claim I see a man holding an I PAD and on the screen is the symbol of excellence. I yelled, “HEY THAT’S ME!” The man holding the IPAD was Patrick and he was my limo driver my entire stay. I KNOW I GOT ANOTHER LIMO! IT WAS GREATNESS! The owner of Miss Gay East Coast ,Joey Driscoll, is also the owner and manager of The Park Roanoke, which is where the pageant was held. There is a limo place across the street from the club so I think he got a good deal on it.
Not only was I pleasantly surprised to find out that Roanoke was also known as the “Star City” but I was blessed to have Christina Davis come down from Baltimore to play with me at the pageant. Not only that but I got to see quite a few familiar faces. The one that was beaming kinda bigger than the others was Mr. Mark Martin from Las Vegas Costuming Supplies. I think he was like me while I was at Miss Gay Texas. Happy to be doing what I was doing, but at home!
So registration started and we were treated to sandwiches and this AMAZING CAKE called Better Than Sex cake.Shannon Oddon who was one of the judges made it, and I had a special smaller version in my room at the hotel! Viriginia was doing real good of making me feel taken care of. THANK YOU JOEY and everyone else for everything that you did while I was there. That was my first time to Virginia and I definitely enjoyed myself and want to visit again.
We had three contestants throwing their hat in the ring for the title of Miss Gay East Coast. Aiesha Paris from North Carolina, Charity Saude from Maryland, and Jessica Jade from right there in Virginia. With Brian Simmons, Jacqueline St. James, Kirby Kolby, Michael Smith and Shannon Oddon as judges I knew this pageant would be smooth sailing, to which I was correct. After performing and helping Michael (who I can’t remember his last name..sorry;o() tabulate scores. The pageant was about to be finished. Two of the three contestants were earning their ticket to Miss Gay America 2014. Those two people were Jessica Jade, who won the title of Miss Gay East Coast, and Charity Saude who won first alternate. Congratulations to both of you! Way to come back after a fall Miss Jade, and just to let you all know this was Charity’s 3rd time competing to qualify to go to Miss Gay America just this year. Determination and persistence are amazing traits to have and Charity has proved that those words are definitely in her vocabulary.
Highlights of Miss Gay East Coast:
-Getting to hang out with Kirby and Christina post pageant just talking about any and everything…OH and thank you for the Starbucks run before the pageant Kirby!
-THE LIMO! The driver Patrick was super sweet and I felt bad for him since my hours of when I needed him were so crazy! He was a good sport and I wish I had enough money for a limo should I ever go back so I could request him!
-Having lunch with Jessica Jade. We have only ever known each other competitively and it was nice to sit at lunch and just talk with those walls taken down. Just two people having lunch.
-While I was walking out to the limo before the pageant there was a group of people from Montreal inside the indoor swimming pool. They yelled and hollered as I came walking by with my crown and sash on and then they asked for pictures. I thought it was very sweet, but I also thought that with them being all wet and wanting to press up against my dress, maybe pictures weren’t such a good idea. In the end nothing was harmed and I was fine. Happy that they have a story for when they go back to Canada, with pictures to BOOT!
So then I got to come home and surprisingly I got to spend a little time organizing and putting things away. I was very excited because I got to vacuum my floor. That sounds horrible, but I have so much drag spewed all over my apartment that I never could get to a point where the floor was cleared up enough to be able to use the vacuum. I enjoyed sleeping in my bed and driving my new car, and then I forgot that I started rehearsals that week for the opening. I had cleared these dates with my dancers about 3 weeks ago and while I was tired and happy to be home I had to go rehearse and think about my give up. Oh well…it had to be done and I will proudly say that at this point in time the opening number has been completed.! YIPPEE!
So, after rehearsals I had one more pageant to finish up the month with. C&C Production’s pageant- Miss Gay Illinois America. Now if any of you know Chad you know he is prone to getting excited. I have been getting phone calls with questions for this pageant since about April, which I commend him on calling so much. As a first year promoter it’s that interest and concern that shows me that you want to do a good job and you’re not letting anything fall in between the cracks. So I felt like I had answered just about every question I could for Chad and Curt so I was ready for this pageant to run super smooth, especially since Chad has been a judge at a regional this year, and tabulator at two other regionals this year. He was around and saw what could go wrong. All in all I have to say for their effort on this pageant is….,” GOOD JOB FELLAS!”
For your first year you made it through with no war wounds and all went pretty smoothly. Just know next year that you need to set the air at 50 degrees the week before the pageant so the temperature in the dressing rooms will be as perfect as your pageant was. As a promoter in general there is something I have observed. The day of the pageant you wake up feeling okay, maybe a little excited, or a little nervous. Then the closer you get to the pageant the more jittery or irritable or scattered you get. The hour leading up to the pageant is almost unbearable and you have started to sweat and everyone seems to ask you questions that they should knowt he answers to, and then the overture plays, the judges are at their table and the first person walks on stage. As if in an instant you remember to breath again. This is just something I’ve noticed. I want every promoter to remember one thing, Miss Gay America is there to HELP YOU! That’s part of her job. It’s not her job to do everything for you, but know that she is there to help make sure that everything goes off without a hitch. When you are about to start to stress just relax knowing that you have someone on your side to start with.
Alright, so back to Miss Gay Illinois…the location was IDEAL! It was in a hotel ballroom and attached to the hotel was a TGI Fridays, across the street was a 24 hour gas station, and the mall was across the highway. After checking into my AMAZING ROOM, which was connected to the room where we had male interview, a group of us trudged across the parking lot to LOTAWOTA. It’s a restaurant and not only do they have 2 stuffed deer heads on the walls they also have a stuffed turkey, and their portions were HUGE, and everyone who went in there seemed to be under 5’9. I wrote it off as an Illinois thing. After dinner we had one hour before the mall closed so I dashed through the mall, because it’s been forever since I’ve gotten to go to a mall and then we headed back to the hotel. Once again I was having a night in to steam and iron and get situated for the next day.
The next day we went through orientation and registration and picked numbers and before we dismissed the contestants there were eleven contestants vying for the title of Miss Gay Illinois. Erica Foxx, Dixie Normous, Jazelle Boyette, Dymond-Champagne Calloway, Kristen Dubo, Diva Coppafeel, Teresa Holiday, Nadia M. Louis, Desiree La Doush, Alexandra Boyette, and Bella Rose, had all qualified and were all eager and ready to be the next Miss Gay Illinois. We did half of the interviews the first day and the first night they all performed solo talent. That moved us right along into the review show. It was great getting to perform with Mariah Candy, Anita Mann, Adria Andrews, and Dayonna Hilton. As a treat we had Coti Collins there judging so she graced the stage with her talents. The review show was quite enjoyable and the air in the dressing room kicked on once the contestants moved out of it, so I could stop worrying about my sprayed on hairline. A quick thank you goes out to Vicki Valentino Miss Gay Mid West for coming in and helping to emcee both nights of the pageant and perform. It was a pleasure having you there to banter with.
The next day we finished up the 2nd half of male interviews and everyone was to do opening presentation, evening gown, On stage Q&A, and talent. With Coti Collins, David Green, Darrell Madden, Chad Fox, and Darin Slyman as our judges we were moved along quite nicely. Nothing like a good judges panel to make a pageant move along. We pushed through smoothly and briskly and before we knew it I was checking over the talent scores and figuring out final placements. Sometimes sitting at the judges table can feel like forever because you may have one bobby pin that is sticking you in the wrong spot, or the waistband tights are digging into your waist in just the right spot to annoy you, or you can feel your feet as they begin to throb, but whenever you’re not at that table as Miss Gay America, time seems to just runs away from you.
So after a lovely night of pageantry we had a winner. Coming in as first alternate was Nadia M. Louis, and the winner was Miss Diva Coppafeel. I have become friends with Diva over this last year and I know for a fact that she was over the moon. I also know she is going to do everything in her power to help Chad and Curt to make Miss Gay Illinois grow. Her and I have a bond because we both are teachers of the arts, and because she takes me to IHOP for Cinnastax pancakes when I’m in town. Congrats Diva and Nadia and Thank you to everyone to helped out with Miss Gay Illinois. It was a great team effort and I appreciate all that everyone did! Thank you!(that was your shout out Rhea)
Highlights of Miss Gay Illinois:
-During registration Coti Collins came up to me and we were chatting and she said she was proud of me, and that I was born to do this. It touched my heart very much, and of course I started to cry.
-My room was AMAZING and it had a jacuzzi tub that I used 2 of the nights I was staying there. Both times I used body wash to make them bubble baths. Why does hot water feel so much better when someone else is paying for it?!
-IHOP, after the review show. Yes, Diva took me to IHOP but also about 4 other people besides us. At that moment I was so hungry I really didn’t care. How is it you can go not hungry ALL DAY LONG but then all the sudden you put on tights and a wig and you’re starving?! It was also here that I discovered that Jim Ryan is a big ole cry baby like myself. So now I LOVE HIM MORE!! LOVE YOU JIM!
-Getting to finally spend some time with Coti Collins. I saw her for a bit at Miss Gay North Carolina but we were also on the go. To be able to sit and have a conversation on our own accord and really talk meant a lot to me. Thank you Coti, you truly are an inspiration, and thank you Chad for bringing her in as head judge.
So I was starting to be super sad that my time was coming up and soon I was going to have to give up being Miss Gay America. While I understand that I will always be a Miss Gay America, the fact that I will not be the reigning is hard to wrap my head and my heart around. In moments like these we turn to those individuals who are wiser than ourselves and so of course I turned to my big sister (even though she is shorter than me) Kirby Kolby for some sisterly advice. The advice she gave me was exactly what I was needing to hear. It put everything into perspective for me and made me excited about October. She said, ”While it’s nice to be Miss Gay America, It’s nice to pass it on and see someone else live out their dream. Especially if it’s someone you like. “ It stunned me for a few moments. I sat their thinking, wow, am I that selfish that I don’t want to pass this title on?! That’s not my normal M.O. So I took a deep breath set my mind on clear and realized that it will be really nice to see someone else live out their dream. So thank you Kirby, for being so dang smart and for being my friend. Love ya ,Sister!
Speaking of those that we care about, I have one person I would like to thank this month. Last year while walking home from the Miss Gay America review show in Columbus, Ohio, my friend George told me something that got me teary eyed. (I know, we are not surprised that I was crying) He told me that his friend who I had met a few times, Robert Ramos Jr. had done something for me. When he had gone to church that day he lit a candle for me and asked God to please let Sally win Miss Gay America. Now I am not super close to Robert. I hadn’t really had a sit down conversation with him before I won and we didn’t text or talk a lot, but that little gesture that I may have never known about speaks louder than any text, or e-mail, or telephone conversation.
Thank you, Robert. It’s people like you who have made me Miss Gay America 2013. You believed in me just because you saw my talent and ability and took time out and prayed that other people would see it as well! Thank you a million times over, Robert. It’s you and bunches of others out there just like you that make Sally Sparkle the way she does. I am very aware of that and because of that I humbly thank you!
And with that said I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
P.S. It is with a sad face that I tell you that I only have one more Excellence Article that I will be writing. If you have thought they were too long then I apologize. I just know that I’ve been left out of the Excellence a few times before and it felt horrible to not find your name. I wanted to be sure that I took the time to mention close to everyone involved that I could and I hope you all can understand that. I’ve used this as a time to journal and document my time as Miss Gay America and so when it’s all through I can read back through my articles and live my year again. October is going to be here sooner than we think, and I look forward to sharing it with EVERYONE, as I have shared these past 11 months.
October 2013
This month started out with a vacation... well by that I mean an overnight trip. My friend George has ALWAYS wanted to go to Miss Continental so I cashed in my flyer miles and got us both a flight up to Chicago and a hotel room 2 blocks away from the theater. Kirby Kolby had the hook ups with tickets and so being the amazing big sister she is, she treated us to finals night. I got all prettied up and had my crown in its’ case so I could partake in the national titleholder’s walk and George was full of excitement, like a little kid at Christmas. We met Kirby in front of the theater, me in a floor length evening gown and Kirby in boy drag. We took our seats and as I sat there and watched the formers and the competition I realized that while there are differences in systems, a talented entertainer is just that…talented and I was quite impressed with the Continental girls. I was also very impressed with myself, because as we were called backstage for the national titleholders walk I put my crown on all by myself with no mirror at all. I was fine the whole evening and all the sudden as we line up I started to get nervous. ALL I HAD TO DO WAS WALK AND INTRODUCE MYSELF, why was I nervous?! Because this wasn’t an MGA crowd, it was a Continental crowd and once again I was worried about how I would go over. Luckily no one booed, I didn’t trip, and I actually had people clap, so I walked off the stage sincerely happy and proud knowing I was Miss Gay America and now everyone in that theater knew it too!
So that night I went straight back to the room and got cleaned up and packed to head home. I had work the next day AND I had rehearsals with my dancers for MGA 2014 opening and review show. I WAS EXHAUSTED BY THE TIME I GOT INTO MY BED THAT NIGHT! No rest for the weary. I had to work the next day as well and then it was off on a road trip in my new car to Monroe, Louisiana. I had a booking at the Corner Bar that Friday and then that Saturday was Miss Gay Southern States.
Now, people ask me all the time if I am on cast anywhere or what my home bar is and they look at me perplexed when I tell them I’m not on cast and don’t have a home bar. I then explain to them that I work as a dance teacher and my big money days are on the weekends, since kids are not in school. If the big show night was Tuesday night I would be ALL UP ON IT, but it’s not. Along with that a lot of the entertainers in Dallas have that as their full time occupation and that is their livelihood. I really don’t want to take away a job from someone who is depending on that booking, so I just randomly perform here and there, but mainly work away so I can do pageants. Well Dextaci and Momma Deb caught wind of this whole story and while I was performing at the Corner Bar I was presented with a certificate of adoption. It read: This certifies that Sally Sparkles is hereby adopted into and forever a member of the Corner Bar Family, effective this 6th day of September 2013. “Family is what you make it.” I thought that was the sweetest thing and so of course I cried and then wondered if it’s weird that my home bar is 4 hours from where I live?! Thank you Corner Bar for doing that for me. You have always been so kind and now when people ask where my home bar is I can say, ”The Corner Bar in Monroe, Louisiana adopted me.”
Miss Gay Southern States was held at Club Pink and there was quite some good talent vying for the crown. Stephanie Lane, Ambrosia Black, Ariel Knight Adams, and Raelynn Rae all were roaring to compete. Stephanie Stevens, Raquel Chevallier, Edie Michie, JC Romero, and Chad Johnson were judging and they were a great panel. Chad Johnson is also the promoter for Miss Gay Illinois and brought his 1st Alt, Nadia M Louis down with him to perform. The reigning Miss Gay Illinois wasn’t able to attend so Nadia was treated to some true Southern company. I was elated to work with a good friend who is also the promoter of Miss Gay Louisiana US of A, Clarence Denenea, who served as the tabulator. The highlight of the whole evening was watching one particular person run around who impressed the heck out of me. Gia Giavanni! Gia was the pageant director and when I took a step back afterwards I realized this pageant ran ridiculously smoothly a lot because of Miss Gia who did three numbers, was the emcee for almost the whole thing, and every time I asked her a question or needed something from her she was right on it! Gia Giavanni, you were a GOD SEND to this pageant and because of you and your talents and hard work it ran about as smooth as it could go. You said something on the microphone about possibly coming back to the America system and I do hope that happens, because you are a professional who can do it all, and the America system loves, needs and appreciates that! I am in awe of you! Kudos! At the end of the evening, after having made fun of the Bambi Baxtor way too much in the dressing room, we had the results. Ariel Nicole Knight Adams had won the first ever Miss Gay Southern States America pageant with Ambrosia Black following closely behind as her 1st alternate. Congratulations ladies and can’t wait to see what you’re going to bring to the table in St. Louis.
Highlights of the Miss Gay Southern States Pageant:
-Trently was my dresser again, and actually I was SOOO TIRED that he was also my alarm clock. He came really close to pushing me out of the bed after male interviews and I had come back to the room for a nap. He also went and got me lunch and ALSO steamed 5 gowns for me. Sorry I only wore 3 Trently, BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOU MADE THIS PAGEANT SO EASY ON ME! LOVE YOU FOR THAT!
-Getting to chat and cut up with former Miss Gay Louisiana Bambi Baxtor. Bambi and I became friends at Miss Gay America 2010 and have stayed friends. I even went and visited her and went on a swamp tour and we performed at the Bourbon Street Pub together. She is actually quite stunning, but don’t tell her I told you so.
-As a special treat Terry Eason made his way over for this pageant! A fond memory I will always now have is our flashback to high school moment as we were parked in the car across the street from the club, talking shop away from everyone else.
-For anyone who knows Ariel Nicole Knight Adams she is quite shy, and I think she is starting to open up. A highlight at Miss Gay Southern States for me was to see Ariel relaxing and smiling and talking. Before you know it she’ll be gossiping and bickering like the rest of us!
So after Southern States I had planned a mini-vacation for myself. In January the real girl Miss America pageant was held in Las Vegas, because of finances I wasn’t able to go and I was VERY DISAPPOINTED. I always vowed that when I won Miss Gay America I would go to the real girl Miss America pageant. Well to my surprise they decided to bring it back to Atlantic City and move it back to September, like it originally had been in the past. HERE WAS MY CHANCE, I got to go to 2 nights of preliminary competitions for the real girl Miss America pageant. I left Dallas and flew to Philadelphia, then took a train to the city center, then took another hour train ride to Atlantic City. The Miss Gay Florida promoter, Dan Barris, was doing some business there and so he got me a hotel room and got us tickets to the pageant. TALK ABOUT A KID AT CHRISTMAS! I sat there thinking about all the Miss Americas who had been crowned in this very city. I thought about how as I was walking down the boardwalk where thousands of contestants had ridden in the boardwalk parade. So many monumental moments of and about Miss America had happened in the very place that I was staying. It was a bit overwhelming. The first night I dressed as a boy and wore my Miss Gay America 2013 lapel pin. Dan and his partner Danilo went with me and we had a great time. I spent too much money on a T-shirt and got my picture taken under a statue of Miss America holding a crown so that you could stand under it and be crowned. We walked in and saw the stage and I had to make myself breathe because I couldn’t believe I was there. The competition was great and I fell in love with Miss Connecticut on stage. She walked amazing, had a gorgeous purple gown and I knew as soon as I said I liked her that she wasn’t winning. Those real girl judges don’t ever like who I like. While there I also saw some of the Texas delegation and exchanged some hello’s and hugs. Again, I was in a dream-like state, not believing I was really there.
So the next day I woke up and went to the Miss America trade show. Lots of things to spend money on…always times like that when I am sad I haven’t won the lottery yet. I also went by the Sheraton where they have the statue of Bert Parks holding the crown out and when you stand under it ,”There she is…” is played from the bushes around him. IT’S AMAZING! They also had some displays up in the Sheraton. Old Gowns, old crowns, history of Miss America. Miss America has always been the twinkle in my eye when it comes to real girl pageants and again to be seeing all of this was unreal to me.
Before I had left for Atlantic city I talked to my friend Sunni Cranfill, a former real girl Miss Texas 2003. I asked her if Sally should go to a preliminary night, crown and all or would it cause too much of a commotion?! She said to GO AND WEAR THAT CROWN PROUD. So I DID! I got all prettied up and went and watched more preliminary night competition at Miss America as Sally Sparkles. As we were walking up to outside door of the pageant I told Dan,” I didn’t get all done up to bring a bunch of attention to myself, I did it because this crown deserves to see the Miss America pageant.” Well to my surprise I was warmly received by many. Before actually getting to our seats I had a line of people wanting to take pictures with me! CRAZY I KNOW! Thank goodness I had worn my sash so people could know who I was! To my delight there is a picture of me floating out there with Miss Teen Oregon and Miss Teen Alaska, along with a slew of other people. Also, just our luck, as we are walking in we run into TEAM CONNECTICUT! We praised her and told her fans and family that we were rooting for her. So hopefully it got back to her and Miss Connecticut knows that Miss Gay America was a total fan of hers!
There was one amazingly great moment that I had while I was there. I was sitting there as the pageant was about to begin and a little girl about 3rd or 4th grade came up to me and said,” Are you a real queen?” I thought to myself, I am probably the biggest queen in here, but instead I said,” Why yes I am, I won a title last October and so I’m about to give it up.” She looked at me for a few minutes and then she said,” I don’t think you should give it up, because you’re really pretty.” I told her thank you and then pondered what that little girl had said to me. I was elated! Her and her friend were about 8 seats down and a row in front of us. They kept looking back, so I kept smiling and winking at them. It’s great to make a kid smile, especially when they have unknowingly given you one of the best compliments you’ve ever received!
Dan Barris, I can’t thank you enough for all you did for me and making a dream come true. Words can’t express what being at Miss America meant to me, this year of all years. I hope you know that you are truly a wonderful man that I am so thankful for having in my life as a buddy, chum, and dear friend.
So that night I got to bed and had to leave super early to head back to Dallas to then head to Nashville. Miss Gay Tennessee was that Sunday, the same night as finals night for Miss America, but I had just gone to 2 preliminary nights. Yes, Finals night would have been amazing, but I was blessed to have been able to go at all, and for Sally to have gone as well, my life was complete. LOL! So I arrived in Nashville, TN and was picked up by Jeff Colbert, the promoter. It was great to put a face to the voice, since we had talked a bit on the phone making sure all was on the up and up for Miss Gay Tennessee. He dropped me off at the hotel and then a short time later L&T and Chuck came to pick me up for dinner. First off we stopped by Suzy Wong’s gorgeous house because she was having a dinner with pageant officials and formers and such. A kind of starter party for the next day. It was great to see so many familiar faces and while I was there Suzy started talking to L&T about her package for Miss Gay America because she is also Miss Mid-America. It threw me for a loop because I was in her spot a year ago, doing the same thing, preparing and getting ready and just hoping to show my best. It made me miss competing, but it also made me so proud of how far I’ve come in just a year. So after Suzy’s we went and had dinner and talked shop. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE! We are talking plans for Miss Gay America because it’s ALMOST HERE! WEIRD TO THINK!
The next day we were welcomed into PLAY night club in Nashville with a gorgeous backdrop and amazing goodie bags. My good friend and former Miss Gay Tennessee-Pat McCooter, my wonderful MGA sister-Kirby Kolby,the originator of it all- Jerry Peek, Owner of the Miss Don’t H8 pageant-Chip Mathews , and former Miss Gay TN America-Mercedes Alexander, were all set to judge. With 7 contestants vying for the crown it was looking to be a great pageant. Katie Love, Venus Knight, Venus Ann Serena, Giselle Nicole, Jasmine St.James, Iris Le’Fleur, and Tyrah Hunter were all present and accounted for and they made Tennessee proud, because I was impressed not only with their talents but also with their professionalism and willingness to learn and want to grow as entertainers. Suzy Wong looked great and was a pro on the microphone. After some strong competition Venus Knight was crowned Miss Gay Tennessee. Tyrah Hunter came in as 1st alternate. Congratulations to both of you ladies and I can’t wait to see you at Miss Gay America 2014.
Highlights of the Miss Gay Tennessee pageant:
-Getting to see Suzy’s house and her drag garage. If y’all haven’t seen it well be glad because I was so jealous. Made my one bedroom apartment a lot less glamorous.
-Seeing Mike Divoky and Anita Cocktail, they were my promoters when I was 1st alternate to Heart Of America and I do enjoy them. Along with that I got to chit chat with my good friend Pat McCooter. With a name like that you can’t help but love him!
-Getting to sit next to Jerry Peek. I have so much respect for him and it was nice having him on the judges panel. Also, he let me eat all of these gooey things out of his judges box! Thank you Jerry
-Post pageant pow wow with Kirby Kolby. They are always a good time.
-So in the middle of Miss Gay Tennessee L&T came up to me and told me that Great Lakes might be cancelled. They were doing everything in their power to make it happen. Unfortunately that didn’t come to pass. In the midst of that I realized then that this would be my last preliminary. Luckily I was in the midst of the pageant so I didn’t really have time to let that sink in. I was kind of appreciative of that because we all know how emotional I can get. As I left Tennessee the next day I realized it would be my last time going through security at the airport with my crown. To top it all off right before I had flown into Tennessee I randomly checked my emails and saw an e-mail from Terry. It was telling me I needed to write my farewell letter and thank you letter for the program. I read it twice and then I started bawling. I couldn’t help it, the tears wouldn’t stop. I finally calmed down enough and realized I needed to just focus on Tennessee. So I had gotten all the way through the pageant and I am standing backstage about to do my crown number and it all started to settle in. Luckily I only had a mini-episode off stage and held it together on stage for my performance, but I will tell you, when your heart hurts it sucks!
So I get home and I had a week of no MGA stuff. There was one night I sat on my couch and ate pizza and watched a movie. It felt like a foreign activity and then I realized, this would be my life in just a few short weeks. Then up came the news that there was going to be a last minute preliminary and while I would’ve loved the few extra days to prepare for Miss Gay America I was excited because the preliminary was in my home state TEXAS. Along with that it was in Galveston, which is an island, so I got to go to the beach. The minus to this whole thing was I wasn’t feeling well. I think that all the travelling and being so busy was finally catching up to me. So while I hacked and coughed through most of the night I packed up and headed out to Galveston,TX for Miss Gay South. Yep, this year we got a Southern Elegance, a Southern States, and a South, can’t wait for the emcee’s at MGA to get all kinds of confused.
The promoter of Miss Gay South, Rodney, is also the owner of the gay club 3rd Coast and he also owns a city preliminary pageant to Miss Gay Texas. I had actually met him back in 2009 at my give-up for Miss Gay Texas, and so it was nice to know who I would be working with. The ocean air must have done me good because after some Mucinex and a walk along the shore I was feeling halfway decent. Miss Gay South was held on Friday, September 27th and we had 2 contestants. Our veteran Kofi, and a local Galveston entertainer Morgan Wood. With Jennie Meyer, Christyan Sangineto, Nathan Bryan, and Fara Dion as judges the pageant moved briskly along. Kofi, ever the professional walked away the winner and is the first Miss Gay South to be crowned since 2005. Morgan was excited to be 1stalternate as she is a newcomer to the America system and I believe also to pageantry at this level. She had competed for a few bar titles but I will tell you this, be on the look-out for her. She is eager to learn, she is open to criticism and I think after attending MGA she is going to push herself into a whole other level of entertaining. Tara Dion did a great job entertaining and organizing as a pageant director and we were all happy to have the newly crowned Miss Gay Texas, Alayna Marquez there as a special guest.
While there I talked on the microphone a bit about how nice it was to have a regional in Texas. My first 2 years competing there were only 2 Texas girls. My last 3 years competing there was always me and then whoever Miss Gay Texas was. It’s nice to see Texas being represented at Miss Gay America. You know us Texans and our state pride. There’s nothing quite like it anywhere else.
So after the pageant in Galveston I hit the road for Monroe, Louisiana. You’re probably asking yourself,” Why did she go back there AGAIN?!” LOL! Well David Green had asked me months before if on Sunday, September 29th I wanted to do my last official show as Miss Gay America at Club Pink, which if you recall is where I did my FIRST official show as Miss Gay America. So I drove the 7 hours to Monroe from Galveston and checked into the hotel. I wasn’t going to go out bar hopping because I still wasn’t feeling 100% but I had to at least swing by Corner Bar to say hello, I mean HELLO, they had just adopted me less than a month ago. So Dextaci took me to get some food and then we swung by Corner Bar. LO AND BEHOLD, who do I spot in the corner of Corner Bar smiling his big white teethed smile but Terry Eason! I was so happy to see him there. I had just been talking with him earlier and he said he didn’t have much to do that evening and was going to work on pageant stuff, what a LIAR! But I didn’t care. I was so appreciative of him making the time to come to Monroe at such a busy time to see my last show. Well color me super surprised, when my mother sends me a text and says my Dad has agreed and they are going to drive to Monroe to be there too. This was turning into a pretty great weekend. So I swung by Club Pink to say hello to David Green and then headed straight to bed. I must have been tired because I slept through the night and woke up at around 4pm the next day. Granted I was feeling better, but felt bad I had wasted the day away.
David had set up an ice cream social before the show. It started at 7 and the show started at 10. So my father was coming for the ice cream and leaving but my mother was pumped and excited to stay the whole time! I walked into the dressing room and a great surprise to me there is Suzy Wong sitting there getting ready. She decided to come join in the festivities and I don’t know that I ever thanked her for coming down. So if you’re reading this THANK YOU SUZY!
The night was amazing and I had a blast. David Green handed me 4 boxes of tissue that were pink and sparkly. Did I get emotional?! Of course I did. A big part of it was feeling all the love from everyone around me. I was trying to think what it was I had done to make everyone so supportive and I realized…they loved me for me. Just being who I am. I think that would cause anyone to be emotional. Thank you Club Pink, David Green, Suzy, Terry, Edie, Mom and Dad, Monroe, Louisiana and all the entertainers that were there. It was a night I will not soon forget and a memory I will always cherish.
So the clock keeps ticking and my to do list is LONG, with only a few more days until I head out to St. Louis. Am I sad? Yes. Am I excited? Yes. Does it hit me about 30 times a day that I’ll be doing one of those long farewell songs at the end of my reign as a national titleholder? Yes. Am I ready to give it up? NO! But I would rather finish up my year wanting to keep it then to be over it and ready to pass it on. That way as I walk away I will still have that same amazing feeling, knowing that I was able to inspire and touch people and that I will always be Miss Gay America 2013. That gives me comfort.
So as I finish up my last excellence article as the reigning Miss Gay America there are 2 gentlemen that I would like to thank for all they do for me and have done - Larry Tyger and Terry Eason of L&T Entertainment. I know amongst all the stress and running around and pageant drama that you have to deal with you can sometimes wonder why you deal with it all. Well just so you know it’s because you change people’s lives. Do you remember during the Daddy-Daughter retreat when I asked you (separately) if you realized how many people’s lives you change just by owning this pageant. What I was really saying when I asked that was, “Do you realize that by owning this pageant you have changed my life?” Not just because I won Miss Gay America but because I got to be involved with something that forced me to be a better person. You 2 have been a constant source of support and I want you to know that I appreciate it. I appreciated it back in 2006 when I first met and saw you at Miss Gay Texas, my first year ever competing, and I appreciate it more now after getting to see how the other side lives. You gentleman are truly 2 amazing gifts that I received as part of my prize package. You have become dear friends, confidantes, and I know you really and truly love this system and this crown as much as I do. I couldn’t be standing here representing such a great system if it weren’t for you and for that I reach into the bottom of my heart and thank you. You guys are amazing and I can honestly say I LOVE YOU BOTH! THANK YOU!
And with that being said I look forward to an amazing give up week in St. Louis. I am looking forward to letting my hairline rest and maybe plucking out some of these grey hairs that I have received from the stresses of being Miss Gay America, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. My year was more than I could ask for and I am truly blessed beyond compare. I make sure to thank God every day for all the amazingness he has let me experience.
Now don’t forget and please always keep in mind that I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
So that night I went straight back to the room and got cleaned up and packed to head home. I had work the next day AND I had rehearsals with my dancers for MGA 2014 opening and review show. I WAS EXHAUSTED BY THE TIME I GOT INTO MY BED THAT NIGHT! No rest for the weary. I had to work the next day as well and then it was off on a road trip in my new car to Monroe, Louisiana. I had a booking at the Corner Bar that Friday and then that Saturday was Miss Gay Southern States.
Now, people ask me all the time if I am on cast anywhere or what my home bar is and they look at me perplexed when I tell them I’m not on cast and don’t have a home bar. I then explain to them that I work as a dance teacher and my big money days are on the weekends, since kids are not in school. If the big show night was Tuesday night I would be ALL UP ON IT, but it’s not. Along with that a lot of the entertainers in Dallas have that as their full time occupation and that is their livelihood. I really don’t want to take away a job from someone who is depending on that booking, so I just randomly perform here and there, but mainly work away so I can do pageants. Well Dextaci and Momma Deb caught wind of this whole story and while I was performing at the Corner Bar I was presented with a certificate of adoption. It read: This certifies that Sally Sparkles is hereby adopted into and forever a member of the Corner Bar Family, effective this 6th day of September 2013. “Family is what you make it.” I thought that was the sweetest thing and so of course I cried and then wondered if it’s weird that my home bar is 4 hours from where I live?! Thank you Corner Bar for doing that for me. You have always been so kind and now when people ask where my home bar is I can say, ”The Corner Bar in Monroe, Louisiana adopted me.”
Miss Gay Southern States was held at Club Pink and there was quite some good talent vying for the crown. Stephanie Lane, Ambrosia Black, Ariel Knight Adams, and Raelynn Rae all were roaring to compete. Stephanie Stevens, Raquel Chevallier, Edie Michie, JC Romero, and Chad Johnson were judging and they were a great panel. Chad Johnson is also the promoter for Miss Gay Illinois and brought his 1st Alt, Nadia M Louis down with him to perform. The reigning Miss Gay Illinois wasn’t able to attend so Nadia was treated to some true Southern company. I was elated to work with a good friend who is also the promoter of Miss Gay Louisiana US of A, Clarence Denenea, who served as the tabulator. The highlight of the whole evening was watching one particular person run around who impressed the heck out of me. Gia Giavanni! Gia was the pageant director and when I took a step back afterwards I realized this pageant ran ridiculously smoothly a lot because of Miss Gia who did three numbers, was the emcee for almost the whole thing, and every time I asked her a question or needed something from her she was right on it! Gia Giavanni, you were a GOD SEND to this pageant and because of you and your talents and hard work it ran about as smooth as it could go. You said something on the microphone about possibly coming back to the America system and I do hope that happens, because you are a professional who can do it all, and the America system loves, needs and appreciates that! I am in awe of you! Kudos! At the end of the evening, after having made fun of the Bambi Baxtor way too much in the dressing room, we had the results. Ariel Nicole Knight Adams had won the first ever Miss Gay Southern States America pageant with Ambrosia Black following closely behind as her 1st alternate. Congratulations ladies and can’t wait to see what you’re going to bring to the table in St. Louis.
Highlights of the Miss Gay Southern States Pageant:
-Trently was my dresser again, and actually I was SOOO TIRED that he was also my alarm clock. He came really close to pushing me out of the bed after male interviews and I had come back to the room for a nap. He also went and got me lunch and ALSO steamed 5 gowns for me. Sorry I only wore 3 Trently, BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH! YOU MADE THIS PAGEANT SO EASY ON ME! LOVE YOU FOR THAT!
-Getting to chat and cut up with former Miss Gay Louisiana Bambi Baxtor. Bambi and I became friends at Miss Gay America 2010 and have stayed friends. I even went and visited her and went on a swamp tour and we performed at the Bourbon Street Pub together. She is actually quite stunning, but don’t tell her I told you so.
-As a special treat Terry Eason made his way over for this pageant! A fond memory I will always now have is our flashback to high school moment as we were parked in the car across the street from the club, talking shop away from everyone else.
-For anyone who knows Ariel Nicole Knight Adams she is quite shy, and I think she is starting to open up. A highlight at Miss Gay Southern States for me was to see Ariel relaxing and smiling and talking. Before you know it she’ll be gossiping and bickering like the rest of us!
So after Southern States I had planned a mini-vacation for myself. In January the real girl Miss America pageant was held in Las Vegas, because of finances I wasn’t able to go and I was VERY DISAPPOINTED. I always vowed that when I won Miss Gay America I would go to the real girl Miss America pageant. Well to my surprise they decided to bring it back to Atlantic City and move it back to September, like it originally had been in the past. HERE WAS MY CHANCE, I got to go to 2 nights of preliminary competitions for the real girl Miss America pageant. I left Dallas and flew to Philadelphia, then took a train to the city center, then took another hour train ride to Atlantic City. The Miss Gay Florida promoter, Dan Barris, was doing some business there and so he got me a hotel room and got us tickets to the pageant. TALK ABOUT A KID AT CHRISTMAS! I sat there thinking about all the Miss Americas who had been crowned in this very city. I thought about how as I was walking down the boardwalk where thousands of contestants had ridden in the boardwalk parade. So many monumental moments of and about Miss America had happened in the very place that I was staying. It was a bit overwhelming. The first night I dressed as a boy and wore my Miss Gay America 2013 lapel pin. Dan and his partner Danilo went with me and we had a great time. I spent too much money on a T-shirt and got my picture taken under a statue of Miss America holding a crown so that you could stand under it and be crowned. We walked in and saw the stage and I had to make myself breathe because I couldn’t believe I was there. The competition was great and I fell in love with Miss Connecticut on stage. She walked amazing, had a gorgeous purple gown and I knew as soon as I said I liked her that she wasn’t winning. Those real girl judges don’t ever like who I like. While there I also saw some of the Texas delegation and exchanged some hello’s and hugs. Again, I was in a dream-like state, not believing I was really there.
So the next day I woke up and went to the Miss America trade show. Lots of things to spend money on…always times like that when I am sad I haven’t won the lottery yet. I also went by the Sheraton where they have the statue of Bert Parks holding the crown out and when you stand under it ,”There she is…” is played from the bushes around him. IT’S AMAZING! They also had some displays up in the Sheraton. Old Gowns, old crowns, history of Miss America. Miss America has always been the twinkle in my eye when it comes to real girl pageants and again to be seeing all of this was unreal to me.
Before I had left for Atlantic city I talked to my friend Sunni Cranfill, a former real girl Miss Texas 2003. I asked her if Sally should go to a preliminary night, crown and all or would it cause too much of a commotion?! She said to GO AND WEAR THAT CROWN PROUD. So I DID! I got all prettied up and went and watched more preliminary night competition at Miss America as Sally Sparkles. As we were walking up to outside door of the pageant I told Dan,” I didn’t get all done up to bring a bunch of attention to myself, I did it because this crown deserves to see the Miss America pageant.” Well to my surprise I was warmly received by many. Before actually getting to our seats I had a line of people wanting to take pictures with me! CRAZY I KNOW! Thank goodness I had worn my sash so people could know who I was! To my delight there is a picture of me floating out there with Miss Teen Oregon and Miss Teen Alaska, along with a slew of other people. Also, just our luck, as we are walking in we run into TEAM CONNECTICUT! We praised her and told her fans and family that we were rooting for her. So hopefully it got back to her and Miss Connecticut knows that Miss Gay America was a total fan of hers!
There was one amazingly great moment that I had while I was there. I was sitting there as the pageant was about to begin and a little girl about 3rd or 4th grade came up to me and said,” Are you a real queen?” I thought to myself, I am probably the biggest queen in here, but instead I said,” Why yes I am, I won a title last October and so I’m about to give it up.” She looked at me for a few minutes and then she said,” I don’t think you should give it up, because you’re really pretty.” I told her thank you and then pondered what that little girl had said to me. I was elated! Her and her friend were about 8 seats down and a row in front of us. They kept looking back, so I kept smiling and winking at them. It’s great to make a kid smile, especially when they have unknowingly given you one of the best compliments you’ve ever received!
Dan Barris, I can’t thank you enough for all you did for me and making a dream come true. Words can’t express what being at Miss America meant to me, this year of all years. I hope you know that you are truly a wonderful man that I am so thankful for having in my life as a buddy, chum, and dear friend.
So that night I got to bed and had to leave super early to head back to Dallas to then head to Nashville. Miss Gay Tennessee was that Sunday, the same night as finals night for Miss America, but I had just gone to 2 preliminary nights. Yes, Finals night would have been amazing, but I was blessed to have been able to go at all, and for Sally to have gone as well, my life was complete. LOL! So I arrived in Nashville, TN and was picked up by Jeff Colbert, the promoter. It was great to put a face to the voice, since we had talked a bit on the phone making sure all was on the up and up for Miss Gay Tennessee. He dropped me off at the hotel and then a short time later L&T and Chuck came to pick me up for dinner. First off we stopped by Suzy Wong’s gorgeous house because she was having a dinner with pageant officials and formers and such. A kind of starter party for the next day. It was great to see so many familiar faces and while I was there Suzy started talking to L&T about her package for Miss Gay America because she is also Miss Mid-America. It threw me for a loop because I was in her spot a year ago, doing the same thing, preparing and getting ready and just hoping to show my best. It made me miss competing, but it also made me so proud of how far I’ve come in just a year. So after Suzy’s we went and had dinner and talked shop. WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE! We are talking plans for Miss Gay America because it’s ALMOST HERE! WEIRD TO THINK!
The next day we were welcomed into PLAY night club in Nashville with a gorgeous backdrop and amazing goodie bags. My good friend and former Miss Gay Tennessee-Pat McCooter, my wonderful MGA sister-Kirby Kolby,the originator of it all- Jerry Peek, Owner of the Miss Don’t H8 pageant-Chip Mathews , and former Miss Gay TN America-Mercedes Alexander, were all set to judge. With 7 contestants vying for the crown it was looking to be a great pageant. Katie Love, Venus Knight, Venus Ann Serena, Giselle Nicole, Jasmine St.James, Iris Le’Fleur, and Tyrah Hunter were all present and accounted for and they made Tennessee proud, because I was impressed not only with their talents but also with their professionalism and willingness to learn and want to grow as entertainers. Suzy Wong looked great and was a pro on the microphone. After some strong competition Venus Knight was crowned Miss Gay Tennessee. Tyrah Hunter came in as 1st alternate. Congratulations to both of you ladies and I can’t wait to see you at Miss Gay America 2014.
Highlights of the Miss Gay Tennessee pageant:
-Getting to see Suzy’s house and her drag garage. If y’all haven’t seen it well be glad because I was so jealous. Made my one bedroom apartment a lot less glamorous.
-Seeing Mike Divoky and Anita Cocktail, they were my promoters when I was 1st alternate to Heart Of America and I do enjoy them. Along with that I got to chit chat with my good friend Pat McCooter. With a name like that you can’t help but love him!
-Getting to sit next to Jerry Peek. I have so much respect for him and it was nice having him on the judges panel. Also, he let me eat all of these gooey things out of his judges box! Thank you Jerry
-Post pageant pow wow with Kirby Kolby. They are always a good time.
-So in the middle of Miss Gay Tennessee L&T came up to me and told me that Great Lakes might be cancelled. They were doing everything in their power to make it happen. Unfortunately that didn’t come to pass. In the midst of that I realized then that this would be my last preliminary. Luckily I was in the midst of the pageant so I didn’t really have time to let that sink in. I was kind of appreciative of that because we all know how emotional I can get. As I left Tennessee the next day I realized it would be my last time going through security at the airport with my crown. To top it all off right before I had flown into Tennessee I randomly checked my emails and saw an e-mail from Terry. It was telling me I needed to write my farewell letter and thank you letter for the program. I read it twice and then I started bawling. I couldn’t help it, the tears wouldn’t stop. I finally calmed down enough and realized I needed to just focus on Tennessee. So I had gotten all the way through the pageant and I am standing backstage about to do my crown number and it all started to settle in. Luckily I only had a mini-episode off stage and held it together on stage for my performance, but I will tell you, when your heart hurts it sucks!
So I get home and I had a week of no MGA stuff. There was one night I sat on my couch and ate pizza and watched a movie. It felt like a foreign activity and then I realized, this would be my life in just a few short weeks. Then up came the news that there was going to be a last minute preliminary and while I would’ve loved the few extra days to prepare for Miss Gay America I was excited because the preliminary was in my home state TEXAS. Along with that it was in Galveston, which is an island, so I got to go to the beach. The minus to this whole thing was I wasn’t feeling well. I think that all the travelling and being so busy was finally catching up to me. So while I hacked and coughed through most of the night I packed up and headed out to Galveston,TX for Miss Gay South. Yep, this year we got a Southern Elegance, a Southern States, and a South, can’t wait for the emcee’s at MGA to get all kinds of confused.
The promoter of Miss Gay South, Rodney, is also the owner of the gay club 3rd Coast and he also owns a city preliminary pageant to Miss Gay Texas. I had actually met him back in 2009 at my give-up for Miss Gay Texas, and so it was nice to know who I would be working with. The ocean air must have done me good because after some Mucinex and a walk along the shore I was feeling halfway decent. Miss Gay South was held on Friday, September 27th and we had 2 contestants. Our veteran Kofi, and a local Galveston entertainer Morgan Wood. With Jennie Meyer, Christyan Sangineto, Nathan Bryan, and Fara Dion as judges the pageant moved briskly along. Kofi, ever the professional walked away the winner and is the first Miss Gay South to be crowned since 2005. Morgan was excited to be 1stalternate as she is a newcomer to the America system and I believe also to pageantry at this level. She had competed for a few bar titles but I will tell you this, be on the look-out for her. She is eager to learn, she is open to criticism and I think after attending MGA she is going to push herself into a whole other level of entertaining. Tara Dion did a great job entertaining and organizing as a pageant director and we were all happy to have the newly crowned Miss Gay Texas, Alayna Marquez there as a special guest.
While there I talked on the microphone a bit about how nice it was to have a regional in Texas. My first 2 years competing there were only 2 Texas girls. My last 3 years competing there was always me and then whoever Miss Gay Texas was. It’s nice to see Texas being represented at Miss Gay America. You know us Texans and our state pride. There’s nothing quite like it anywhere else.
So after the pageant in Galveston I hit the road for Monroe, Louisiana. You’re probably asking yourself,” Why did she go back there AGAIN?!” LOL! Well David Green had asked me months before if on Sunday, September 29th I wanted to do my last official show as Miss Gay America at Club Pink, which if you recall is where I did my FIRST official show as Miss Gay America. So I drove the 7 hours to Monroe from Galveston and checked into the hotel. I wasn’t going to go out bar hopping because I still wasn’t feeling 100% but I had to at least swing by Corner Bar to say hello, I mean HELLO, they had just adopted me less than a month ago. So Dextaci took me to get some food and then we swung by Corner Bar. LO AND BEHOLD, who do I spot in the corner of Corner Bar smiling his big white teethed smile but Terry Eason! I was so happy to see him there. I had just been talking with him earlier and he said he didn’t have much to do that evening and was going to work on pageant stuff, what a LIAR! But I didn’t care. I was so appreciative of him making the time to come to Monroe at such a busy time to see my last show. Well color me super surprised, when my mother sends me a text and says my Dad has agreed and they are going to drive to Monroe to be there too. This was turning into a pretty great weekend. So I swung by Club Pink to say hello to David Green and then headed straight to bed. I must have been tired because I slept through the night and woke up at around 4pm the next day. Granted I was feeling better, but felt bad I had wasted the day away.
David had set up an ice cream social before the show. It started at 7 and the show started at 10. So my father was coming for the ice cream and leaving but my mother was pumped and excited to stay the whole time! I walked into the dressing room and a great surprise to me there is Suzy Wong sitting there getting ready. She decided to come join in the festivities and I don’t know that I ever thanked her for coming down. So if you’re reading this THANK YOU SUZY!
The night was amazing and I had a blast. David Green handed me 4 boxes of tissue that were pink and sparkly. Did I get emotional?! Of course I did. A big part of it was feeling all the love from everyone around me. I was trying to think what it was I had done to make everyone so supportive and I realized…they loved me for me. Just being who I am. I think that would cause anyone to be emotional. Thank you Club Pink, David Green, Suzy, Terry, Edie, Mom and Dad, Monroe, Louisiana and all the entertainers that were there. It was a night I will not soon forget and a memory I will always cherish.
So the clock keeps ticking and my to do list is LONG, with only a few more days until I head out to St. Louis. Am I sad? Yes. Am I excited? Yes. Does it hit me about 30 times a day that I’ll be doing one of those long farewell songs at the end of my reign as a national titleholder? Yes. Am I ready to give it up? NO! But I would rather finish up my year wanting to keep it then to be over it and ready to pass it on. That way as I walk away I will still have that same amazing feeling, knowing that I was able to inspire and touch people and that I will always be Miss Gay America 2013. That gives me comfort.
So as I finish up my last excellence article as the reigning Miss Gay America there are 2 gentlemen that I would like to thank for all they do for me and have done - Larry Tyger and Terry Eason of L&T Entertainment. I know amongst all the stress and running around and pageant drama that you have to deal with you can sometimes wonder why you deal with it all. Well just so you know it’s because you change people’s lives. Do you remember during the Daddy-Daughter retreat when I asked you (separately) if you realized how many people’s lives you change just by owning this pageant. What I was really saying when I asked that was, “Do you realize that by owning this pageant you have changed my life?” Not just because I won Miss Gay America but because I got to be involved with something that forced me to be a better person. You 2 have been a constant source of support and I want you to know that I appreciate it. I appreciated it back in 2006 when I first met and saw you at Miss Gay Texas, my first year ever competing, and I appreciate it more now after getting to see how the other side lives. You gentleman are truly 2 amazing gifts that I received as part of my prize package. You have become dear friends, confidantes, and I know you really and truly love this system and this crown as much as I do. I couldn’t be standing here representing such a great system if it weren’t for you and for that I reach into the bottom of my heart and thank you. You guys are amazing and I can honestly say I LOVE YOU BOTH! THANK YOU!
And with that being said I look forward to an amazing give up week in St. Louis. I am looking forward to letting my hairline rest and maybe plucking out some of these grey hairs that I have received from the stresses of being Miss Gay America, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. My year was more than I could ask for and I am truly blessed beyond compare. I make sure to thank God every day for all the amazingness he has let me experience.
Now don’t forget and please always keep in mind that I’ve gone out and made it my time to sparkle, so go out there and make it your TIME TO SPARKLE!
Sally Sparkles
Miss Gay America 2013
November 2013
Before proceeding with another lengthy article I want to propose a change. The real girl Miss America Pageant no longer refers to the Former Titleholders as "Formers" Instead they use the phrase "Forever". The Forever Miss America's. I propose we do the same thing, because I would love to be a Forever Miss Gay America. Whether y'all decide to be in favor of this or not I'm going to have a hoodie made since I'm retiring my Miss Gay America 2013 hoodies that I wore all year and the weather is getting chilly so I need a jacket.
Also, I want to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to the newly crowned SYMBOL OF EXCELLENCE, MISS GAY AMERICA 2014 JESSICA JADE. With having been Miss Gay America less than a month she's already been on TV and has quite a busy schedule lining up according to her Facebook account so I have a feeling that Miss Gay America is definitely going to be seen this year. Keep your EYES OPEN FOR THAT GORGEOUS MUG AND TREAT HER LIKE A QUEEN WHEN YOU SEE HER...because....well..... she is Queen!
I think she is going to be a fabulous Miss Gay America. I realized after I crowned her that Jessica has now become the new face of perseverance. She stood fast in her dreams to be Miss Gay America and she pulled herself up and made it happen! I hope that inspires all of those around you because you are an inspiration! CONGRATULATIONS GIRL! I am so excited for the new journey you are about to embark on. It's full of many adventures and I hope you know that I'm only a phone call away should you need me. We both know I like to gab so I can give you lots of insider stuff, in secret MGA language that you will learn at your Daddy Daughter Retreat! LOL!
...and now to REALLY finish out my year...
So the days leading up to Miss Gay America for me were one word..exhausting! Since Miss Gay South had happened so late it was difficult for me to get everything I wanted done finished. I got home and spent quite a few nights awake until the sun was peeking through my windows. Hem's sewn, gifts wrapped, costumes stoned, deciding what dresses to wear what numbers to perform, by the time I was ready to drive to Memphis to spend one more night in the Miss Gay America bed at Terry's house I overslept. Well that big stand up crown wasn't going to glitter itself, so our ETA got later and later for Memphis. My dresser George rode with me and my dancer J.D. followed in his car.
We arrived at Terry's house and had a great evening of laughter and jokes and bad jokes...the bad jokes mostly came from Terry, but we all chipped in. I slept that night in the Miss Gay America bed with all 13 of the throw pillows pushed to the side because I was too tired to politely place them on the floor.
I woke up the next day and we got to a slow start. I drove about an hour and then had to have George drive because I was exhausted. So I slept for the next 3 hours. Woke up and into St.Louis we arrived. I got an amazing suite at the Millennium and promptly ironed boy clothes to meet L&T, the judges and staff of MGA 2014. It was a surreal moment walking into the Millennium. 6 years ago I walked through those same doors with eyes wide open at my first national pageant and here I was 6 years later walking through those same doors, only this time to pass on my national title. I was so happy to see Monty and Sunni on the judges panel and to have 3 former MGA's judging. Having such a big supporter as Monty who cheered for me these past years and also a fellow Texan by birth made me happy to have him helping with such an important decision. Interesting fact, Monty and I went to the same college, SFA, and were both cheerleaders. We found this out AFTER he had started to help support me to become Miss Gay America. Sunni danced for me that first year at Miss Gay America. She attended every dress rehearsal afterwards and has been with me every step of my journey. To have her there helping to decide my predecessor was all the more special, especially because she had a front row seat for it all.
There are so many things I can say about my give up week. I was surrounded with so much love from promoters, fans, contestants, friends and family. It was definitely dream like. While all of it was happening I only wished one thing were different. I wished that I wasn't so tired! I tried to soak in as many moments as possible. I tried to be in the moment. I tried to keep an optimistic view of it all so as to not totally break down and now that it's all finished, I am amazed that I went through it.
Two moments stick out for me when I think of that week:
-After the 3rd night of preliminaries I was watching a recording that either Christina or George had taken of me giving awards. On the screen I saw Miss Gay America doing what she always does at Miss Gay America, giving out awards, and I sat there trying to take it in that I was that Miss Gay America on video.
-Before my final number in the Review Show I was standing behind the curtain about to take the stage and Larry was standing with me. I turned to him and said, "This is what I'm wearing for my review show final number." He looked at me a little puzzled and I said, "All those years of watching the review show I always wondered what gown I would wear for my final song, and this is what I am wearing." He smiled back at me understanding what I was saying…
As many of you know my family was able to make it to watch my final days as Miss Gay America. My mother, my father, my sister, and my niece all drove the 15 hours to St. Louis from my hometown of Copperas Cove, TX. I was elated that my father had decided to come, because I really didn't want to be mad at him for the next few months with holidays and all. Having my niece, who has gotten ridiculously gorgeous if I might add, standing right there next to me and singing her words to "For Good" looking adorable in her pink dress and hair pulled up and curled was amazing for me. The crown she had on her head was my Miss Gay Dallas crown. The first crown I ever won in the America System, and there I stood next to her wearing the last crown I will ever win for the America System. I had my niece on stage with me to not only make it memorable for me and for everyone else out there in the audience, but for a broader purpose. I wanted my niece to grow up knowing the art of female impersonation, for her to feel what it was like for me on stage.
She is going to grow up to be one of the popular girls I have no doubt, and when those other girls say, "EW, you're Uncle is Gay?!" She will turn and say "YES and he was MISS GAY AMERICA and I got to perform his final number with him, what does your Uncle do?!" Opening the mind of one little town girl in Texas is something I feel I may have accomplished. Hopefully, if I'm lucky, she'll get bitten by the pageant bug and I'll see her walk across the Miss Texas or Miss Texas USA stage and I can have jackets, buttons, luggage, and banners made for her!
My Aunt Terry said it best on a Facebook comment, "You got to live your dream, which is not something many people get to do." That is kind of amazing if you think about it. I jokingly told a friend a few years ago,"When I grow up I want to be Cinderella." I guess I am a grown up because I can smile now knowing I got to be Cinderella.
I wanted to thank everyone who was there for MGA 2014. I so appreciate all the love and support that you gave me, the wonderful compliments and for being there to really share in a moment and milestone in my life. I smiled a lot that week and I surprisingly didn't cry or break down as much as I thought. It wouldn't have been such a success without all of you who were there. Whether competing, spectating, working, or just in the back drinking and checking out the dudes in dresses. Thank you.
Thank you L&T for letting me organize an opening production that I am so proud of, and for always believing in me, supporting me, and letting me be me.
Thank you Versage for helping with last minute music edits.
Thank you Jordan, for knowing where I came from, where I was going and for knowing who I am.
Thank you Rhea, for being so exhausted but still pushing through.
Thank you Monty, Sunni, Tiffany, Kerri, and Vicki, for letting me come talk to you just cause I could.
Thank you promoters, for letting me be part of your America system experience and for being part of mine
Thank you Mark Martin and Las Vegas Costuming supplies, the list is too long to write, but your post pageant facebook post said it all.
Thank you to everyone who has tagged me in pictures from that week, or snippets of videos.
Thank you for all the well wishes that came my way that week. I read them and I will soon be replying.
Thank you to every single person who tipped me a dollar.
Thank you to everyone who found my duet with my niece moving,
Thank you to all the contestants for giving me a final night that will not soon be forgotten! YOU DID GREAT!
Thank you to the former Miss Gay America's for making my week complete with all the love and camaraderie and really making me feel part of a true sisterhood.
Thank you to my Niece, Darby for being so pretty and for having the courage to step on that stage and sing a duet with me. Out of all the queens she met she liked Savannah Stevens from Arizona the most. They shared an elevator ride I think and Savannah really made an impression,
Thank you to my Mom, for being an amazing mom.
Thank you to my sister for being the type of person I always wanted to grow up to be like.
Thank you to my Dad for being the best role model a man of any age could have.
Thank you to my dancers, Robert, J.D, Ashley, Latane, and Che. for the hours you put in, for always taking care of me, and for making those final nights as Miss Gay America so amazing for me and for everyone who watched you perform.
Thank you to my friend Jen Contreras, who couldn't stand the mess in my room and organized it and helped pack it away, and who MADE IT TO MGA! Along with taking loads of fab pictures! You being there meant the world to me and thank you for making it a literal dream come true.
Thank you to my side kicks, Christina and George. You both put up with a lot from me that week and while I may have been stressed and lashed out I apologize a hundred times over for taking it out on you. But both of you know how much I Iove you, and you two will always be associated with my memories of being the reigning Miss Gay America.
Christina-Thank you for steaming, and carrying and recording and just being at my side to help me. You're one of the few people that will do whatever it takes to help out a MGA and know you're appreciated. I will totally leave my curtains opened so you can continue to "stalk" me should you still want to.
George-I was so surprised by how nervous YOU WERE that last night. Then having you say you were so nervous because you didn't want to mess anything up because you wanted it perfect for me. Well after hearing that you could of stepped on my train and ripped every dress I was supposed to wear and it wouldn't have mattered! I LOVE YOU more than words can say.
Both of you are amazing people than I am lucky to call friends, confidantes, and family.
So now it's back to life as normal. Was I prepared for this? Well I thought I was. I got home and have been dealing with the blues. I used some of my earnings and put together a pretty good display case for my crown, sash, tiara, and scepter. I have slept some really long days, have tried to step back into my old shoes as a "normal person." It's not as easy as it may seem. My whole mentality has needed to change. I no longer need to run and get tights for my next prelim, or stone a costume, or order another gown, at least not for a bit, and while I am thankful I got to be Miss Gay America, I get scared and worried. Scared that I'll be forgotten, worried that I could've done a better job, scared that all the compliments weren't sincere, worried that I wasn't good enough.
Your support has helped tremendously but these are all things that I have to work out on my own. I like to consider myself a resilient person and adaptable so I have the utmost confidence knowing I'll be good as gold in no time flat. While I am not looking for pity, today was the first day that I actually felt semi-normal again. So because of that I blame all those other feeling on EXHAUSTION! LOL! Amazing what a 4 day nap will do for you.
All my love and plenty more sparkles where this came from!
Sally Sparkles
FOREVER Miss Gay America 2013
Also, I want to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to the newly crowned SYMBOL OF EXCELLENCE, MISS GAY AMERICA 2014 JESSICA JADE. With having been Miss Gay America less than a month she's already been on TV and has quite a busy schedule lining up according to her Facebook account so I have a feeling that Miss Gay America is definitely going to be seen this year. Keep your EYES OPEN FOR THAT GORGEOUS MUG AND TREAT HER LIKE A QUEEN WHEN YOU SEE HER...because....well..... she is Queen!
I think she is going to be a fabulous Miss Gay America. I realized after I crowned her that Jessica has now become the new face of perseverance. She stood fast in her dreams to be Miss Gay America and she pulled herself up and made it happen! I hope that inspires all of those around you because you are an inspiration! CONGRATULATIONS GIRL! I am so excited for the new journey you are about to embark on. It's full of many adventures and I hope you know that I'm only a phone call away should you need me. We both know I like to gab so I can give you lots of insider stuff, in secret MGA language that you will learn at your Daddy Daughter Retreat! LOL!
...and now to REALLY finish out my year...
So the days leading up to Miss Gay America for me were one word..exhausting! Since Miss Gay South had happened so late it was difficult for me to get everything I wanted done finished. I got home and spent quite a few nights awake until the sun was peeking through my windows. Hem's sewn, gifts wrapped, costumes stoned, deciding what dresses to wear what numbers to perform, by the time I was ready to drive to Memphis to spend one more night in the Miss Gay America bed at Terry's house I overslept. Well that big stand up crown wasn't going to glitter itself, so our ETA got later and later for Memphis. My dresser George rode with me and my dancer J.D. followed in his car.
We arrived at Terry's house and had a great evening of laughter and jokes and bad jokes...the bad jokes mostly came from Terry, but we all chipped in. I slept that night in the Miss Gay America bed with all 13 of the throw pillows pushed to the side because I was too tired to politely place them on the floor.
I woke up the next day and we got to a slow start. I drove about an hour and then had to have George drive because I was exhausted. So I slept for the next 3 hours. Woke up and into St.Louis we arrived. I got an amazing suite at the Millennium and promptly ironed boy clothes to meet L&T, the judges and staff of MGA 2014. It was a surreal moment walking into the Millennium. 6 years ago I walked through those same doors with eyes wide open at my first national pageant and here I was 6 years later walking through those same doors, only this time to pass on my national title. I was so happy to see Monty and Sunni on the judges panel and to have 3 former MGA's judging. Having such a big supporter as Monty who cheered for me these past years and also a fellow Texan by birth made me happy to have him helping with such an important decision. Interesting fact, Monty and I went to the same college, SFA, and were both cheerleaders. We found this out AFTER he had started to help support me to become Miss Gay America. Sunni danced for me that first year at Miss Gay America. She attended every dress rehearsal afterwards and has been with me every step of my journey. To have her there helping to decide my predecessor was all the more special, especially because she had a front row seat for it all.
There are so many things I can say about my give up week. I was surrounded with so much love from promoters, fans, contestants, friends and family. It was definitely dream like. While all of it was happening I only wished one thing were different. I wished that I wasn't so tired! I tried to soak in as many moments as possible. I tried to be in the moment. I tried to keep an optimistic view of it all so as to not totally break down and now that it's all finished, I am amazed that I went through it.
Two moments stick out for me when I think of that week:
-After the 3rd night of preliminaries I was watching a recording that either Christina or George had taken of me giving awards. On the screen I saw Miss Gay America doing what she always does at Miss Gay America, giving out awards, and I sat there trying to take it in that I was that Miss Gay America on video.
-Before my final number in the Review Show I was standing behind the curtain about to take the stage and Larry was standing with me. I turned to him and said, "This is what I'm wearing for my review show final number." He looked at me a little puzzled and I said, "All those years of watching the review show I always wondered what gown I would wear for my final song, and this is what I am wearing." He smiled back at me understanding what I was saying…
As many of you know my family was able to make it to watch my final days as Miss Gay America. My mother, my father, my sister, and my niece all drove the 15 hours to St. Louis from my hometown of Copperas Cove, TX. I was elated that my father had decided to come, because I really didn't want to be mad at him for the next few months with holidays and all. Having my niece, who has gotten ridiculously gorgeous if I might add, standing right there next to me and singing her words to "For Good" looking adorable in her pink dress and hair pulled up and curled was amazing for me. The crown she had on her head was my Miss Gay Dallas crown. The first crown I ever won in the America System, and there I stood next to her wearing the last crown I will ever win for the America System. I had my niece on stage with me to not only make it memorable for me and for everyone else out there in the audience, but for a broader purpose. I wanted my niece to grow up knowing the art of female impersonation, for her to feel what it was like for me on stage.
She is going to grow up to be one of the popular girls I have no doubt, and when those other girls say, "EW, you're Uncle is Gay?!" She will turn and say "YES and he was MISS GAY AMERICA and I got to perform his final number with him, what does your Uncle do?!" Opening the mind of one little town girl in Texas is something I feel I may have accomplished. Hopefully, if I'm lucky, she'll get bitten by the pageant bug and I'll see her walk across the Miss Texas or Miss Texas USA stage and I can have jackets, buttons, luggage, and banners made for her!
My Aunt Terry said it best on a Facebook comment, "You got to live your dream, which is not something many people get to do." That is kind of amazing if you think about it. I jokingly told a friend a few years ago,"When I grow up I want to be Cinderella." I guess I am a grown up because I can smile now knowing I got to be Cinderella.
I wanted to thank everyone who was there for MGA 2014. I so appreciate all the love and support that you gave me, the wonderful compliments and for being there to really share in a moment and milestone in my life. I smiled a lot that week and I surprisingly didn't cry or break down as much as I thought. It wouldn't have been such a success without all of you who were there. Whether competing, spectating, working, or just in the back drinking and checking out the dudes in dresses. Thank you.
Thank you L&T for letting me organize an opening production that I am so proud of, and for always believing in me, supporting me, and letting me be me.
Thank you Versage for helping with last minute music edits.
Thank you Jordan, for knowing where I came from, where I was going and for knowing who I am.
Thank you Rhea, for being so exhausted but still pushing through.
Thank you Monty, Sunni, Tiffany, Kerri, and Vicki, for letting me come talk to you just cause I could.
Thank you promoters, for letting me be part of your America system experience and for being part of mine
Thank you Mark Martin and Las Vegas Costuming supplies, the list is too long to write, but your post pageant facebook post said it all.
Thank you to everyone who has tagged me in pictures from that week, or snippets of videos.
Thank you for all the well wishes that came my way that week. I read them and I will soon be replying.
Thank you to every single person who tipped me a dollar.
Thank you to everyone who found my duet with my niece moving,
Thank you to all the contestants for giving me a final night that will not soon be forgotten! YOU DID GREAT!
Thank you to the former Miss Gay America's for making my week complete with all the love and camaraderie and really making me feel part of a true sisterhood.
Thank you to my Niece, Darby for being so pretty and for having the courage to step on that stage and sing a duet with me. Out of all the queens she met she liked Savannah Stevens from Arizona the most. They shared an elevator ride I think and Savannah really made an impression,
Thank you to my Mom, for being an amazing mom.
Thank you to my sister for being the type of person I always wanted to grow up to be like.
Thank you to my Dad for being the best role model a man of any age could have.
Thank you to my dancers, Robert, J.D, Ashley, Latane, and Che. for the hours you put in, for always taking care of me, and for making those final nights as Miss Gay America so amazing for me and for everyone who watched you perform.
Thank you to my friend Jen Contreras, who couldn't stand the mess in my room and organized it and helped pack it away, and who MADE IT TO MGA! Along with taking loads of fab pictures! You being there meant the world to me and thank you for making it a literal dream come true.
Thank you to my side kicks, Christina and George. You both put up with a lot from me that week and while I may have been stressed and lashed out I apologize a hundred times over for taking it out on you. But both of you know how much I Iove you, and you two will always be associated with my memories of being the reigning Miss Gay America.
Christina-Thank you for steaming, and carrying and recording and just being at my side to help me. You're one of the few people that will do whatever it takes to help out a MGA and know you're appreciated. I will totally leave my curtains opened so you can continue to "stalk" me should you still want to.
George-I was so surprised by how nervous YOU WERE that last night. Then having you say you were so nervous because you didn't want to mess anything up because you wanted it perfect for me. Well after hearing that you could of stepped on my train and ripped every dress I was supposed to wear and it wouldn't have mattered! I LOVE YOU more than words can say.
Both of you are amazing people than I am lucky to call friends, confidantes, and family.
So now it's back to life as normal. Was I prepared for this? Well I thought I was. I got home and have been dealing with the blues. I used some of my earnings and put together a pretty good display case for my crown, sash, tiara, and scepter. I have slept some really long days, have tried to step back into my old shoes as a "normal person." It's not as easy as it may seem. My whole mentality has needed to change. I no longer need to run and get tights for my next prelim, or stone a costume, or order another gown, at least not for a bit, and while I am thankful I got to be Miss Gay America, I get scared and worried. Scared that I'll be forgotten, worried that I could've done a better job, scared that all the compliments weren't sincere, worried that I wasn't good enough.
Your support has helped tremendously but these are all things that I have to work out on my own. I like to consider myself a resilient person and adaptable so I have the utmost confidence knowing I'll be good as gold in no time flat. While I am not looking for pity, today was the first day that I actually felt semi-normal again. So because of that I blame all those other feeling on EXHAUSTION! LOL! Amazing what a 4 day nap will do for you.
All my love and plenty more sparkles where this came from!
Sally Sparkles
FOREVER Miss Gay America 2013